Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Shanty Asher, Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Warren Haruki
Kahele Dukelow
Ken Kuraya
Lauren Moriarty

Makana McClellan, Vice Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Curt Otaguro, Deputy Superintendent of Operations, Department of Education
Sean Bacon, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Talent Management, Department of Education
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Committee Chairperson Shanty Asher called the Board of Education (“Board”) Human Resources Committee meeting to order at 11:26 a.m.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2023, December 7, 2023, and January 11, 2024

ACTION: Motion to approve the Human Resources Committee October 4, 2023, and January 11, 2024 meeting minutes. (Moriarty/Kuraya). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

ACTION: Motion to amend the Human Resources Committee December 7, 2023 meeting minutes in section II.A. paragraph 13 as follows, “Committee Member Moriarty moved to amend the target goals criteria so that the top priority among the target goals for the superintendent for this evaluation year would be to make measurable progress in the implementation of the strategic plan, both through his own efforts and his oversight and leadership of the Department of Education priorities, resources, and strategic direction. Committee Member Barcarse seconded the motion,” including the same changes in section II.A. Paragraph 21, and in the record of the vote. (Moriarty/Barcarse). The motion carried as amended through unanimous consent from all members present.
III. Discussion Items
Committee Chairperson Asher called on Sean Bacon, Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Talent Management (Strategic Plan Desired Outcome 2.4.1: All complex area and state office staff are effective or receive the necessary support to become effective).

Bacon described the state and complex area systems of support and noted that there are approximately 25,000 employees. The Department conducted a well-being survey regarding employee perceptions of support with the following results: 46% favorable to how effective the Department leaders develop and offer training that facilitate learning, 63% favorable to how effective an individual feels at their workplace.

Committee Chairperson Asher called for public testimony.

Vanessa Ott, member of the public, testified that the presentation does not include facts and requested that future reports include details. She cited an example on page 5 of the report and asked what the results of the entire survey are and requested that it be posted publicly online.

Reychelle Ayau-Odom, member of the public, testified in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language).

Gary Kanamori, member of the public, testified in support of OTM strategies, specifically the leadership institute who has spearheaded a lot of strategies since schools are always in need to build pipelines.

Julie Reyes-Oda, member of the public, testified that the memorandum includes current efforts aligned to long term goals and the presentation includes gaps in efforts; slide 6 lists leadership development and many teachers do not want to become administrators, ongoing training should be during the workday and urgency to recruit and retain quality teachers, shortage areas and differentials funding is included and with portal opening way is there no memorandum from the Department.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified that there needs to be ongoing training for IEP teams and there is a difference in the roles.

Committee Member Haruki asked if Ayau-Odom could share her testimony in English. Ayau-Odom testified in support of item 2.4.1. which relates to middle-level education and the initiatives being implemented with the teacher leadership institute.

Committee Member Barcarse expressed appreciation for the strategies outlined in page 6 and asked if the performance survey includes self-reflection which allows leadership to gain an understanding on how effective you feel in the workplace. He asked what other performance measures can be used to create a more robust evaluation system to document forward progress. Bacon replied that the strategic plan is giving areas of focus including areas that need improvement but it has not reached throughout the system yet.

Committee Member Haruki asked about the partnerships with the Wallace Foundation and their vision for leadership. Stacey Kunihisa, Director, Leadership Institute shared that across the nation there is no other state who certified licensed administrators. She shared that the Wallace Foundation audited areas of leadership and the leadership design plan was built using data to track systems being built.

Committee Member Haruki asked if there are guiding principles from the Wallace Foundation. Kunihisa shared that professional standards anchor the work.

Committee Member Kuraya left the meeting at 12:30 p.m.

Committee Member Haruki asked about page 10 and asked about the process for when retirements happen and then there are problems recruiting for their positions so he would like to know how to plan for this. Bacon replied that work is being done with HTSB to determine different pathways and he will provide information on recruitment and retention goals.

Committee Member Arakaki expressed appreciation for the presentation and the ability to see forward progress. Committee Member Kuraya shared that the survey results can help determine what kinds of support will help employees be effective.

Sean Arai, shared that the panorama survey is being opened up for feedback and more pointed questions will be asked from office staff. Hayashi expressed appreciation for the leadership institute for the teamwork to move forward with passion and purpose.

Committee Chairperson Asher reminded the Department to look at building up staff for English language learners (ELL) and special education efforts in the schools for those who may not have the educational background but provide a connection for some of our children in need. She asked what onboarding looks like for new staff at the school-level. Bacon replied a standard should be set to address onboarding. Committee Chairperson Asher asked what minimal instructions are available for new staff. Bacon replied that the Department will review and improvements need to be made. Committee Chairperson Asher emphasized that as positions are filled it is important that guidance be provided to employees.

IV. Recommendation for action

Bacon outlined the recommendation concerning the declaration of the annual reduction in force (RIF) for classified employees to initiate collectively bargained placement rights for employees displaced due to changes in staffing needs. He stated that the Department has notified 56 employees for the RIF.

Committee Chairperson Asher called for public testimony on agenda item IV.A. No oral testimony was provided.

Committee Member Dukelow asked if the amount is normally this high. Bacon shared the previous amounts of employees affected by the RIF.

Committee Member Arakaki asked for clarification on what the process includes once employees are notified. Bacon replied that the Department works closely through this process with principals and supervisors along with union representatives. New employee applications can be filled out and preference sheets on other positions.

ACTION: Approve the recommendation concerning declaration of annual reduction in force for classified employees to initiate collectively bargained placement rights for employees displaced due to changes in staffing needs. (Barcarse, Kuraya). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

Committee Chairperson Asher called on Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian to provide her priorities for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Aldrich outlined the following priorities: digital literacy, and the Telehealth project with the Department of Health (DOH) and the Pacific Telehealth Research Center which will be deployed to 22 libraries. The project allows patients to borrow a Chromebook and hotspot to connect with doctors which include 3 telehealth navigators.

Committee Member Moriarty expressed support for the National Educational Technology Plan aligned with the federal government regarding priorities. She asked Aldrich to share about staffing challenges and why one priority did not focus on staff. Aldrich replied that staffing falls under standards and operations and she works to communicate constantly with her libraries.

Committee Member Barcarse emphasized that libraries offer multi-generations with a safe space that is relevant for users.

Committee Chairperson Asher expressed appreciation for Aldrich’s innovation and ways to build up digital literacy because the city has benefited from partnerships with the libraries.

ACTION: Approve the recommendation concerning the state librarian evaluation process and State Librarian priorities for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. (Barcarse/Kuraya). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

V. Adjournment

Committee Chairperson Asher adjourned the meeting at 1:17 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Susan Pcola-DavisII. Approval of Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2023, December 7, 2023, and January 11, 2024; IV. Review of Strategic Plan Desired Outcome 2.4.1, "All complex area and state office staff are effective or receive the necessary support to become effective"