Queen Liliuokalani Building

1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, June 16, 2022

Shanty Asher, Vice Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Lynn Fallin
Kili Namauʻu
Catherine Payne
Bruce Voss
Lauren Moriarty, ex officio

Kaimana Barcarse, Chairperson
Kenneth Uemura

Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary

  1. Call to Order

Committee Vice Chairperson Shanty Asher called the Human Resources Committee (“Committee”) Meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. Committee Vice Chairperson Asher and Committee Members Bill Arakaki, Lynn Fallin, Kili Namauʻu, Catherine Payne, and Bruce Voss as well as Ex Officio Committee Member Lauren Moriarty were present.

II. Public testimony on Human Resources Committee (“Committee”) agenda items

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher called for public testimony.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified on agenda item IV, approval of meeting minutes of May 5, 2022. She asked that the Committee revise its minutes to reflect her testimony on agenda items IV.B and III, specifically that the percentage references should be 4% and 5% and not 2% and 3%.

III. Executive Session
This portion of the meeting was closed under Section 924 and Section 925(a)(3) and (4), Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher stated that the Board would need to move into executive session to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the matters on the agenda and to deliberate on the authority of the Board member authorized to represent the Board in supplemental bargaining with the Hawaii State Teachers Association (“HSTA”).

Committee Member Voss moved to enter into executive session to consult with the Board’s attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the matters on the agenda and to deliberate on the authority of the Board member authorized to represent the Board in supplemental bargaining with HSTA. Committee Member Arakaki seconded.

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Committee member raised objections, and the motion was carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Committee Members Arakaki, Fallin, Namauʻu, Payne, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to move into executive session to consult with the Board’s attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the matters on the agenda and to deliberate on the authority of the Board member authorized to represent the Board in supplemental bargaining with HSTA (Voss/Arakaki). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

The Committee recessed at 9:42 a.m. and reconvened at 11:26 a.m.

IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2022

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher asked Committee members to review the minutes of the Committee’s May 5, 2022 meeting.

Committee Member Namau‘u moved to approve the Committee’s meeting minutes of May 5, 2022. Committee Member Payne seconded.

Committee Member Payne stated that she does not believe that the Committee needs to amend its minutes because Pcola-Davis’s testimony regarding the requested correction is part of the record.

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Committee member raised objections, and the motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Committee Members Arakaki, Fallin, Namauʻu, Payne, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to approve the Human Resources Committee meeting minutes of May 5, 2022 (Namau‘u/Payne). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

V. Recommendation for Action

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher referred to Committee Chairperson Kaimana Barcarse’s memorandum recommending the authorization of Board Member Arakaki to serve on the employer negotiation team for supplemental bargaining with HSTA Bargaining Unit 5 on behalf of the Board.

Committee Member Fallin moved to authorize Board Member Arakaki to serve on the employer negotiation team for supplemental bargaining with HSTA Bargaining Unit 5 on behalf of the Board to provide input on the Board’s positions in accordance with advice provided by Board members in the executive session of the Committee. Committee Member Namau‘u seconded.

Committee Member Voss recused himself from voting because of a conflict of interest with his wife being a teacher under Bargaining Unit 5.

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried with Committee Vice Chairperson Asher and Committee Members Fallin Namauʻu, and Payne voting aye and Committee Members Arakaki and Voss abstaining.

ACTION: Motion to authorize Board Member Arakaki to serve on the employer negotiation team for supplemental bargaining with HSTA Bargaining Unit 5 on behalf of the Board to provide input on the Board’s positions in accordance with advice provided by Board members in the executive session of the Committee (Fallin/Namau‘u). The motion carried with four members voting aye and two abstaining.

VI. Late Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher called for public testimony from any individuals who did not have an opportunity to testify on earlier agenda items.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified on agenda item V.A, Committee action on recommendation concerning authority of Board member authorized to represent the Board in supplemental bargaining with the Hawaii State Teachers Association (Bargaining Unit 5) to negotiate in accordance with Board member advice. She testified that the Committee should provide Board Member Arakaki with the same authority it granted to former Board Member Margaret Cox when she was engaged in collective bargaining negotiations.

No one submitted written testimony by the deadline for this meeting.

VII. Adjournment

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m.