Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, March 7, 2024

Bill Arakaki, Chairperson
Lauren Moriarty, Vice Chairperson
Shanty Asher
Kaimana Barcarse
Kahele Dukelow
Warren Haruki
Ken Kuraya

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Heidi Armstrong, Deputy Superintendent, Department of Education
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent, Department of Education
Elizabeth Higashi, Interim Assistant Superintendent, Office of Strategy, Innovation, and Performance, Department of Education
Joseph Passantino, Principal, Ke‘elikôlani Middle School
Tiffany Pratt, Principal, Ka‘ûmana Elementary School
Esther Kanehailua, Complex Area Superintendent, Hilo-Waiâkea
Ahryanna McGuirk, Board Student Representative
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Committee Chairperson Bill Arakaki called the Student Achievement Committee (“Committee”) Meeting to order at 11:15 a.m.

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2024

ACTION: Motion to approve the Student Achievement Committee’s February 8, 2024, meeting minutes. (Kuraya/Moriarty). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

III. Discussion Items

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent introduced Eric Hanushek, Paul and Jean Hann Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He outlined the contributions Hanushek has made as an internationally recognized economist including being awarded the Yidan Prize for his research in 2021. Hayashi shared about the K-12 workforce development connection and economic development. He stated that in 2023, Hawaii ranked first in English language arts (ELA) and in the top 5 for mathematics based on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) results. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores for Hawaii show positive growth and return to pre-pandemic levels.

Hanushek provided a presentation on the economic impacts on learning loss for school-age children. He shared the following information on worldview results of the PISA math test, and NAEP score losses across the United States. He explained that the aggregate costs of the pandemic totals to $31 trillion. Hanushek expressed urgency to deal with learning loss resulting from the pandemic and outlined the average economic loss by state. He recommended using highly effective teachers more by providing support and resources to deal with learning loss.

Committee Chairperson Arakaki called for public testimony on this agenda item.

David Miyashiro, HawaiikidsCAN, testified that the alarming data presented by Hanushek hurts Hawaii more profoundly given the costs of living in Hawaii.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty expressed appreciation for the presentation to raise the urgency and asked what are worthy areas of further inquiry relating to obvious trends although the data is not complete. Hanushek replied that he reviewed what happened 40 years ago and enlisted experts to review different areas and noted that good teachers are extremely important. Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty asked for more clarification on his comments relating to more time. Hanushek stated that Hawaii did well in terms of getting students back to school but noted that no state has made summer school mandatory. Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty stated that Hawaii is unique as both a local and state education system so there is an opportunity to do things differently and asked for suggestions. Hanushek replied that Hawaii can provide incentive programs.

Committee Member Asher referenced slide 11 and expressed concern with the large gap given the challenges for students so she would like to know what can be done to address these issues. Hanushek stated that chronic absenteeism is a problem and this will take more efforts including rewarding those who can help these students.

Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy and Esther Kanehailua, Complex Area Superintendent, Hilo-Waiakea Complex introduced Tiffany Pratt, Principal, Ka‘ûmana Elementary School, and Joseph Passantino, Principal, Ke‘elikôlani Middle School.

Pratt outlined the systems in place at Ka‘ûmana Elementary School including how to plan the multi-tiered systems of support for students to address closing the gap. She stated that the school saw gains in the high needs group; however proficiency declined so the school went back to look at the data.

Passantino stated the Ke‘elikôlani Middle School is small with a lean faculty and outlined the challenges his students face every day walking to school. He stated that regarding progress i-Ready is used to provide data for teachers to help students since every school deals with different scenarios.

Committee Member Kuraya stated that leadership in schools is important and commended Passantino for his dedication. Passantino expressed appreciation and noted that this type of work is challenging but individuals want to do this work for our students.

Committee Member Asher commended Passantino for his leadership and spirit to help all students succeed.

Oyadomari-Chun and Elizabeth Higashi, Interim Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Strategy, Innovation, and Performance (OSIP) shared the process to develop the key performance indicators (KPI) which included collecting broad stakeholder feedback, consultation with technical experts, researched other states, analyzed data, co-constructed with CAS, and consulted with principals. The new or revised KPIs are “Typical (or better) growth” in academic proficiency, regular attendance, and extended high school completion. The data will be reported for economically disadvantaged, English learners, and special education to identify how students are performing.

Oyadomari-Chun outlined the SBA results which also include the KAEO assessment provided to students in Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion) for ELA and math.

Committee Chairperson Arakaki called for public testimony on this agenda item.
David Miyashiro, HawaiikidsCAN, expressed appreciation for the principals and the commitment to providing data on the LEI dashboard.

Vanessa Ott, member of the public, testified that the Strive HI reports do not include the raw data for each grade level so that trends can be evaluated overtime. She asked if there are plans to make a master data file more complete.

Committee Member Haruki stated that it is critical to set targets that are attainable and asked if schools keep their same targets. Higashi replied that the Department will continue to monitor to determine next steps and schools will not move quantities since adjustments may need to be made.

Committee Member Asher stated that regarding student performance levels is it possible to have information broken down for KPIs. Oyadomari-Chun stated that the link in the presentation can provide information and tools to review by grade levels. Higashi stated that the Department is looking at the dashboard to determine what can be consolidated. Committee Member Asher asked what schools are doing to reach their KPIs. Higashi replied that all schools are in the process of preparing their academic plans so that tools can be available for schools.

Committee Member Dukelow stated that it is helpful to allow for the opportunity to review equity. Oyadomari-Chun noted that the report highlights the state level and school level movement.

Committee Member Barcarse expressed appreciation for the data and the methodologies moving forward.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty expressed appreciation and highlighted the scatter plot which provides a sense of how schools are doing. She asked if the Department can share what the teacher and student reactions to the KPIs. Higashi acknowledged that the targets are ambitious and attainable which is important. Oyadomari-Chun stated that for students, the feedback from school is more significant to lead discussions.

Committee Chairperson Arakaki expressed appreciation for the presentation and invited Hanushek to share comments including how this will impact businesses. Hanushek commended the Department for the development of KPIs and in general there is a lack of business participation in local education.

IV. Adjournment

Committee Chairperson Arakaki adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
David MiyashiroHawaiikidsCANIII.A. Presentation on economic impacts of pandemic learning loss for school-age children by Eric Hanushek, Paul and Jean Hann Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and III.B. Committee review and discussion of strategic plan key performance indicators and academic achievement targets
Helen SanpeiPrincipal, McKinley Community School for AdultsIII.B. Committee review and discussion of strategic plan key performance indicators and academic achievement targets
Richard FajardoComplex Area Superintendent, Pearl City-WaipahuIII.B. Committee review and discussion of strategic plan key performance indicators and academic achievement targets