Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Kaimana Barcarse, Chairperson
Shanty Asher, Vice Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Lynn Fallin
Ken Kuraya
Kili Namauʻu
Bruce Voss
Lauren Moriarty, ex officio


Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Sean Bacon, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Talent Management, Department of Education
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Committee Chairperson Kaimana Barcarse called the Human Resources Committee (“Committee”) Meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Committee Chairperson Barcarse, Committee Vice Chairperson Shanty Asher, Committee Members Bill Arakaki, Lynn Fallin, Ken Kuraya, Kili Namauʻu, and Bruce Voss, and Ex-officio Committee Member Lauren Moriarty were present.

II. Public testimony on Human Resources Committee (“Committee”) agenda items

Committee Chairperson Barcarse called for public testimony.

Cheri Nakamura, HEʻE Coalition, testified on agenda item V.A, entitled “Committee Action on amendment of Department of Education (“Department”) Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS and salary range change.” She urged the Committee to defer action because the proposal is insufficient, the system proposed is not designed to move the system towards excellence and is not aligned to strategic plan metrics, the Department relies on misleading information in a salary study, and noted that key legislators have questioned whether there is justification for excessive compensation at this leadership level.

Board members received written testimony before the meeting. (A listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting is included at the end of these minutes.)

The meeting recessed at 10:07 a.m. and reconvened at 10:18 a.m.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2023

Committee Chairperson Barcarse asked Committee members to review the Committee’s February 16, 2023 meeting minutes.

Committee Member Kuraya moved to approve the Committee’s February 16, 2023 meeting minutes. Committee Vice Chairperson Asher seconded.

Committee Chairperson Barcarse asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Committee member raised objections, and the motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Committee Vice Chairperson Asher and Committee Members Arakaki, Fallin, Kuraya, Namauʻu, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to approve the Human Resources Committee February 16, 2023 meeting minutes (Kuraya/Asher). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

IV. Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items

Committee Chairperson Barcarse called for public testimony.

Susan Pcola-Davis, Member PTSA, testified on agenda item V.A, entitled “Committee Action on amendment of Department of Education (“Department”) Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS and salary range change.” She questioned the wisdom of a strategy that takes good principals from schools for these leadership positions and asked the Board to take a different approach with assistant superintendents because each position a different level of responsibility.

V. Recommendation for Action

Committee Chairperson Barcarse called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, and Sean Bacon, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Talent Management (“OTM”), to present the Department’s recommendation on amendments to the Board’s Department leadership salary structure (“Leadership Salary Structure”).

Hayashi stated that the Department’s recommendation amends the leadership salary structure approved by the Board on May 5, 2022. He noted that the Department shared at the general business meeting on November 17, 2022 that many complex area superintendent (“CAS”) candidates earn a higher salary in their current positions as principals. Hayashi explained that it has been difficult to recruit high-quality candidates and the Board previously took action to increase the salary of existing CAS to $165,000. He also stated that the Board asked the Department to develop a comprehensive system for determining CAS salaries based on experience, performance, and levels of responsibility and propose an amendment to the new salary structure for the Board to consider. Hayashi stated that a study conducted in 2020 by The National Association of State Boards of Education found that compensation was the most significant factor in recruiting and retaining educational agency leaders. He explained that these employees serve at-will and do not have the same protections as other employees, so the Department would benefit by incentivizing these positions. Hayashi stated that the Department conducted external and internal market comparisons to determine appropriate salary ranges that align with current market conditions and took into account principal salary increases expected over the next two years.

Hayashi stated that the proposed structure complies with Hawaii Revised Statutes 302A-621, which states “that a subordinate superintendent salary cannot exceed the superintendent’s salary.” He explained that the initial salary of newly hired subordinate superintendents would be based on years and types of executive leadership experience, and an initial pay equity review. Hayashi stated that candidates can request a higher salary above the minimum based on unique factors or education certifications. He noted that to ensure accountability subordinate superintendents would continue to have annual evaluations that align with the Department and Board goals.

Hayashi shared that he selects subordinate superintendents based on their leadership experience, knowledge in specific content, and prior performance. He explained that typically CAS have been effective principals in one or more schools and now lead or mentor other principals. Hayashi emphasized that CAS oversee more schools than average superintendents in most states, and serve on the leadership team. He stated that a dedicated and knowledgeable leadership team is critical to ensure student success. Hayashi stated that compensation must be predictable, competitive, and flexible and expressed appreciation for the testimony submitted. He emphasized that the Department values all employees for the work that is done every day for our students and is prepared to address the concerns raised in testimony.

Committee Member Voss moved to approve the amendments to the Leadership Salary Structure redlined in Attachment A of Hayashi’s memorandum dated March 23, 2023. Committee Member Arakaki seconded.

Committee Member Arakaki expressed support for all employees in the system and noted that every single employee is important to provide a connection to students, families, and the community. He stated that the discussion is relating to Department leadership. Committee Member Arakaki detailed the importance of the CAS to the overall public school system and expressed support for ensuring these employees receive the salary that reflects the work these individuals do. He expressed support for the compensation given that the Board’s approved its strategic plan and needs to find the path forward.

Committee Member Voss emphasized that CAS are essential to successfully implementing the strategic plan. He stated that Hayashi’s recommendation does not address what Committee Chairperson Barcarse requested, noted that the Board did not ask for an increased range and that this upset people at the school level.

Committee Member Voss asked Hayashi why the Department proposed something that the Board did not ask for. Hayashi replied that the Department proposed what it thought was needed, but after reviewing the minutes of the previous Committee meeting, the Department recognizes that the request was for CAS only.

Committee Member Voss stated that this was a misstep and to address this the Board would need to convince legislators to address the pay inequities for the entire educational system. He emphasized that Hayashi needs to take the testimonies submitted by Department employees to heart because OTM needs to consider all Department staff, particularly those at the school level.

Hayashi expressed appreciation for all employees in the Department, noted that he understood that the Department needed to provide the Board with a proposal just for the CAS, and that he would make corrections. He noted that the authority lies with the Board, that the Department is committed to addressing questions in testimony, and reiterated that the decisions also include discussions and agreements with other governmental entities, aside from the Board.

Committee Chairperson Barcarse noted that the Board understands that the Department values all employees. He stated that an ‘Ōlelo No‘eau (Hawaiian proverb), Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike, (through doing one learns) also translates to actions that speak to where you are going.

Committee Member Fallin expressed support for sufficient compensation for all employees. She stated that Hawaii’s general compensation is lower than the continent, but education is a priority so it is critical for the Board to consider any viable opportunity to increase compensation. She stated that she believes that using national salary ranges is a good idea, but Hawaii’s positions are not comparable to those used in the salary study because different states have different governance models and the positions do not have the same job responsibilities. Committee Member Fallin also acknowledged that the CAS position description that was attached to Hayashi’s recommendation for the most recent CAS appointment needs to be updated, especially with the approval of the new strategic plan. She recommended that the Department review CAS position descriptions for alignment to the strategic plan, particularly in major areas like qualifications, community engagement, and communication, which may trigger changes to other position descriptions. Committee Member Fallin expressed concern with the timing of this proposal to increase leadership compensation and asked what message the Department is sending to employees about priorities and implementation.

Hayashi stated that the Department has considered reviewing position descriptions for alignment to the strategic plan. He noted that the Department has authority over Bargaining Unit 05 and Bargaining Unit 06 and would be looking at different avenues to make salary adjustments. Hayashi stated that a previous concern was addressing salary adjustments for school security attendants and that the Department needs to engage other state leaders. He asked Bacon to share relevant school community council discussions.

Bacon stated that the Department received feedback on the salaries for school security attendants I, II, or III. He also stated that the Department has other employee salaries to address.

Committee Chairperson Barcarse reiterated that the Board asked the Department to propose an initial salary placement for the CAS using a methodology that used experience, qualifications, and responsibilities in various complex areas. He stated that this was not provided.

Hayashi replied that the Department engaged with CAS on geographic locations of schools, number of schools in each complex area, and types of communities. Committee Chairperson Barcarse asked where that information is located in Hayashi’s recommendation memorandum. Hayashi replied that this information was not included in the memorandum.

Bacon explained that during the interview process, the Department looks at years of service in an executive leadership position and considers a range of additional qualifications.

Committee Member Fallin asked, based on what is presented, what is the total cost of the salary increases if implemented and whether the Department has adequate and sustainable funding.

Hayashi replied that Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Fiscal Services and Chief Financial Officer was consulted and that the Department would provide this information to the Board.

Committee Member Kuraya stated that this is a difficult decision because administrators generally use a salary schedule to determine how much to pay employees. He suggested that the Department develop a CAS salary schedule that shows incremental steps, similar to the Bargaining Unit 06 salary schedule. Committee Member Kuraya stated that a salary schedule would give Committee members a better understanding of the salary structure.

Committee Member Namauʻu expressed disappointment with the recommendation and noted that the Committee asked for specific information, which was not provided. She emphasized that it is up to Hayashi to evaluate the CAS to them accountable and it is also up to him to justify the salaries they are paid.

Committee Vice Chairperson Asher expressed support for the increase in compensation for CAS and noted that having been on many school visits she was able to see the value of these positions. She requested more information on the Department’s simultaneous efforts to get additional support for other school staff so employees know that leadership is also advocating for their positions. Committee Member Asher noted that there needs to be a formula for reviewing credentials that would provide guidance to qualified recruits.

Committee Chairperson Barcarse expressed support for CAS and emphasized that their compensation needs to be adjusted.

Committee Member Voss moved to amend the main motion to approve only the increase in salary range for CAS, as stated in section III.B of the proposed Leadership Salary Structure, from $152,250-$183,750 to $165,000-$205,000, provided that the salary range increase is subject to a detailed plan that contains a methodology to provide current CAS with compensation salary adjustments, and defer any and all other proposed amendments to the Leadership Salary Structure. Committee Member Arakaki seconded.

Board Member Moriarty, ex officio, stated that looking at qualifications is a good start for candidates but noted that qualifications alone do not prove that a leader has what students need.

Committee Member Voss agreed, but deferred to Committee Chairperson Barcarse since the Department did not produce what the Board asked for.

Committee Chairperson Barcarse stated that past experience would be rolled into experience and that performance would be reviewed going forward. Board Member Moriarty expressed appreciation for the clarification and noted that she would like to ensure that performance is reviewed as a part of the methodology.

Committee Chairperson Barcarse called for a roll call vote on the subsidiary motion to amend the main motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Committee Vice Chairperson Asher and Committee Members Arakaki, Fallin, Kuraya, Namauʻu, and Voss).

Committee Chairperson Barcarse called for a roll call vote on the amended main motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Committee Vice Chairperson Asher and Committee Members Arakaki, Fallin, Kuraya, Namauʻu, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to approve the amendment in section III.B of the Leadership Salary Structure redlined in Attachment A of Hayashi’s memorandum dated March 23, 2023 that increases the salary range for CAS, provided that the salary range increase is subject to a detailed plan that contains a methodology to provide current CAS with compensation salary adjustments, and defer any and all other proposed amendments to the Leadership Salary Structure contained in Attachment A. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VI. Adjournment

Committee Chairperson Barcarse adjourned the meeting at 11:11 a.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting
Agenda Item
Susan Pcola-DavisV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Cheri NakamuraV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jeanne IwashitaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Komarey Moss
Principal, Red Hill Elementary School
V.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kim Sanders
Principal, Ewa Makai Middle School
V.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Christie SalvadorV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Laurie Luczak
Principal, Stevenson Middle School
V.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kimberly MondenV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kristin NakamuraV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Daniel SuzukiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Karen KamaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Sally Ann GlessV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Wouldiam MimuraV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Tia PearsonV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Lisa LeimomiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
franinhawaii@yahoo.comV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Todd Fujimori
Honouliuli Middle School, Principal
V.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
DoriV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Diana ForneyV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Mira NakamotoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Alec MarenticV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jo-Ann Dias-CabrerosV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Karli WagatsumaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Ashley MitchellV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Keri AnackerV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Cyndi HigaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Taylor HayesV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Dayna OshiroV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jamie ChingV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Terrie Goodness-PalupeV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Rowena EstoresV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Christine Oshita
HIDOE Middle School, Vice Principal
V.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Debbie JohnsonV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Patricia IoaneV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jodi LuiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jaye ArakakiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Lyndsey UyedaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Summer FajotaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Claire FrickeV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Carly KakudaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Michele McChesneyV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kelsie MuraiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Mary PescadorV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Erin KiyunaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Rayson SakugawaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Marie JarmanV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Edita GarduqueV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
L. KearnsV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Amy SakudaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Wayne ChambrellaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Marie TubicV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Cherish TufagaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Cherisse MedeirosV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Baby OrdonezV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
D.C. V.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Marissa RamosV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Janeen KuhnV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Sara SusovV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Robyn KatoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Joanne HiroshimaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kimberly LewisV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Terriann PenitaniV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kanani HigbeeV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Maria CappelloV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Stacey SergentV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jessica CarrollV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Ardis FarrisV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Yvette NakaahikiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Janna EspaniolaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Rachel AquinoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kanani KananiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Janeen KuhnV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Chana KuaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kim YokotaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Melanie AkeoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Summer FajotaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Dana HarrisV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
CarolynV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
ShinderpalV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
JMV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Mira NakamotoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
U’i DuPontV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Caren HinerV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Dallas AdaroV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Cindy ChingV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jospehine MoyesV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Rachel QuemadoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
ImoranV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Tanya MoletaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Robin EldredgeV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Katherine KekahunaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Norine MiyazonoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Penny CordeiroV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Elena Nakaahiki YamaseV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Shirlyn GundersonV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Marlene GamateroV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Angela KaohelauliiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Corrie HamiltonV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Ryna AlvaradoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Malia WooV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Sandra AlapaiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Maria FukushimaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Wayde ChingV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Castlette AleV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Roxanne BalV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Erleen Dunnam-EnokaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Irene YamamotoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jodi LuiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Ainuu OhanaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Robert KruegerV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
AlexisV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Lula PousooV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Evangeleen KahueV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Reine RapozaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Debbie LeonhardV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Jane CorleyV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Natasha SaloricmanV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kristen KaneV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Karen GotoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Emma AinaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kawaipio KauahiV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Ludie Au HoonV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Raelene ShimokawaV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kari AmesonV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Cecilia SheffieldV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kristen KaneV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
School Level EmployeeV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Lianne HoshinoV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change
Kacie GokanV.A. Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS, and salary range change