Thursday, February 18, 2021

*The Board did not meet at a physical location. As part of the response to the threat of COVID-19, Governor David Ige issued a Seventeenth Supplementary Proclamation dated December 16, 2020, suspending Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92, Public Agency Meetings and Records, to the extent necessary to enable boards as defined in Section 92-2, to conduct meetings without any board members or members of the public physically present in the same location, among other things.

Catherine Payne, Chairperson
Kenneth Uemura, Vice Chairperson
Shanty Asher
Kaimana Barcarse
Margaret Cox
Lynn Fallin
Kili Namauʻu
Dwight Takeno
Bruce Voss
Hunter Harris, Student Representative

Captain Lyn Yatko, Military Representative

Christina Kishimoto, Superintendent
Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Fiscal Services
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary
Lady Garrett, Secretary

  1. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Catherine Payne called the Board of Education (“Board”) General Business Meeting to order at 1:32 p.m.

II. Executive Session
This portion of the meeting was closed under Section 924 and Section 925(a)(4), Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item. No one provided oral testimony at this time.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that the Board would need to move into executive session to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities concerning the first request for answers to interrogatories and the first request for the production of documents and things for Kimokeo v. Hawaii State Board of Education.

Board Member Kaimana Barcarse moved to enter into executive session to consult with the Board’s attorney on the matter described on the agenda. Board Vice Chairperson Kenneth Uemura seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Board member raised objections, and the motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to move into executive session to consult with the Board’s attorney on the matter described on the agenda (Barcarse/Uemura). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

The Board recessed at 1:35 p.m. and reconvened at 2:01 p.m.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2020 General Business Meeting (executive session); December 17, 2020 Special Meeting; December 17, 2020 General Business Meeting

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item. No one provided oral testimony at this time.

Board Chairperson Payne asked Board members to review the minutes of the Board’s November 19, 2020 General Business Meeting executive session, the December 17, 2020 Special Meeting, and the December 17, 2020 General Business Meeting.

Board Member Barcarse moved to approve the meeting minutes of the Board’s November 19, 2020 General Business Meeting executive session, the December 17, 2020 Special Meeting, and the December 17, 2020 General Business Meeting. Board Member Lynn Fallin seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Board Member raised objections, and the motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to approve the General Business Meeting executive session minutes of November 19, 2020, the Special Meeting minutes of December 17, 2020, and the General Business Meeting minutes of December 17, 2020 (Barcarse/Fallin). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

IV. Reports of Board Committees, Board Members, and Superintendent

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified that the presentation from Phyllis Unebasami, Deputy Superintendent, during the committee meeting is the reality of the amount of instructional hours students received this year and any requests to deviate would be unrealistic. She asked that Board Student Representative Hunter Harris elaborate on his comments regarding the student perspective.

Board Member Margaret Cox reported that the Student Achievement Committee received a presentation on the Department of Education’s (“Department”) requirements and guidance regarding calculating student hours for the 2020-2021 school year in accordance with Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 302A-251. She explained that the Department uses Infinite Campus for attendance, and schools have different models, such as in-person, hybrid, or virtual instruction. She stated that at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, the Department provided nine days to address health and safety. She stated that it is clear that the Department will not meet the statutorily required 180 instructional days, and the committee will place a waiver on a future agenda.

V. Action Items

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item.

Vanessa Ott, member of the public, testified that the Department prevented any attempts to respond to this case. She suggested that the Board direct the Department or Hawaii Teachers Standards Board to maintain a publicly accessible database on teachers and educational aides.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura moved to authorize Board Chairperson Payne to act on behalf of the Board for purposes of Kimokeo v. Hawaii State Board of Education as discussed in executive session. Board Member Barcarse seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to authorize Board Chairperson Payne to act on behalf of the Board for purposes of Kimokeo v. Hawaii State Board of Education as discussed in executive session (Uemura/Barcarse). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

B. Board Action on Department of Education's plan for use of federal funds in the new COVID-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified that the Board should be keeping a close eye on what is going on at the Legislature regarding Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (“ESSER”) funds. She suggested the Board testify in person at the Legislature and not just submit written testimony.

Rebecca Hadley-Schlosser, member of the public, testified that teachers are skilled professionals who deserve competitive, professional-level pay for their hard work. She expressed concern that the Department could end up in another Felix Consent Decree with all the budget cuts and noted concerns with directing federal funds to pay for private tutors in an accelerated personalized learning program.

Julie Reyes Oda, Nanakuli High and Intermediate School, testified that her understanding is that the Department did not spent all the money from the first COVID-19 relief package and that she does not agree with the Department spending $48.5 million on tutoring. She suggested using the federal funds for a teacher recruitment program or to offset budget reductions. She asked Board Chairperson Payne to place the discussion of a new superintendent on an upcoming agenda.

Corey Rosenlee, Hawaii State Teachers Association (“HSTA”), testified that the Board should defer action on differentials and consider the impacts from President Joe Biden’s proposed recovery plan and proposed bills that the Legislature is considering, among other things.

Laverne Moore, HSTA, testified in opposition of using federal funds to hire private tutors instead of saving qualified teacher positions. She stated that the Department should distribute the funds to schools via weighted student formula and special education funding. She urged the Board to maintain qualified teacher positions and not outsource tutoring to private providers.

Sarah Tochiki, HSTA, testified that adequate funding is not a conversation that arose from an economic crisis due to the pandemic because schools are perpetually underfunded. She expressed concern about funding for elective classes, which are not considered essential.

Cheri Nakamura, HE‘E Coalition, testified that the priority for any funding should be at the school level in the classrooms, expressed hope that the Governor would restore $123 million to schools and stated any remaining deficit should be made up by federal funds as a stopgap measure. She suggested that if funds are available after restoring school-level budgets, the Board should consider making investments in strategic initiatives that will have long-lasting positive impacts, such as building the framework for literacy during the elementary school years, working on existing support strategies for struggling students, and implementing a resource management process to help schools be more efficient.

Lynn Otaguro, member of the public, testified that a single contract would not fix the Department’s problems and the Department should keep the work in-house. She stated the Department should use federal resources to retain personnel, keep structure and consistency in schools, and support the schools.

Board Chairperson Payne called on Christina Kishimoto, Superintendent, to present the Department’s plan for the use of federal funds in the new COVID-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill.

Kishimoto summarized the Department’s recommendation memorandum. She stated that on January 5, 2021, the Department received news relating to the second round of allocations to states through the Education Stabilization Fund’s Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief program (“ESSER II”) funds, specifically that the funds the Department would receive would be for the same allowable uses as the first allocation in addition to three new uses, which are addressing learning loss, preparing schools for reopening, and addressing facility air quality issues. She stated that during the January 21, 2021, Finance and Infrastructure Committee meeting, the Department proposed a recommendation for the use of ESSER II funds. She noted that earlier that same day, Governor David Ige notified the Department and Board of his intention to restore $123 million to the Department’s biennium budget request, and the committee did not act on the agenda item, which is why it is up for continued discussions during today’s meeting.

Kishimoto noted that the Legislature is contemplating discussing the proposed use of federal funds and that the Department’s budget initially contained $264 million in budget cuts for education that did not factor in labor savings options in discussion through the collective bargaining process. She stated that the cuts to the Department’s base budget now stand at $141 million, and the $123 million that the Governor intends to restore to the Department’s budget are permanent funds that the Department would allocate back to schools, allowing full funding for special education and lowering weighted student formula reductions to one percent.

Kishimoto explained that during the current legislative session, the Department has set three major priorities: (1) restoration of the $100.2 million base budget cut, (2) retaining and maximizing federal funds to stabilize public schools, and (3) pursuing predictable and reliable funding to support public education. She proposed that the Board approve the use of federal funds to ensure alignment with these priorities and use the one-time federal relief funds to meet expenses that are largely non-recurring needs. She explained that the proposal would provide charter schools with a pro-rata share of approximately $9 million, meet current shortfalls of $79.4 million, and offset a portion of the $41.1 million program review reduction. She stated that the proposal also would allocate $14.5 million to a learning loss mitigation strategy for an accelerated personalized learning program targeting 30,000 students in Grades 1 through Grade 8 that are performing two or more years behind and replace approximately 15,000 computers. She noted that principals would design a program to address why students have not been successful year after year, which does not preclude extending learning time. She noted that the proposal sets aside $15 million for health and safety measures, depending on guidance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. She stated that if the Legislature does not fully fund the Department and restore the base budget, the Department would request that the Board revisit all federal funds allocations.

Board Member Bruce Voss moved to approve the Department’s plan for the use of federal ESSER II funds, as described in Kishimoto’s memorandum dated February 18, 2021, for the current fiscal year only. Board Member Fallin seconded.

Board Member Fallin expressed appreciation for the announcement of Governor Ige’s restoration of $123 million to the Department’s budget. She asked whether schools would have sustainability and predictability if the Legislature supports the restoration. She noted that substantial cuts to the Department’s budget remain and asked about the impacts on schools and staff when using federal instead of general funds. She stated that temporarily using federal funds means the Department would still need to figure out how to get regular, general funding.

Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Fiscal Services, replied that the revised proposed budget cuts would still result in about 35.5 full-time positions. He stated that the school-level impacts of using federal funds in place of general funds depends on how the Legislature used federal funds in conjunction with general funds. Hallett stated that 12 years ago with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds, the Legislature implemented reductions at a higher, generic level rather than at a position level. He explained that the State continued to pay all general fund positions with general funds and offset other costs with the use of federal funds to close the funding gap, which resulted in no impacts to positions and incumbents for a limited time. Hallett stated that at that time, the Legislature included a proviso in the budget bill that exempted both the University of Hawaii and Department from having to pay fringe benefits when using federal stabilization funds for payroll.

Board Member Fallin asked about the $100 million that was cut from the Department’s budget, where these funds were originally budgeted, and how these funds were expended. Hallett explained that the Department’s December 3, 2020 memorandum outlined budget reductions by EDN. He provided an example where the Department used a one-time adjustment to use impact aid in place of general funds to maintain the student transportation program. Hallett stated that the Department’s understanding was that the $100 million budget reduction was meant to be a one-time reduction.

Board Member Fallin stated that charter schools will get $9 million of the ESSER II funds and asked whether charter schools would need to fund the teacher differentials with the $9 million. Hallett replied that charter schools would need to decide whether to fund teacher differentials and how to cover the cost of any teacher differentials.

Board Vice Chairperson Kenneth Uemura stated that there are not enough federal funds to cover all of the projected budget reductions. He stated that the Legislature controls where the funds are allocated. Uemura noted that the Board should continue to provide the Department with guidance on how the funds used should be prioritized since the proposal will change. He stated that the Department needs to fund teacher differentials through the fiscal biennium and the 2022-2023 school year and to protect teachers’ pay from cuts or furloughs because funding is not guaranteed.

Board Member Voss asked if the Department has funds to cover the school food service program shortfall in the current fiscal year. Hallett replied that the Department does not and is running into cash flow problems. Board Member Voss asked if the Department has funds to pay the teacher differentials through the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2021. Hallett replied that the Department does not have the funds to pay for the teacher differential program.

Board Member Voss asked what happens if the Department cannot fund the school food services and teacher differential programs. Hallett stated there are two options, either end the year in deficit and/or shutdown other areas and operations and scale back on what the Department may be doing elsewhere.

Board Member Voss asked if there were legal options to run the Department’s budget at a deficit and pay bills with money the Department does not have. Hallett replied that running into a deficit is not an option and the Department needs to find a better solution.

Board Member Voss asked when the Board, consistent with Board policy, will need to approve funds for school food service and teacher differentials to make sure money is available. Hallett replied now would be the appropriate time for the Board to address a lot of uncertainty in the current year.

Board Member Voss asked if there are any other expenditures that are critical and needs Board approval to avoid negative consequences. Hallett stated the next two expenditures would be unemployment and workers compensation; however, those costs can be managed within existing resources for another month. Board Member Voss stated that the Board needs to approve funds for school food services and teacher differentials.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura asked if $32.5 million was already expended for teacher differentials. Hallett confirmed that this was accurate. Board Vice Chairperson Uemura stated that the request for school food service funds were an issue of timing and identifying where the gaps are and asked if the Department needs to fund the entire $21 million now or if the Department can fund a different amount.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura recommended the Board provide the Department with priorities given the federal stimulus package coming from the federal government, such as: (1) fund teachers extra compensations through the Fiscal Biennium and the end of 2023; (2) fund all teacher positions that were cut due to the 10 percent budget reductions; (3) fund to protect against any potential cut in teacher pay to prevent permanent cuts or furloughs; and, (4) look at funding any other needs. He stated that the immediate need is to take care of teachers and avoid the angst that has been created due to budget reductions.

Board Member Cox asked if school food services and differentials would be placed in front of the following priorities recommended by Board Vice Chairperson Uemura. Board Vice Chairperson Uemura replied everything will be placed in front to fund the current needs. Board Member Cox stated teacher differentials need to be taken care of with the available funds.

Board Member Fallin asked about the exact dollar amount and period of time that would be reviewed to determine what the Legislature needs to fund with general funds to abide by maintenance of effort requirements under federal guidelines. Hallett replied that it will be based on the state budget and the portion of the budget for education to maintain fiscal year 2022 at the same proportion as the average over fiscal years 2017, 2018, and 2019. He stated that this will be a challenging calculation for the Department to run, but explained that when reviewing the Department’s budget in brief, the Department’s budget was approximately 22 percent of the State’s overall budget. Hallett stated that based on the original budget proposal put forth by the administration the Department was not able to gain assurance that the maintenance of effort called for by the federal guidelines would be met.

Board Member Fallin asked about the ballpark amount that can jeopardize the state’s ability to meet the maintenance of effort requirement. Hallet stated that the Department has a rough calculation that can be provided to the Board after the meeting. She expressed concern about obligating ESSER funds to something that will jeopardize meeting the maintenance of effort requirement. She expressed her concern that supporting the priority areas being discussed may negatively impact schools too much.

Board Member Voss expressed concerns about funding teacher differentials for the remainder of the fiscal year and stated that it is important to communicate to the Legislature and community the importance of continuing funding for teacher differentials and school food services. He stated that he would like to amend the motion to approve the Department’s expenditure of funds in the amounts necessary to ensure that the teacher differential and school food services program is fully funded through the balance of the fiscal year June 30, 2021 and defer approval of the remainder of funds consistent with priorities laid out by Board Vice Chairperson Uemura.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura stated that it was his understanding that when the Board approved the teacher differentials, the Board did not believe there would be an end date to the teacher differentials. He also stated that because of the release of these federal funds, the teacher differentials could now be funded, but there is still a lot of uncertainty because teachers do not know what the future holds. He noted that the Board has a responsibility to let those affected know that the federal funds coming into the Department will be used to restore positions and pay teacher differentials, and if possible protect against pay cuts.

Board Member Voss stated he does not see any problem with amending the motion to give the Department approval to extend ESSER II funds to cover teacher differentials through the end of fiscal year 2022. He stated that his primary focus is that the Department has the cash to meet its needs for the remainder of this fiscal year.

Board Member Takeno asked whether this proposal will prevent cuts to the weighted student formula, which impacts teacher positions at the school level. He stated that the Department might lose more teachers through school level position cuts that it retained or gained through teacher differentials. He stated that he wanted the Board to fulfill its promise to pay teacher differentials, but he wants to ensure that there is as little impact as possible on schools.

Board Chairperson Payne asked whether the restoration of 99 percent of the funding that Governor Ige originally restricted to the weighted student formula will address the issue raised by Board Member Takeno. Hallett confirmed that was accurate and that Attachment B of the memorandum details that schools will have 99 percent of restricted funds restored to the weighted student formula. Board Chairperson Payne stated that this will address most of the teacher reductions for the 2021-2022 school year. Hallett stated it will address all of the reductions.

Board Member Fallin asked whether $9 million for charter schools could be added to the priority list.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura stated that the restoration of $123 million to the Department is at the Legislature’s discretion because Governor Ige already submitted his budget to the Legislature. He stated that the Department can use federal funds as a bridge for 2 years until the state’s economy recovers. Uemura stated that he did not want to repeat the Board’s experience with teacher differentials where the Board thought the Legislature was willing to fund the teacher differentials, but it was not.

Board Member Takeno asked what could happen if the Legislature does not restore the $123 million to the Department and whether there would be negative impacts on schools and teacher positions. Hallett replied that schools have expressed concern regarding the restoration of these funds and that schools have been informed that this is a calculated risk. Board Member Takeno requested information on the impacts on schools if the Legislature does not provide funding. Hallett replied that if the Department ends up with disproportionate cuts compared with other state departments and unable to cover costs with general funds then the Department and Board will need to revisit its federal fund plans. Board Member Takeno stated that he is inclined to set priorities to provide a level of certainty and reduce anxiety for schools and personnel.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that priorities are: (1) teacher differentials; (2) maintenance of staff positions which would be in weighted student formula or special education; and, (3) program services that support students specifically, like school food service. Board Chairperson Payne asked if there are other priorities that need to be included.

Board Member Fallin expressed agreement on the priorities and agreed on the need for predictability and certainty for schools. She stated that the Board can use the federal funds for salaries and will send a message that it is using federal funds if the general funds are not available so that there is a long-term commitment to support schools.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura stated he would like to add to the priority list protecting against any potential pay cuts from furloughs or reductions.

Board Chairperson Payne stated the Board will authorize funding for this year and next year and address teacher positions and pay cuts if necessary to address the immediate crisis facing school food service programs.

Board Member Takeno asked if the Department will look at the priorities and then bring the recommendation back for Board approval, but will refrain from allocating any funds before Board approval. He also stated that the Department has the money to pay for items now but funds should not be spent unless there is an understanding that the priorities can be addressed.

Board Chairperson Payne replied that is not her understanding. Board Chairperson Payne stated the Board will be authorizing the Department to spend ESSER II funds as necessary to close gaps on priorities identified for charter schools, school food services, differentials, and fully funding EDN 100 & EDN 150.

Board Member Voss stated the Department will come back with a proposal to spend the balance consistent with priorities identified by the Board. Kishimoto reminded the Board that the comments relating to wages, hours, or other conditions of work are subject to collective bargaining.

Board Member Namauʻu stated that she will vote in support of the motion to address the needs of the Department with priorities.

Board Member Barcarse expressed his appreciation of moving forward in a collaborative and concise way.

Board Member Voss requested to withdraw his motion. Board Chairperson Payne asked if there was any objection to withdraw the motion. There were no objections, and the motion was withdrawn.

Board Member Uemura moved to approve and authorize the Department to spend as much ESSER II funds as necessary to cover school food service for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, to cover teacher differentials through the 2021-2022 fiscal year, and to provide the full pro rata share to charter schools; provided that the Department returns to the Board with a federal fund spending plan once the Legislature has finalized the Department’s budget for Fiscal Biennium 2021-2023. Board Member Barcarse seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to approve and authorize the Department to spend as much as ESSER II funds as necessary to cover school food service for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, to cover teacher differentials through the 2021-2022 fiscal year, and to provide the full pro rata share to charter schools; provided that the Department returns to the Board with a federal fund spending plan once the Legislature has finalized the Department’s budget for Fiscal Biennium 2021-2023.

C. Board Action on election of committee chairperson and committee vice chairperson for Finance and Infrastructure Committee

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item. No one provided oral testimony at this time.

Board Chairperson Payne stated the position of chair for the Finance and Infrastructure Committee is vacant. She noted that the bylaws require the Board to elect officers of the committee.

Board Member Namau‘u moved to select Board Member Voss as chair and Board Member Fallin as vice chair of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee. Board Vice Chairperson Uemura seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to select Board Member Voss as chair and Board Member Fallin as vice chair of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee (Namau‘u/Uemura). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

D. Board Action on Board policy positions for the 2021 Legislative Session: Charter school system structure, governance, and accountability

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony on this agenda item.

Linda Elento, member of the public, testified on current legislative bills relating to the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission.

Board Member Barcarse moved to amend the Board’s policy positions for the 2021 Legislative Session as proposed in Exhibit A of Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson Payne’s memorandum. Board Vice Chairperson Uemura seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss).

ACTION: Motion to amend the Board’s policy positions for the 2021 Legislative Session as proposed in Exhibit A of Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson Catherine Payne’s memorandum dated February 18, 2021 (Barcarse/Uemura).The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VI. Late Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony from any individuals who did not have an opportunity to testify on earlier agenda items.

Linda Elento, member of the public, testified on agenda item II.A. and noted concerns relating to IDEA.

Aravind Byju, HSTA, testified on agenda item strong opposition to using federal funds for tutors. He asked the Board to use federal funds to avoid layoffs.

Board Members received written testimony before the meeting. The following is a listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting.
From: (Name)OrganizationAgenda Item
Kileigh Sanchez V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Bj Medeiros V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jade Santos V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Brenda Palumbo V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jonathan Drayton V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Heather Moselle V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ryan Yoshizawa V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Elizabeth Bowen V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kira Lee V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Gregory Kamisato V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Barbara Cooper V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Lokelani Han V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Nancy Johnson V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Adonna Ellard V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Troy Freitas V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Michelle Kaku V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
John Goto V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Troy Aurio V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kaylee Castillo V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Julie Tanigawa V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Shannon Beeler V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Brandon Cha V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kelly Duell V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Corey RosenleeHSTAV.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Richard Nakatsu V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Michelle Murphy V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Lori Towata V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Diana Seppelfrick V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Colleen Parlee V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Allison Kohlhepp V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Tom Iwanicki V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Laura Uber V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Shantell-Tiare Tom V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Rena Kohagura V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kit Brizuela V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Yvette Rapozo V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Stephanie Blakemore V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Vanessa Knoepfel V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Saint-Marie Gough V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Logan Okita V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Lauren Fuchigami V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Dwayne Abuel V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Julie Perkins V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Gavin Hashimoto V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Claire Barroga V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Michael Kline V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Steven Legare V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Carole Hasan V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Mahina B. V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Katie Mullen V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Reid Childress V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kathlene Suzuki V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Sheri Abigania V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Serene Nishihara V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Inga Park V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Maile French V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Glen Eastman V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Lisa Galloway V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kaumualii Titcomb V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Sandra Hashida V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Anjelica Ayers V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ezra Witsman V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ida Kila V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Calley Neva V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Laura Burton V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ashley Katamoto V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kathryn Inouye V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jacob Tamaye V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Tracy Deshield V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
James Atkins V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Nikki Baker V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Julia Fernandez V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Justin Allen V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Gordon Piianaia V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Heather Sokei V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Robert Lozano V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Natalia Kalama V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Luz Larotta V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Amanda Elswick V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Keanuenue Gannet V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Chris Neppl V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Heather Tyrrell V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Cheri Nakamura V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Akiko Miyata V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jaime Lee V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ashleigh King V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Chrystie Isaacs V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Joseph Hajiro V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jayne Heinze V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Matthew McKinney V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jennifer Kramer V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ryan Link V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Iris Kahaulelio V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Debra Yamakawa V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Beatrice DeRego V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Amber Riel V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kristen Esposito V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Sharon Saronitman V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Peter Balding III V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
David MiyashiroHawaiiKidsCANV.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Norma Cronkite V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Vickie Kam V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Emmanette Haiola V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Aaron Day V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Amie Stroud V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Katrina Haddin V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Rachelle Ricardo V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Chloe Frederickson V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kekoa Michael Bay V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kaiea Ebanez V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Daniel Mclaughlin V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Dale Matsuura V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Tina Rossman V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Cussana Mapu V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Marylee Fredericksen V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kori Ann Harvey V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Cindy Cruse V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ashley Olson V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Liz Noetzel V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Deborah Anderson V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Nancy Johnson V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Natalia Sandoval V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Haley Agbayani V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Paulina Felcher V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Charity Baloran V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Alex HarrisCastle FoundationV.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Aravind Byju V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Ranette Marino V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
R. Shiroma V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Cindy Martin V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Robin Naope V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Kristen Faford V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Jacquelyn Hubert V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Melissa Turner V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Sherry Rose V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Paula Adams V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill
Rebecca Hadley-Schlosser V.B. Board Action on Department of Education’s plan for use of federal funds in the new Covid-19 relief package and annual federal spending bill


Board Chairperson Payne adjourned the meeting at 4:34 p.m.