Queen Liliuokalani Building

1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Bill Arakaki, Chairperson
Lauren Moriarty, Vice Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse
Kahele Dukelow
Warren Haruki
Ken Kuraya

Shanty Asher

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Heidi Armstrong, Deputy Superintendent, Department of Education
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent, Department of Education
Teri Ushijima, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design, Department of Education
Stacey Bello, Complex Area Superintendent, Kau-Keaau-Pahoa Complex Area
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

  1. Call to Order

Committee Chairperson Bill Arakaki called the Student Achievement Committee (“Committee”) Meeting to order at 11:33 a.m.

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2024

ACTION: Motion to approve the Student Achievement Committee’s March 7, 2024, meeting minutes. (Barcarse/Kuraya). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

Note: The Committee took agenda item IV. A. Committee Action on Updated English language arts content performance standards in compliance with Chapter 302A-201, Hawaii Revised Statutes before agenda item III.A. Presentation by Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education on the college and career readiness indicators for the Class of 2023.

  1. Discussion Items

Note: The Committee took this agenda item after agenda item IV.A., Committee Action on Updated English language arts content performance standards in compliance with Chapter 302A-201, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Stephen Schatz, Executive Director, Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education outlined the college and career readiness indicators (CCRI) for the Class of 2023. He shared that CCRI results are leading indicators of success and the data comes from the National Clearinghouse across the United States. The dual credit participation continues to increase which includes early college students and the advanced placement (AP) experienced a significant decline although recovery has started. SBA; seal of biliteracy achievement; CTE concentrators are measured for federal purposes and CCRI; study on the value of a UH degree for pell recipients; and college enrollment rates.

Committee Chairperson Arakaki called for public testimony on this agenda item. No testimony was provided.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty referenced the college enrollment rate and asked if this is a measure of success since students may be taking these courses in high school. Schatz replied that a lot of early college students end up going to 4-year colleges and would like to see pathways being built. Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty stated that students will need to have postsecondary success. Schatz

Committee Member Dukelow stated that the high schools are designing their programs towards early college opportunities which is an improvement and created the increase. Schatz expressed appreciation since early college was widely available but not focused for students not intending to go to college but the strategic directions overlap metrics and aspirations to set the direction.

Committee Member Haruki asked if information was collected for Hawaii jobs in the CTE categories on where Hawaii jobs fall in the next 3 to 5 years. Schatz replied that a document was created called the Talent Roadmap and the categories include skilled trades, information technology, and healthcare fields. Hayashi expressed appreciation to Hawaii P-20 for continued support and partnerships for Hawaii’s students.

  1. Action Items

Heidi Armstrong, Deputy Superintendent of Academic, and Teri Ushijima, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design, Department of Education.

Ushijima outlined the adoption of revised English language arts (ELA) content performance standards intended to improve instruction and assessment to meet the needs of all students. The targeted compliance date is training in school year 2024-2025 followed by implementation in school year 2025-2026, which includes $50,000 training costs. Ushjima described the curriculum management system which provides guidance regarding standards revision and instructional materials adoption and outlined the standards review process which began in fall 2022 with the initial review group. The workgroup determined that revisions were necessary then a feedback group convened in spring 2023 then the writing group in summer 2023.

Ushijima recommended that the Committee adopt the Hawaii Common Core Standards for ELA and consider an update in the language for Board Policy 102-2, entitled “K-12 Literacy.” She introduced Stacey Bello, Complex Area Superintendent, Kau-Keaau-Pahoa, Hoang Elaine Higa, District Educational Specialist, Wilma Roddy, Naalehu Elementary School, Principal, Aaron Aina Akamu, Academics Officer, Patricia Robin, and Pancy David, students from Ka'u High & Pahala Elementary School.

Bello outlined the framework for the KKP complex area to create thriving learning environments tied to four areas including high quality classrooms, people development, supportive systems and environments, and effective structural leadership. Higa explained that 100 percent implement enhanced reading core instruction to advance important skills utilizing an intentional STAIRS approach.

Committee Chairperson Arakaki called for public testimony on this agenda item. No testimony was provided.

Committee Member Barcarse expressed appreciation for the presentation and for the students sharing.

Committee Member Kuraya left the meeting at 12:34 p.m.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty expressed appreciation and asked what areas required a lot of discussion in developing the ELA standards. Ushijima shared that the work group conversations were based on foundational skills and included key areas based on foundational writing skills. Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty asked about other states who have made similar changes. Armstrong stated that there was great intention to add clarity to standards so that reading and understanding is consistent which was time consuming. Ushijima stated that 24 states are not using the common core and this is a revision to what is in place.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty stated that the skills relating to science of reading process was started earlier and asked if there are other experiences which lead to certain decisions or issues. Ushijima replied that Mississippi required all teachers to do LTRS training.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty asked what specific training will make sure that this works in practice since this is a key part of the strategic plan and recommended that a Board policy revision be placed on an agenda when appropriate. Armstrong referenced the comprehensive literacy grant with 79 schools participating where the Department received $59 million.

Committee Member Kuraya returned to the meeting at 12:34 p.m.

Committee Member Dukelow asked where the separate standards can be inserted to reflect that there are separate standards for Olelo Hawaii (Hawaiian language) since the standard references “all students,” and suggested that guidance be provided for schools since teachers need to teach two languages.

Hayashi echoed comments and expressed appreciation for the team from Kaʻu complex for sharing about the ELA standards. Committee Chairperson Arakaki stated that using the data from other states is unique and during school visits he can see the consistency happening in the classrooms.

ACTION: Motion to approve the revised Hawaii Common Core Standards for English language arts for kindergarten through twelfth grade, as explained in the Department of Education’s memorandum dated April 11, 2024. (Kuraya/Moriarty). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IV.B. Committee action to approve submission of amendment to the Hawaii Consolidated State Plan for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, to the United States Department of Education

Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy and Elizabeth Higashi, Interim Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Strategy, Innovation and Performance outlined the guiding principles to align and adjust methodologies post pandemic including feedback. She outlined the measures recommended for changes to Strategic Plan Adjust English Learner (EL) Methodology Modify ESSA Exits and Identification Aligns Methodology.

Committee Chairperson Arakaki called for public testimony on this agenda item. No testimony was provided.

Committee Vice Chairperson Moriarty expressed appreciation for the growth criteria and asked if the criteria is reducing rigor. Sherry Suzuki, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design (OCID), the goal is ambitious but due to COVID-19 the Department was unable to attain the goal so based on new baseline data a new goal was set.

ACTION: Motion to approve the submission of an amendment to the Hawaii Consolidated State Plan for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, to the United States Department of Education. (Barcarse/Kuraya). The motion was carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

  1. Adjournment

Committee Chairperson Arakaki adjourned the meeting at 1:33 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting.

Agenda Item
R. Kalei Bras