Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wesley Lo, Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Elynne Chung
Bill Arakaki, Ex Officio
Kahele Dukelow, Ex Officio
Roy Takumi, Ex Officio

Mary Hattori
Makana McClellan

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy, Department of Education
Ray Hart, Executive Director, Council for Great Schools
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Committee Chairperson Wesley Lo called the Board of Education (“Board”) Human Resources Committee meeting to order at 11:31 a.m.

II. Approval of meeting minutes of November 13, 2024, Human Resources Committee meeting
ACTION: Approve the meeting minutes of August 15, 2024, and October 22, 2024, Human Resources Committee meetings. (Barcarse/Chung). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

III. Department of Education update on Strategic Plan Desired Outcome 3.2.2, Action Item 2, relating to organizational alignment initiative, and associated change to leadership reporting structure

Committee Chairperson Lo called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, to provide the presentation overview on strategic plan desired outcome 3.2.2, action item 2, relating to organizational alignment initiative, and associated change to leadership reporting structure.

Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy summarized the organizational alignment initiative that focused on state offices reviewing key priorities around high-quality student learning for all. The Department is clarifying tri-level roles and responsibilities and soliciting suggestions on modernization including a review of classification and compensation. Hayashi stated that the Department is working to better serve students and partnered with the Council for Great City Schools (CGCS) to conduct an external review. The following offices were included in the review: Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design; Office of Information Technology Services; Office of Strategy, Innovation, and Performance; Office of Student Support Services; Office of Talent Management; Office of the Superintendent; and Office of Deputy Superintendents. He introduced Ray Hart, Executive Director, CGCS to provide the presentation.

Hart acknowledged the names of those who served to develop the report. He shared that CGCS interviewed 267 staff members, studied documents relating to the Department, and asked follow up questions. Hart summarized the context, commendations, findings and recommendations, and discussion for questions and answers. The report focuses on what makes districts overcome barriers and how districts are structured to accomplish goals for a school system. Hawaii is both a state and local educational agency (LEA), but it's a really large LEA. If you miss the LEA portion, what you essentially miss is the LEA focus on improving outcomes, which occurs in most large districts. By missing that it puts the onus on schools to fill the gap. The report found that Hayashi received high praise from every level in the organization and the longevity of the superintendent changes student outcomes. Hart also outlined the commendations that exist across the Department.

Hart shared that overall student achievement data is improving and Hawaii is outpacing the nation in reading which is a strong testament to the staff. He outlined the progress Hawaii saw in reading and emphasized that the recommendation to address challenges is to do things differently. The overall recommendation is to design a system on the needs for all students and what can be provided to schools. The implementation process includes change and the reason so that all students have access to high quality instruction and reducing the number of direct reports to the superintendent.
Hart stated that recommendations are to improve the culture for students and understanding that the process will take time to transition as a unified system.

Board Member Takumi and Board Member Arakaki left the meeting at 11:57 a.m.

Hayashi shared that the Department is requesting to have all assistant superintendents’ report to a Deputy Superintendent. Oyadomari-Chun stated that changes to the plan of organization will be provided next spring and other changes will need to be presented to the unions during the consult and confer process.

Committee Chairperson Lo called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Dukelow, Ex Officio, expressed appreciation for the positive report and analysis which highlights accomplishments and improvements. She stated that Hawaii has an English and Hawaiian language pathway and noted that some challenges are due to the organizational structure. She asked if CGCS has experience with other school districts that require different expertise and what types of recommendations are needed. Hart shared that in Puerto Rico, the primary language is Spanish and the report includes feedback from bilingual experiences.

Board Member Dukelow, Ex Officio, asked about complex areas organized in other ways other than geographical locations. Hart replied that there are two ways to organize by school type or by geography, and there is no advantage or disadvantage.

Committee Vice Chairperson Barcarse expressed appreciation and noted that the report highlights the focus of the strategic plan priorities. He stated that for Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion) it is possible to effectively host both types in a school system although the pathways are different. Hart shared an example for a group of schools within their own network and there are pros and cons.

Committee Member Chung commended CGCS for the report and Hayashi for the strength to conduct the report. Hart concurred with the comments about Hayashi and noted that requesting the review is a big task.

Committee Chairperson Lo asked if CGCS has done studies with other large school districts. Hart replied yes most recently in Philadelphia for the deep dive on special education and Puerto Rico who has 46% special education students. Committee Chairperson Lo asked what lessons can be learned from the process by other organizations with process changes, investment changes, and change management to understand the breadth of a successful implementation. Hart stated that academic outcomes have begun to improve and Miami Dade is going through the shifting of budgeting to improve outcomes. Committee Chairperson Lo asked what the timeframe for implementation is. Hart shared that the system has been in place and reframing will take time to address. Committee Chairperson Lo asked if the operations can be separated from academics. Hart replied that everyone is responsible for academics since facilities need to be considered when serving certain populations. Committee Chairperson Lo stated that the first step is to look at the high level structure to develop a plan but there are other things that need to happen. Hart recognized that changes to a structure need to address elements for the organization as a whole.

Committee Chairperson Lo asked who the key stakeholders outside of the Department are. Hart replied that the broader community, legislature, and the Board communicate the reasoning. Committee Chairperson Lo asked what pain points can be expected. Hart replied that individuals will like the status quo and would prefer to be comfortable with how things are happening. He shared about the challenge to identify that the changes are in the best interest of students.

Board Member Dukelow, Ex Officio, stated that the organizational alignment initiative in relation to the strategic plan and school consolidations. She noted that each initiative could contribute to a different way to organize schools to help the smaller populations to make changes. Hayashi stated that the report is providing him with more information and questions. Board Member Dukelow, Ex Officio emphasized that Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion) schools need specific recommendations.

Committee Chairperson Lo stated that the Department is trying to implement significant changes and it will be important to do the foundational work to develop a plan while balancing strategic initiatives. The Department needs to figure out how to get buy-in from the community with an aligned roadmap.

Committee Member Chung stated that it is an exciting time and the Department is always looking at student achievement.

Committee Chairperson Lo stated that there will be further reorganizations including a new assistant superintendent so the Board can expect further revisions. Oyadomari-Chun stated that the Department will need guidance if every change requires Board approval. Committee Chairperson Lo replied that as the plan is developed the Committee should review the policy on what has improved.

ACTION: Authorize the Department of Education to change the reporting structure of leadership at the Deputy Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent levels, as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated December 21, 2024. (Barcarse/Chung). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IV. Adjournment

Committee Chairperson Lo adjourned the meeting at 12:52 p.m.

For the written testimony list see the following link: