Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Kaimana Barcarse
Elynne Chung
Mary Hattori
Ken Kuraya
Wesley Lo
Makana McClellan

Kahele Dukelow

Mark Recktenwald, Chief Justice, Hawaii State Judiciary
Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian, Hawaii State Public System
Richard Fajardo, Complex Area Superintendent, Pearl City-Waipahu Complex, Department of Education
Gavin Tsue, Principal, Palisades Elementary School
Ethan Yang, Board Student Representative
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Roy Takumi called the Board of Education (Board) special meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

II. Swearing in of board members

Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald provided the swearing in ceremony for Board Members Mary Hattori, Bill Arakaki, Ken Kuraya, and student representative Ethan Yang.

The meeting was recessed at 10:01 a.m. and reconvened at 10:08 a.m.

III. Introduction of new board member Mary Hattori, returning board members Kahele Dukelow, Bill Arakaki, and Ken Kuraya, and new student representative Ethan Yang

Board Chairperson Takumi introduced new board members Mary Hattori, and returning board members Kahele Dukelow, Bill Arakaki, and Ken Kuraya, and new student representative Ethan Yang. He expressed appreciation for all members for continuing to commit your time and energy to serving our students, families, and communities in this volunteer capacity.

IV. Approval of meeting minutes of May 23, 2024, General Business Meeting & Executive Session; June 27, 2024 General Business Meeting; and July 18, 2024, Special Meeting

ACTION: Approve the meeting minutes of May 23, 2024, General Business Meeting & Executive Session; June 27, 2024 General Business Meeting; and July 18, 2024, Special Meeting. (Kuraya/Hattori). The motion was approved by unanimous consent.

Board Chairperson Takumi noted that revisions will be made to reflect Ethan Yang’s last name correctly.

V. Report of the superintendent

Opening of the school year
Keith Hayashi, Superintendent reported on the opening of the school year and shared about the summer professional development opportunities for the Department of Education (Department). He stated that the Department held several events in preparation for the upcoming school year including an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education Summit, School Administrative Service Assistant Summit, School Food Services Manager Summit, and the annual Educational Leadership Institute. Hayashi acknowledged school bus routes that were suspended and efforts to secure more drivers to restore the routes.

Awards and recognitions for students, employees, and/or schools
Hayashi congratulated Ewa Makai Middle School and Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School for earning the Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE) distinction for their commitment to continuous improvement. He also invited Richard Fajardo, Complex Area Superintendent, Pearl City-Waipahu Complex, Gavin Tsue, Principal, Palisades Elementary School, and students from Nā Alakaʻi o Palisades, Riddum and Emma Sophia to share about how the school’s vision and motto tie into the Board and Department’s strategic plan including efforts to move forward together as "One ʻOhana" in the spirit of Neʻepapa (working together in unison).

Board Member McClellan expressed appreciation for Palisades Elementary School for their hard work, dedication, and leadership.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on Board agenda item III.

Debra Bond-Upson, Parents for Public Schools and HEʻE Coalition, expressed concern regarding the negative fallout due to the student transportation issues and lack of trust in the public education system. She shared that the goal is to have more students in school.

Marisa Baptista, member of the public, testified regarding the student transportation issues.

The meeting recessed at 10:56 a.m. and reconvened at 11:06 a.m.

VI. Presentation on “The Right to Read” by Kareem Weaver

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Kareem Weaver to provide a presentation on the “Right to Read.”

Weaver expressed appreciation for the opportunity to present and share about the documentary that follows the stories of an NAACP activist, public school teacher, and two American families who fight to provide the youngest generation with the ability to read.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VI.

David Sun-Miyashiro, HawaiikidsCAN, testified that foundational literacy has a tremendous impact on outcomes for education, health, employment, and incarceration. He shared that the “Right to Read,” film screening will be held on Friday, August 16 at the HoMA Doris Duke Theatre which will include a short interview with Weaver.

Cynthia Bartlett, member of the public, testified regarding the importance of literacy.

Board Member Arakaki expressed appreciation for the presentation and asked for suggestions on ways to continue to support schools to make sure that all students are literate. Weaver suggested that the Department provide early screenings for Dyslexia because it is better to know what the issues are to support children. Board Member Arakaki asked for examples on how to get things done without burdening the classroom teachers. Weaver explained that the majority of children need a reading system which provides clues so that the students can figure out the words. Board Member Arakaki expressed appreciation for the session and presentation.

VII. Board meeting schedule for 2024-2025 fiscal year

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item V. No testimony and discussion was provided.

Board Chairperson Takumi shared the upcoming Board meeting schedule for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

VIII. Election of officers, standing committee leadership, and standing committee members for 2024-2025 fiscal year

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VI. No testimony and discussion was provided.

ACTION: Approve the Board vice chairperson, standing committee chairpersons, standing committee vice chairpersons, and standing committee members for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, as outlined in Exhibit A of Board Chairperson Takumi’s memorandum dated August 15, 2024. (Kuraya/Chung). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IX. Appointment of Board member to represent the Board in negotiation matters pertaining to the Hawaii Government Employees Association for Bargaining Unit 6

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VII. No testimony and discussion was provided.

ACTION: Approve the appointment of Board member Bill Arakaki, to represent the Board in negotiation matters pertaining to the Hawaii Government Employees Association for Bargaining Unit 6, with the authority to fully participate and negotiate, up to and including collective bargaining that reaches a tentative agreement with the bargaining unit, provided it supports and advances the Board’s priorities and goals in the State of Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan. (Kuraya/Barcarse). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

X. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Takumi adjourned the meeting at 11:39 a.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Debra Bond-UpsonHEE Coalition, Interim DirectorV. Report of the superintendent
Debra Bond-UpsonParents for Public Schools of Hawaii, PresidentV. Report of the superintendent
David MiyashiroHawaiikidsCAN, Executive DirectorVI. Kareem Weaver
Justin HugheyKahului Elementary School, TeacherV. Report of the superintendent