Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Bruce Voss, Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Lynn Fallin
Ken Kuraya
Makana McClellan
Lauren Moriarty
Kili Namauʻu

Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Shanty Asher

Colonel Michael Minaudo, Military Representative
Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy, Department of Education
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Bruce Voss called the Board of Education (“Board”) Special Meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. Board Chairperson Voss and Board Members Bill Arakaki, Lynn Fallin, Ken Kuraya, Makana McClellan, Lauren Moriarty, and Kili Namauʻu were present.

II. Public Testimony on Board of Education (“Board”) Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Voss called for public testimony.

Cheri Nakamura, HEʻE Coalition, testified on agenda item VI.A., entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan.” She encouraged the Department to develop effective processes to gather feedback from the school level and noted that a root cause for many issues is the Department’s lack of analysis of the system, which it needs to do to come up with strategies.

Board members received written testimony before the meeting. (A listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting is included at the end of these minutes.)

III. Executive Session
This portion of the meeting was closed under Section 92-4 and Section 92-5(a)(3), Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Board Chairperson Voss stated that the Board would need to move into executive session to deliberate during the conduct of contract negotiations with the Hawaii State Teachers Association.

Board Member Kuraya moved to enter into executive session to deliberate during the conduct of contract negotiations with the Hawaii State Teachers Association. Board Member Arakaki seconded.

Board Chairperson Voss asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Board member raised objections, and the motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Board Members Arakaki, Fallin, Kuraya, McClellan, Moriarty, and Namauʻu).

ACTION: Motion to enter into executive session to deliberate during the conduct of contract negotiations with the Hawaii State Teachers Association (Kuraya/Arakaki). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

The Board recessed at 11:21 a.m. and reconvened at 11:43 a.m.

IV. Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Voss called for public testimony. No one testified at this time.

V. Action Items

Board Member and Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Fallin moved, on behalf of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, to approve the proposed composition of the Committee on Weights XIII outlined in Attachment B of Keith Hayashi’s, Superintendent, memorandum dated March 2, 2023, with an amendment to add an additional community member.

Board Chairperson Voss called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Members Arakaki, Fallin, Kuraya, McClellan, Moriarty, and Namauʻu).

ACTION: Motion to approve the proposed composition of the COW XIII outlined in Attachment B of Hayashi’s memorandum dated March 2, 2023, with an amendment to add an additional community member (Finance and Infrastructure Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VI. Discussion Items

Board Chairperson Voss called on Hayashi and Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy, to provide an update on the second phase of the Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan.

Hayashi stated that based on feedback received at the last Board meeting, the Department developed a process to gather school level feedback.

Chun updated the Board on the second phase of the Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan, the implementation plan. She stated that the Department has requested that all principals provide an in-person opportunity for staff to provide feedback on the implementation plan, which would happen during the two-week period after spring break. Chun stated that the Department is developing the feedback forms and it would not be a small lift to gather feedback. She stated that the draft implementation plan template referenced in previous materials for Board meetings is already lengthy without strategies and indicators.

Board Chairperson Voss expressed appreciation for the engagement happening at schools. He asked what Chun is providing to people when asking for feedback. Chun replied that the Department plans to provide a short video that introduces the structure of the plan and describes the kind of feedback the Department is looking for. She stated that the Department is including an executive summary with a link to the full draft.

Board Chairperson Voss emphasized that what the Department provides should include specific details so that feedback is not just on hypothetical information. He also asked how the Department would provide feedback to the Board. Chun replied that the Department would provide a summary of the feedback to the Board at an early April meeting.

Board Member Fallin asked if principals are being asked to gather feedback at School Community Council (“SCC”) meeting and staff meetings. Chun replied that the Department asked principals to create a space for school-based staff to provide feedback and suggested using an existing meeting or to create a separate meeting for feedback purposes.

Board Member Kuraya left the meeting at 11:54 a.m.

Chun stated that the Department would provide a summary of the feedback on April 6, 2023.

Hayashi stated that principals have the option use SCC meetings as a feedback opportunity.

Board Member Fallin noted that the SCC is a smaller group, but the goal is to maximize participation from people at the school level.

Chun shared that initial principal feedback is that an existing school meeting would be used or a special school meeting would be held to maximize opportunities.

Board Member Namauʻu asked how the Department would gather feedback from those at the school level. Chun replied that the meeting would provide a common venue and the Department would provide a feedback form that would be used at the meeting.

Board Member Namauʻu asked if the Department is having complex area staff help to facilitate the rollout of these meetings. Chun clarified that the Department is providing materials for the plan including a video and a handout, but that these would not be facilitated discussions.

Board Member Namauʻu stated that the Department is hoping that schools understand what is expected. Chun confirmed that the Department expects schools to understand they are being asked to do.

Board Member Kuraya returned to the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Board Member Namauʻu asked if there is an opportunity for those not at the school level to provide feedback. Chun replied that the structure is intended for school staff, but the Department has plans to meet with focus groups in the community and it is possible that an online opportunity would happen. She emphasized that the Board held many community meetings and the Department is building off the information from those community meetings.

Board Member McClellan asked how Chun would determine whether the Department’s engagement was successful. Chun replied that the Department requested that all schools provide an opportunity to provide feedback, so the Department would track whether every school provided this opportunity, the role groups who provided feedback, and the number of participants.

Board Member McClellan recognized that engagement is critical to the process and the implementation is critical to the success of the strategic plan.

Board Member Moriarty stated that she would like to discuss quantity versus quality of feedback. She noted that the Department can get a lot of feedback, but that she would like to know how the Department is structuring sessions to ensure the Department is gathering necessary feedback.

Chun stated that the Department is collecting feedback to provide information on issues important to specific groups, like the Hawaii State Student Council. She stated that after spring break, there would be a full draft available that individuals can react to.

Board Member Moriarty stated that the outreach process has started and she would like any initial impressions on the general reactions relating to the specifics of the strategic plan. She also asked for specific examples of what the Department may rethink relating to the strategies shared.

Chun stated that some feedback she has received is that there are a lot of measures to produce and track. She stated that each school would be held accountable for ten measures and 28 desired outcomes, which may require more than one measure. Chun stated that strategic plans are effective when focused. She also stated that different meetings produce different feedback and that she has not seen a consensus on priorities.

Board Chairperson Voss stated that the Board previously asked about seeking input from the unions. He asked if the Department has reached out to the unions to help provide more quality input. Hayashi replied that the school meetings are the vehicle for union members to participate.

Board Chairperson Voss expressed understanding that school meetings are a vehicle for union member participation, but asked if the Department reached out to the unions to ensure these groups are involved in the process because unions are essential to the achievement of goals, particularly as to the goals focusing on staff.

Board Member Arakaki stated that the Department is planning on involving community groups and asked if there are ways for organizations to participate further. Hayashi replied that the Department would take this suggestion into consideration.

VII. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Voss adjourned the meeting at 12:21 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Lisa MorrisonVI.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II) Implementation Plan
Cheri NakamuraHE’E Coalition, DirectorVI.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II) Implementation Plan
Osa TuiHSTA, PresidentVI.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II) Implementation Plan
Susan Pcola-DavisVI.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II) Implementation Plan