Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Bruce Voss, Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Ken Kuraya
Makana McClellan
Lauren Moriarty
Kili Namauʻu

Shanty Asher
Lynn Fallin

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy, Department of Education
Curt Otaguro, Deputy Superintendent of Operations, Department of Education
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Bruce Voss called the Board of Education (“Board”) Special Meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Board Chairperson Voss, Board Vice Chairperson Kaimana Barcarse, and Board Members Bill Arakaki, Ken Kuraya, Makana McClellan, Lauren Moriarty, and Kili Namauʻu were present.

II. Public Testimony on Board of Education (“Board”) Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Voss called for public testimony.

Julie Reyes Oda, member of the public, testified on agenda item III. A, entitled “Board Action on Human Resources Committee recommendations concerning Bargaining Unit 5 tentative agreement, Hawaii State Teachers Association (“HSTA”) successor agreement for contract period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027.” She opined as to the reason teachers ratified the collective bargaining agreement and asked questions about how the determination was made to exclude shortage differentials from the collective bargaining agreement and the Department’s direct communications with the teachers.

Susan Pcola-Davis, PTSA, III. B, testified on agenda item III.B, entitled “Committee Action on Human Resources Committee recommendations concerning appointment of Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Information Technology Services.” She expressed appreciation to Michael Otsuji for answering questions relating to his employment and for providing examples of how he works with people.

Susan Pcola-Davis, PTSA, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” She expressed concern that implementation plan does not include targets, but noted that the Department changed some of the wording and provided examples in her written testimony.

Tierney Barcarse, Hawai‘i Department of Education, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” She stated stakeholder input is essential for strategic plans, shared that the current strategic plan is built on feedback, and expressed appreciation for the Department’s collaboration and movement.

Keith Hui, DOE-Pearl City Highlands Elementary School (PCHES), testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the strategic plan on behalf of Pearl City complex principals, stated that school leaders were provided with multiple opportunities to provide feedback, shared that the plan provides direction for unique school communities, and that the priorities support school efforts.

David Miyashiro, HawaiiKidsCAN, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He commended the Board and the Department for their contributions to the strategic planning process, which is good for students, families, and communities and expressed support for maximizing contributions from the broader community so that the plan is successful.

Sheldon Oshio, Waikele Elementary School, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the strategic plan, shared his experience, and noted that the plan aligns to the priorities and empowers schools to support each and every student.

Alvan Fukuhara, Waipahu Intermediate School, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the implementation plan, noted that the goals and action items set direction for schools in a variety of areas, and stated that it is important for schools to have an opportunity to demonstrate progress.

Cheri Nakamura, HEʻE Coalition, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” She commended the Department for providing more detail, providing revised key performance indicators (“KPI”), and suggested having a starting point with targets to track progress on student outcomes since many students are invisible.

Aaron Tominaga, Waipahu Elementary School, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the implementation plan, noted that he knows what plans do not work, and acknowledged that plans with clear directions and boundaries work best and allow opportunities for collaboration.

Stephen Schatz, Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed appreciation for the implementation plan, stated that the plan has a strong emphasis on crucial transition points, and noted that there is a strong alignment with University of Hawaii strategic plan and the Hawaii P-20 education attainment goal.

Joseph Halfmann, Pearl City High School, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the implementation plan, expressed appreciation for the clear focus on listening to the school level to understand the challenges, and noted the importance of fostering innovation and not forcing innovation.

Kim Williamson, Pahoa High and Intermediate School, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the implementation plan and expressed appreciation that this is the first plan that incorporated school-level feedback to build better accountability into the plan with clear, achievable, and challenging goals.

Wilma Roddy, Department of Education, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” She expressed support for the implementation plan, noted that the plan determines how to best address unique school and community challenges to meet student needs, shared the unique demographics of her district, and noted that having the ability to collaborate is critical.

Tiffany Pratt, HIDOE, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” She expressed her support for the implementation plan, stated that she appreciated that the Board asked the schools to discuss the plan, and stated that the plan is aligned to her school plan so there is a continued sense of reassurance that the schools are on the right track to meet student needs.

Felicia Villalobos, Executive Director, Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (“HTSB”), testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” She expressed support for the implementation plan, in particular Desired Outcome 2.1.1, which speaks to teacher apprenticeship and is in direct alignment with HTSB’s work. Villalobos stated that HTSB is looking forward to collaborating with stakeholders to help build a teacher pipeline.

Richard Fajardo, HIDOE Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” He expressed support for the implementation plan and noted that the document provides a plan to meet the unique needs of complex areas and schools.

Terrence George, Harold K.L. Castle Foundation, and Micah A. Kane, Hawaii Community Foundation, testified on agenda item V. A, entitled “Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: proposed draft.” Kane expressed strong support for the implementation plan and offered leadership support to the Department to help the plan become a reality. George expressed support for the implementation plan on behalf of Duane Kurisu, Peter Ho, Micah Kane, Elliot Mills, Jack Wong, and Ray Vara. He emphasized that the bold goals in the strategic plan fall on everyone and emphasized that he and others are willing to help.

Board members received written testimony before the meeting. (A listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting is included at the end of these minutes.)

The meeting recessed at 2:15 p.m. and reconvened at 2:19 p.m.

Board Member Kuraya left the meeting at 2:16 p.m.

III. Action Items

Board Chairperson Voss stated that he would be recusing himself from the discussion and vote on this agenda item.

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Committee Chairperson Barcarse moved, on behalf of the Human Resources Committee, to (1) approve the tentative Bargaining Unit 5 successor agreement, including the attached memoranda of understanding, for the contract period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027, as attached to Hayashi’s memorandum dated May 4, 2023, and (2) authorize Board Chairperson Voss to execute the final Bargaining Unit 5 successor agreement, provided that it is substantively the same as the tentative agreement.

Board Member Kuraya returned to the meeting at 2:20 p.m.

Board Chairperson Voss called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse and Board Members Arakaki, Kuraya, McClellan, Moriarty, and Namauʻu).

ACTION: Motion to (1) approve the tentative Bargaining Unit 5 successor agreement, including the attached memoranda of understanding, for the contract period of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027, as attached to Hayashi’s memorandum dated May 4, 2023, and (2) authorize Board Chairperson Voss to execute the final Bargaining Unit 5 successor agreement, provided that it is substantively the same as the tentative agreement (Human Resources Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Committee Chairperson Barcarse moved, on behalf of the Human Resources Committee, to approve the appointment of Michael Otsuji as the assistant superintendent of OITS with an entry salary of $170,000, effective on or after May 4, 2023.

Board Chairperson Voss asked if any Board members wanted to recuse themselves from the discussion and vote on this agenda item. Board Member Kuraya recused himself.

Board Member Kuraya left the meeting at 2:21 p.m.

Board Chairperson Voss called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse and Board Members Arakaki, McClellan, Moriarty, and Namauʻu).

ACTION: Motion to approve the appointment of Michael Otsuji as the assistant superintendent of OITS with an entry salary of $170,000, effective on or after May 4, 2023 (Human Resources Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IV. Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items

Board Member Kuraya returned to the meeting at 2:22 p.m.

Board Chairperson Voss called for public testimony. No one testified at this time.

V. Discussion Items

Board Chairperson Voss called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, and Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy, to provide an update on the second phase of the Hawaii Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan.

Hayashi noted the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the state, but that the public school system is committed to supporting students to ensure they continue to thrive. He emphasized that the implementation plan builds on the Board’s priorities and desired outcomes. Hayashi detailed that the public education system is essential to ensure students graduate workforce ready and highlighted that Nā Hopena A’o Aʻo (“HĀ”) reflects the values and beliefs of students and employees.

Hayashi outlined the draft implementation plan. He provided more specific information on how the Department would ensure employees are the best fit, support all staff, and support family engagement and build community partnerships. Hayashi emphasized that the Department would hold itself accountable to the strategic plan.

Hayashi expressed appreciation for how the plan sets direction and expectations while recognizing that there are different paths to leverage wisdom from one another while neʻepapa (working together in unison).

Board Chairperson Voss expressed appreciation to the Department for the improved implementation plan, noted that the revision includes more detailed information, and stated that he is pleased that school leaders’ input was sought and included.

Board Member Arakaki shared that he is excited about the strategic plan and the opportunity it provides for Hawaii’s public school system. He evoked memories of various resources and guidance he received during his time as a principal in the 1990s.

Board Member Moriarty expressed appreciation for the Department’s hard work on gathering school-level input on the implementation plan and noted that this version is improved from the previous draft. She stated that the revisions help provide an understanding on how an individual's work and collaboration would contribute to a vision of an exemplary statewide system of public schools that fosters creative and critical thinkers.

Board Member Moriarty asked what are the top two or three significant items that shaped the implementation plan. Hayashi replied that feedback from staff in the tri-level system (school, complex, and state levels) was significant to shaping the implementation plan. He also noted the importance of having a comprehensive plan that focuses on developing well-rounded students, incorporating HĀ to support students, and leveraging the cultural diversity of students.

Board Member Moriarty asked Hayashi to detail the top two or three measures that Hayashi would personally monitor closely. Hayashi replied that monitoring the proficiency of students in math, reading, and science and measuring growth are priorities, but that all of the KPIs are important so he would be monitoring all of the outcomes.

Board Member Moriarty asked how the system would encourage neʻepapa (working together in unison). Hayashi replied that it is important for the system to re-establish trust in relationships with students, parents, community members, educators, and employees. He stated that it would be important to establish how each level in the tri-level interacts with each other and provide supports to ensure that systems are working efficiently. Hayashi also stated that communication is also important to set a clear sense of direction and expectations.

Board Member Moriarty asked the Department to provide insight on civic engagement opportunities and how these opportunities would be addressed going forward. Chun replied that preparing students academically, socially, and emotionally to graduate ready to contribute to communities builds the foundation for them to be civically engaged and ready to contribute in a variety of ways. She noted specific civic engagement activities on page 8 within Desired Outcome 1.3.1, Action item 5 and that The Department is developing several initiatives that focus on some specific civic engagement activities.

Board Member Moriarty suggested determining what success in Desired Outcome 1.3.1 would look like and noted that this is different from community involvement and engagement. She asked Chun to clarify how the action items are sequenced. Chun stated that the order of the action items is dependent on the nature of the desired outcomes with some being clustered by subject and others organized by broad foundational action items.

Hayashi stated that the plan allows the schools the flexibility to address their greatest needs based on their respective data and set priorities within their academic and financial plans. Chun stated that the action items are not intended to be a checklist for schools and noted that the Department would set expectations and make supports for each action item available.

Board Member Moriarty expressed interest in targets to measure progress and impact on students.

Board Member McClellan expressed appreciation for the staff who provided input because this shows strength and commitment for the implementation plan.

Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse noted that testimonies have a common message of general support for the implementation plan, but supporters also express the desire to see action. He likened the process to identifying a destination and setting the course for the voyage. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse expressed appreciation for neʻepapa (working together in unison) and highlighted the need to move forward and adjust when necessary. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse described a metaphor of a school of fish that moves individually but in unison.

Board Member Namauʻu expressed appreciation for the additional information and emphasized the importance of the ability to collaborate with community groups. She expressed support for measuring student growth, ensuring teachers are getting proper training and monitoring, and for the state office designing a system of support. Board Member Namauʻu noted that the implementation plan does not include targets, but that this information would be helpful. She also noted that the Department should consider assessing whether students understand HĀ concepts.

Board Chairperson Voss asked the Department to address the development of growth metrics and asked when the Board can expect to see this information.

Chun referenced the KPIs on page 21 measuring the progress in achieving student learning goals, looking at both growth and proficiency. She shared that the Department uses the student growth percentile model to track improvement on statewide assessments, but further information is forthcoming because the Department needs to look at how to provide the best information to the Board and schools. Chun shared that her intent is to present a specific growth measure target to the Board in Fall 2023.

Board Chairperson Voss asked about the status of the development of targets. Chun replied that the Department would look at development to determine what improvements can be made and commits to providing this information to the Board next school year. She explained that targets for the KPIs will be proposed next year as there are technical challenges in setting targets and making sure that there is a basis to show how much growth is desired that is both attainable and ambitious.

Board Member Namauʻu stated that if the Department lists the targets, the Board can see the progress and determine if adjustments are needed.

Board Member Kuraya noted that the implementation plan process was an opportunity to get input from the school level to create a document that provides students the opportunity to be successful

Board Chairperson Voss asked for details on priority 3. Curt Otaguro, Deputy Superintendent of Operations, Department of Education replied that the Department created a special team to review current projects that have been contracted for various reasons, but no notice to proceed has been issued. He detailed that the Department is waiting for the final legislative budget to see if the legislature included additional funding to complete projects.

Board Chairperson Voss asked Otaguro to describe the process to address the repair and maintenance (“R&M”) backlog.

Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse left the meeting at 3:34 p.m.

Otaguro noted that different islands experience different challenges and that the Department works in partnership with other state agencies, like the Department of Transportation (“DOT”). He noted that there is more demand than resources and that the Department will need to work with complex area superintendents and principals to set priorities.

Board Vice Chairperson returned to the meeting at 3:37 p.m.

Hayashi emphasized that extensive work was done to reach out to Department staff and external stakeholders.

Board Chairperson Voss stated that action would take place on the May 18 agenda and asked for comments from Hayashi on what the Board can expect at that time. Hayashi stated that steps have been taken to start work already.

VI. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Voss adjourned the meeting at 3:41 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Richard StangeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Helen SanpeiMcKinley School for Adults, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Everett InamasuV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Sheldon KonnoWaianae Elementary School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Christine Alexander; Varissa Pata; Malaea WetzelWaialua Complex Area PrincipalsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Ashlyn LopesV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Mitchell WendorffIao Intermediate, Vice PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Daniel SuzukiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Garett ChangV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Shayna BarkerV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Danilyn MaguaddayaoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Lori BrudeurV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Marthaann KimV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jennifer FreelandV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Theresa FernandezV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Alexis FriedmanV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Pogisa TagaloaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Malia WooV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Emilio Ebanez Jr.V.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Lisa RosarioV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Ulii JamesV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kayla TaniguchiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Tia PearsonV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Mira NakamotoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Stacey SergentV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Lora-lea GrandoMaui High School, Vice PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Uʻilani DuPontV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Linda HamamaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Alex HarrisHarold K.L. Castle Foundation, Vice President for ProgramsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Christie SalvadorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jessica TindallV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Rowena EstoresV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Summer FajotaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Michelle LogotalaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Cyndi HigaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Glenn Gray; Noreen Kunitomo; Ericka Blanco; Rory Souza; Tammy Yoshimura-Furrer; Kori Takaki; Wendy Daniel; Dr. James Denight; Janice Blaber; Jessica Dahlke; Hannah Loyola; Amy Stafford; Trisha Sanborn; Michael McCloskey; Ami Akeo; Teddy Burgess; Kris Kosa-Correia; Michelle Barber; Tammie PicklesimerHonoka’a-Kealakehe-Kohala-Konawaena (“HKKK”) PrincipalsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Ashley MitchellV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jill LaBoyKailua Intermediate School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Susan Pcola-DavisV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Steve LeopoldoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
John AlexanderV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Taryn ShingawaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Amy Martinson; Neil Blomberg; Lance Tanouye; Bryan Loo; Garrett Arakawa; Gavin Tsue; James Suster; Joseph Halfmann; Keith Hui; Troy TakazonoPearl City School PrincipalsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jeanne IwashitaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Pat AnbeWaipahu Community School for Adults, PrincipalsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Ernest MuhHelemano Elementary School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
David MiyashiroHawaiiKidsCAN, Executive DirectorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Central District Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua Complex AreaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kyle ShimabukuroMililani Mauka Elementary School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Dayna OshiroV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kelly McCallV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Sharon Beck; Wilma Roddy; Adria Medeiros; Brandon Tanabe; Gregg Yonemori; Dean Cevallos; Michelle Payne-Arakaki; Heidi Boteilho; Kim Williamson; Iwalani Harris; Andrew Scott; Karrin Hauanio; Joy Hohnstine; Lynn Romero; Shawn Slater; Ravae Todd; Elaine Higa; Brendan Fliris; Christopher Ho; Jason Schafer; Stacey BelloKaʻū-Keaʻau-Pāhoa Complex Area AdministratorsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jason RoutonV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Joe HalfmannPearl City High School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Anne JohnsonV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kris StoneV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Alice LuckKauai Planning and Action Alliance, President & CEOV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Janeen KuhnV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Emi SuzukiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Terrence George, Peter Ho, Duane Kurisu, Micah Kane, Elliot Mills, Jack Wong, and Ray VaraHawaii Executive CollaborativeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Cheri NakamuraHEʻE Coalition, DirectorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Terrie Goodness-PalupeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Paula AdamsHawaii Afterschool Alliance, Executive DirectorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Darla YassaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Stephen SchatzHawaii P-20, Executive DirectorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Warren HydeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Mufi HannemanHawaii Lodging & Tourism Association, President & CEOV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Joy Ring-GadowV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Michael ShimadaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Erin KiyunaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Esther Kanehailua; Dennis O’Brien; Jennifer Sueoka; Jasmine Urasaki; Heather Dansdill; Bryan Arbles; David Dinkel; Kimberly Castillo; Tiffany Pratt; Vincent Venzon; Ken Watanabe; Kelcy Koga; Lisa Souza; Suzanne Ochi; Kasie Kaleohano; Trini Hironaga; Robin Valencia; Polly Quigley; Kurt Kawachi; Tierney Barcarse; Bert Bibilone; Angie GrahamHilo–Waiākea Complex AreaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Mary PescadorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
SherriAnn WakuiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kimberly LewisV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kimberly MondenV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Esther KekahunaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Roxanne BalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Robin LeeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Alika Ahu; Pat Anbe; Alvan Fukuhara; Stacy Kawamura; Hahn Nguyen; Sheldon Oshio; Zachary Sheets; Aaron TominagaWaipahu Complex PrincipalsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Nathan MaedaMaunawili Elementary School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Irene YamamotoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Noah BolosV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kahele DukelowʻAha Kauleo, Luna Ho’omalu (President)V.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Cary Miyashiro; Brian TatsumuraHawaii State Workforce Development CouncilV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Glen MiyasatoFern Elementary School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Edmund AczonHawaii Carpenters Apprenticeship & Training Fund, Executive DirectorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Della TeraokaUniversity of Hawaii Community Colleges, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic AffairsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Shauna AinuuV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Rosa YoungV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Ivy SylvaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Claire FrickeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Shainalyn KaiwiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Lyndsey UyedaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Tanya Sasaoka-TamV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Alec MarenticV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Angela KaohelauliiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Randy PerreiraHawaii Government Employees Association, Executive DirectorV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Douglas CrabbeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
John CubanV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Tricia KagimotoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Anne HornerV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kelly WadleggerV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kristen NakamuraV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jodi LuiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Zachary ConsillioV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Lei TataV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Graham CrookesV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Holly San MiguelV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Terry KaiahuaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kristen KaneV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Roylynn AjalaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kalei UnoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Sharon NicholsV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Deborah Bond-UpsonParents for Public Schools for HawaiiV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Tammy TakataV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Disa Hauge; Darin Pilialoha; John Wataoka; Lisa Higa; Suzie Lee; Kenneth Agcaoili; Christine Udarbe; Sheldon Konno; Daniel Addis; Ray PikelnyLeeward District, Complex AreaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Tamara OliveiraV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Gina AsariV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Allyson Spencer KamakaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Jane CorleyV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Joanne AllagonezV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
E. Brook Chapman de SousaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
M. RamosV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Sheldon OshioWaikele Elementary School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Darran KoyamaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Viviane BersaminaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Diane Dela PenaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Victoria Lum KeeV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Patricia HalagaoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Sherry Menor-McNamaraChamber of Commerce Hawaii, President & CEOV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Hilton RaethelHealthcare Association of Hawaii, President & CEOV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Betsy GililandV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
K. Alohilani OkamuraV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Derek Minakami; Kelcy Koga; James Sunday; Jill La Boy; Jon Henry Lee; Brett Tanaka; Corey Nakamura; Bert Carter; C. Keoni Wilhelm; Lorelei Aiwohi; Kathy SilvaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Marie ArcangelV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Kharly CarvalhoV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Dr. William WilsonKa Haka ‘Ula O Keʻelikōlani College of Hawaiian Language, University of Hawaii at HiloV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Natividad ValenzuelaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
James RippardKalaheo High School, PrincipalV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Shelby JohnsonV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Lynel MendiolaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Evangeleen KahueV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
D. Uilani KiahaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft
Samie KetiamaV.A. Update on Hawaii Public Education 2023-29 Strategic Plan (Phase II), Implementation Plan: Proposed Draft