Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, December 12, 2024

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Bill Arakaki, Vice Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse
Elynne Chung
Kahele Dukelow
Ken Kuraya
Wesley Lo

Mary Hattori
Makana McClellan

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Fiscal Services, Department of Education
Sean Bacon, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Talent Management, Department of Education
Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian, Hawaii State Public Library System
Alex Harris, Vice Chairperson, State Public Charter School Commission
Ed Noh, Executive Director, State Public Charter School Commission
Deanne Goya, Early Learning Program Director, State Public Charter School Commission
Ethan Yang, Board Student Representative
David Tom, Military Liaison
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Roy Takumi called the Board of Education (Board) special meeting to order at 1:35 p.m.

II. Approval of meeting minutes of September 19, 2024; October 31, 2024; and November 21, 2024, general business meetings

ACTION: Approval of meeting minutes of September 19, 2024; October 31, 2024; and November 21, 2024, general business meetings. (Barcarse/Dukelow). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

III. Report of the Superintendent
The Board took agenda items II.A. and II.B. together.

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, to provide the report.

Awards and recognitions for students, employees, and/or schools
Hayashi recognized Kalani High School’s Coast Guard Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program which equips cadets with leadership training and skills with no obligation for military service. He congratulated Jewelyn Kahele and Valerie Aguirre, recognized by the National Center for Homeless Education for their role as first hand providers to families immediately following the Maui Wildfire disaster. Students from Jefferson Elementary School won first place in the Bank for Education: KeikiCo for their Cray Crayons business plan to recycle crayons to supply students in need.

Visit by Dr. Miguel Cardona, United States Secretary of Education
Dr. Miguel Cardona, United States Secretary of Education visited Lahaina schools and shared his experience about dealing with the recovery efforts. Hayashi expressed appreciation to Cardona for inspiring students and taking time to visit.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

IV. Report of the State Librarian regarding 2024 year in review

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian to provide the 2024 year in review.

Aldrich expressed excitement about the amount of patrons attending various events at the libraries and noted that feedback from a recent rebranding survey was received requesting more hours and books. She reported that library users are using both paper and electronic devices, 16,000 individuals’ participants in the summer reading and other programs. Aldrich shared that Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) is hiring and looking to use existing staff more effectively including using RFID to self check out materials, and rebranding to refresh the relationship HSPLS has with communities.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Dukelow asked for more information on the digital navigator program. Aldrich shared that the digital navigator pilot program happens twice a month for four hours which allows anyone to ask questions about technology. HSPLS is working with the University of Hawaii to provide access at every branch. She shared that 566 individuals attended 81 sessions across the state.

Board Member Barcarse expressed appreciation for the addition of Wonderbooks and asked if there are local collections or efforts to create some in this area. Aldrich stated that Wonderbooks is extremely popular and explained that a device will read the book which has been beneficial for individuals with Dyslexia.

Board Member Lo stated that if staffing is improving how the demand for longer hour’s impact libraries does. Aldrich stated that HSPLS still faces hiring challenges due to budget restrictions which require that strategic decisions be made. She noted that the demand for additional hours will require ongoing discussions and shared that needs are unique across every island.

Board Chairperson Takumi asked about amnesty for overdue books. Aldrich replied that HSPLS does not have an amnesty day; however during the COVID-19 pandemic, HSPLS did not collect fees. She noted that fines and fees help to build the collection materials and HSPLS needs to build a better collection budget to be able to grow the library collections.

V. Student Achievement Committee oral report on November 21, 2024, meeting

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Student Achievement Committee Chairperson Bill Arakaki.

Board Member Arakaki reported that the Student Achievement Committee met on November 21, 2024, and noted that per Board Policy 400-2 (Policies and Policy-setting), the process to change Board policies includes referring an issue to the appropriate standing committee, approval of a policy draft by the committee, and committee recommendation of its approval to the full Board. On the September 19, 2024, meeting of the Student Achievement Committee, the Department presented an initial policy draft for Board Policy 500-8, which it has since revised based on the discussion that day, and per its memorandum before us. At its November 21, 2024, meeting, the Committee voted to recommend the proposed policy draft to the full Board, based on the Department’s memorandum of the same date. The Board will be voting today whether to approve the proposed amendments to the policy.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

VI. Hawaiʻi State Public Charter School Commission annual report

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Ed Noh, Executive Director, Hawaii State Charter School Commission (HSPCSC), and Alex Harris, Vice Chairperson, HSPCSC to provide the annual report.

Harris expressed appreciation for the opportunity to share the HSPCSC annual report. Noh highlighted the HSPCSC annual report findings and noted that a lot of time was spent on the performance framework. The performance framework clearly sets forth the academic, financial, and organizational performance indicators, measures, and metrics. The mission aligned initiative is mission-focused on educational goals measured through documentation and observation is defined for each charter school.

Noh reported that indicator 2 focuses on Strive HI for academic proficiency, post-secondary readiness, student growth, and the achievement gap. He outlined the key performance indicators (KPIs) for charter schools in comparison to the Department schools. Based on the student growth percentile 80% of charter schools were at or above for English language arts (ELA) proficiency; 74% of charter schools were at or about for math; and 91% of charter schools at or above in at least one subject area. The achievement gap results show that 80% of charter schools are at or below in ELA, and 86% of charter schools are at or below in math. The financial framework is based on the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) risk assessment formula. He shared that 100% of charter schools have completed their fire inspection tasks and the general areas for ongoing review include governing board reporting, and posting of school policies on their website.

Noh stated that HSPCSC was set up as a pass through of funds to charter schools and of $140 million was administered to charter schools with $1.8 million in operating funds for the office. The federal programs team helps to build capacity with schools for Title I (free and reduced lunch), Title II (professional development for highly qualified teachers), Title III (English language learners), Title IV (well-rounded education, safe & healthy schools and technology), and CSI/TSI (comprehensive and targeted support and improvement). The early learning program will have 18 classrooms and expressed appreciation to partner with Sylvia Luke, Lieutenant Governor for the Ready Keiki Initiative to improve the early learning system by 2032. The first pre-Kindergarten charter school will be opened in January 2025.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Dukelow expressed appreciation for the report and asked if the charter school early learning programs are related to ‘Aha Pūnana Leo. Deanne Goya, Early Learning Program Director, HSPCSC replied that ‘Aha Pūnana Leo partners with Ke Kula ‘O Nāwahīokalani’ōpu’u Iki Laboratory Public Charter School to sustain the program.

Board Member Barcarse left the meeting at 2:22 p.m.

VII. Annual report on the State’s public charter schools as required by section 302D-21, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes

Board Chairperson Takumi stated that the annual report on the State’s public charter schools is required by section 302D-21, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes. As required by law, this report, covering the 2023-2024 school year, drew from the annual report of the State Public Charter School Commission, as well as other additional relevant data.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Barcarse returned to the meeting at 2:27 p.m.

ACTION: Approve the Board’s annual report on charter schools, pursuant to section 302D-21, HRS, included as Attachment A to Board Chairperson Roy Takumi’s memorandum dated December 12, 2024, and to authorize the Board chairperson to make any technical, non-substantive changes to the report for clarity and consistency before issuing it to the Governor, Legislature, and public. (Arakaki/Dukelow). The motion carried with Board Members Takumi, Arakaki, Dukelow, Chung, Kuraya and Lo voting aye. Board Member Barcarse abstained.

VIII. Recommended action on Board Policy 500-8 (Accreditation of Schools)

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Board Vice Chairperson Arakaki to provide the recommendation on Board Policy 500-8 (Accreditation of Schools).

Board Vice Chairperson Arakaki stated that behalf of the Student Achievement Committee, I move that the Board update Board Policy 500-8 (Accreditation of Schools), as proposed by the Department in its memorandum dated November 21, 2024, in accordance with Board Policy 400-2 (Policies and Policy-setting).

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve the update to Board Policy 500-8 (Accreditation of Schools), as proposed by the Department in its memorandum dated November 21, 2024, in accordance with Board Policy 400-2 (Policies and Policy-setting). (Student Achievement Committee/No second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present.

IX. Temporary hazard pay adjustments for Department of Education employees excluded from collective bargaining

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Sean Bacon, Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Talent Management to provide the recommendation on the temporary hazard pay adjustments for Department employees excluded from collective bargaining.

Bacon stated that the Department and Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) reached a settlement agreement on temporary hazard pay adjustments for those included in Bargaining Units 02, 03, 04, 09, and 13 for the period of March 4, 2020 to March 25, 2022. The Department would like to formally request that temporary hazard pay for those excluded from collective bargaining and funding has been appropriated by the legislature with Act 49 (2024), Session Laws of Hawaii.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Chairperson Takumi asked what positions are considered excluded employees. Bacon replied that mainly these positions are those who access confidential information including Board office staff.

ACTION: Approve equivalent payouts to its eligible excluded counterpart employees, in amounts equal to those of its eligible included employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, as allowable under section 89C-3, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes, and as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated December 12, 2024. (Kuraya/Barcarse). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

X. Retention payment for qualifying Department of Education employees in Bargaining Unit 06, Hawaii Government Employees Association, and their excluded counterparts

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Bacon to provide the recommendation on the retention payment for qualifying Department of Education employees in Bargaining Unit 06, Hawaii Government Employees Association, and their excluded counterparts.

Bacon stated that the Department would like to formally request retention payments for qualifying employees in Bargaining Unit 06 and excluded counterparts. All qualifying educational officers employed by the Department on December 2, 2024, with under five years of cumulative service will receive a one-time lump sum payment of $8,000 and all qualifying educational officers employed by the Department on December 2, 2024, with five or more years of cumulative service will receive a one-time lump sum payment of $12,000.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony.

James Sunday, Principal, Radford High School and HGEA, President of Bargaining Unit 06 Board of Directors, testified that a lot of pressure is placed on administrators to provide for the school communities. He reiterated that the retention bonus will raise morale in the field and expressed appreciation for the retention bonus.

Board Member Lo asked if there will be any impacts to the current funding of existing programs. Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Fiscal Services, confirmed that the Department has adequate funding.

ACTION: Approve the memorandum of agreement and grant Board Chairperson Roy Takumi the authority to execute the final agreement between the State of Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Board of Education on behalf of the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, and Hawaiʻi Government Employees Association on behalf of Bargaining Unit 06; and (1) Approve the same retention payment to educational officers employed by the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education and excluded from Hawaiʻi Government Employees Association Bargaining Unit 06, as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated December 12, 2024. (Kuraya/Chung). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XI. Compensation increase for Department of Education engineers and architects in Bargaining Unit 13, Hawaii Government Employees Association

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Hayashi to provide the recommendation on the compensation increase for Department engineers and architects in Bargaining Unit 13, Hawaii Government Employees Association.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Lo encouraged the Department to find alternatives for retention and not to rely on salary adjustments. Board Vice Chairperson Arakaki asked about the current amount of employees in these positions. Bacon replied that there are 18 incumbents (13 engineers and 5 architects) that will benefit and that the Department is always recruiting for engineers and architects.

ACTION: Approve the supplemental agreements and grant Board Chairperson Roy Takumi the authority to execute the final agreements between the State of Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi Board of Education on behalf of the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, and Hawaiʻi Government Employees Association on behalf of certain engineering and architectural classes within Bargaining Unit 13, as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated December 12, 2024. (Kuraya/Barcarse). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XII. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Takumi expressed appreciation to Randy Moore, Deputy Superintendent of Operations for his service.

Board Member Dukelow expressed appreciation for Moore for the report. Moore acknowledged the Department staff for their work.

Board Member Lo expressed appreciation for Moore for his dedication. Moore emphasized that teaching is the hardest job he has ever held and expressed appreciation to all teachers for their service.

Hayashi expressed appreciation for Moore for always supporting students and families.

Board Chairperson Takumi expressed appreciation to Dave Tom, Military Representative for his dedication to public education. Tom shared that twenty four years ago he was assigned to the Board and expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve. Hayashi also expressed appreciation to Tom for his work for our public school families.

Board Chairperson Takumi adjourned the meeting at 3:03 p.m.

For written testimony see the following link: