Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Bill Arakaki, Vice Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse
Elynne Chung
Kahele Dukelow
Ken Kuraya

Mary Hattori
Wesley Lo
Makana McClellan

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Randolph Moore, Deputy Superintendent, Office of Facilities and Operations, Department of Education
Ethan Yagi, Board Student Representative
Colonel Angenene Robertson, Military Liaison
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Roy Takumi called the Board of Education (Board) special meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

II. Department updates on student transportation

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent and Randolph Moore, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Facilities and Operations provided an update on student transportation.

Moore stated that there has been a historical decline in school bus drivers due to driver qualifications and noted that smaller buses do not require a commercial driver’s license. Moore stated that pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) § 8-27-4,5 the following students are entitled to school bus service: elementary students who reside a mile or more from school in their public school attendance area; and secondary students who reside 1.5 miles or more from school in their public school attendance area, and special education students.

Moore outlined the costs to operate school buses per student and the new contract period organized by complex area. He noted that all islands with the exception of Molokai are experiencing contractor adjustments. The bus contractors informed the Department about driver availability/shortages but thought services could be adequately staffed by the start of school. It was determined on July 30, 2024 for Oahu and Hawai‘i Island and August 2, 2024 for Maui that some bus routes could not be served.

Moore shared the factors the Department considered in determining which bus routes to suspend as follows: (1) special education students must be served; (2) availability of public transit; (3) school level – elementary, middle, or high; and (4) population demographics. He outlined the alternatives offered included free bus passes on Oahu for middle and high school students, county buses that are already free for students on Maui and Hawaii, and parent mileage reimbursement, or distance learning options.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony.

Osa Tui, Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) testified that traffic has increased and teachers are dealing with multiple impacts oftentimes having to drop their children off early and left late on campus, reckless driving happens around traffic jams, special needs children are being left on campus, public transportation is not convenient for certain schools, schools needed to amend attendance and tardy policies, students are missing breakfast with many of the students being from our most vulnerable populations who cannot afford to miss class, and the availability and costs are rising for field trips.

Board Member Dukelow asked what the trajectory is or proposed a timeline of reestablishing all the bus routes currently not being serviced. Moore replied that the contractors provide information on drivers in the pipeline; however the Department does not have a weekly update. Board Member Dukelow asked if all the routes will be settled. Moore replied that by September 20 when Governor Green’s proclamation expires the Department will need to consider asking for an extension. Hayashi stated that when looking at resources due to the shortage of drivers, the Department needs to assess how to contract with companies to get additional drivers to help extend routes. Board Member Dukelow asked if partnerships are being explored to expedite the driver license requirements. Moore stated that some of the partners are doing their best.

Board Member Barcarse asked for ongoing updates since the restoration of routes does not seem to be on a trajectory moving forward and suggested that the Department ask now for an extension of the proclamation instead of waiting. He asked if items 4 and 5 were explored and was there any positive effect and training is being offered but has there been ways to accelerate training. Moore shared that if the Department decides to seek an extension from Governor Green, waiting till more information is available will not compromise getting the proclamation extended. Board Member Barcarse asked how often the Board receives updates. Moore referred to slide 12 and noted that progress will be shared timely.

Board Vice Chairperson Arakaki stated that based on the report the Department has restored some routes and has been working with contractors. He asked what can be done to support increased wages or more training for outside contractors to get kids to school to learn.

Board Member Kuraya stated that the problem exists due to the limited number of bus drivers and it will continue to be an issue for the Department to be able to fulfill.

Colonel Angenene Robertson commended the efforts to control the controllable and noted that due to this issue the Department has created workarounds to help the contractors but ultimately the responsibility is with the contractor accountability. She requested that in addition to training how can efforts be made to encourage individuals to want to drive the buses to the workforce. Angenene noted that the Department should not want to wait till the last minute so we need a plan (contractor accountability) to have a solution in place so that the Department can ask for the extension.

Board Member Chung acknowledged that things will happen and she expressed appreciation for the possible solutions to offer employment so that bus drivers can get paid the entire school day.

Ethan Yang, Student Representative shared feedback he received from students that the HOLO cards were effective and suggested that the process be made more accessible. He noted that other considerations could be looked at since sometimes the city buses are running late but this may address tardiness and absence issues.

Hayashi recognized the mayors who have supported the Department to brainstorm different strategies and shared about an individual who became a bus driver because it was one way for her to make a difference for public education. Hayashi also shared that the attendance rate has increased by 20 percent.

Board Member Barcarse stated that the last bullet point on slide 15 is a good idea and asked if the ride share information is being implemented now for families. Moore stated the Department has not asked all complex areas and would like to start small to be more successful. Board Member Barcarse emphasized the importance of looking at a solution to help get more students to school. Moore stated that the current solution is to get more drivers but for the future the ride share options will help the Department.

Board Vice Chairperson Arakaki expressed support for the Department to work with the attorney general on liabilities to protect the bus drivers and asked if bus drivers were insured by the Department. Moore clarified that the Department contracts with contractors who cover the bus drivers.

Board Chairperson Takumi expressed support for the suggestion from Board Member Barcarse and requested that the Department provide the Board with a status update on student transportation during the upcoming meeting.

III. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Takumi adjourned the meeting at 2:41 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Vanessa OttII. Department updates on student transportation
Donnell ThomasII. Department updates on student transportation
Daniel SmithII. Department updates on student transportation