Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Elynne Chung
Kahele Dukelow
Ken Kuraya
Makana McClellan
Lauren Moriarty

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Tammi Oyadomari-Chun, Deputy Superintendent of Strategy, Department of Education
Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Fiscal Services, Department of Education
John Erickson, Complex Area Superintendent, Aiea-Moanalua-Radford Complex Area, Department of Education
Ian Haskins, Principal, King Kamehameha III, Department of Education
Ahryanna McGuirk, Board Student Representative
Ethan Yagi, Hawaii State Student Council
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Roy Takumi called the Board of Education (Board) General Business Meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

Board Chairperson Takumi announced that the Board will take the executive session item out of order and called for public testimony on agenda item

ACTION: Enter into executive session to consult with the Board’s attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board's powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities related to Case No. 1:18-cv-00477-LEK-RT, pursuant to paragraph 92-5(a)(4), Hawaii Revised Statutes. (Kuraya/Barcarse). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

The meeting recessed at 1:36 p.m. and reconvened at 2:29 p.m.

Board Chairperson Takumi noted that during the executive session, the Board received an update on and consulted with its attorney on Case No. 1:18-cv-00477-LEK-RT, related to Title IX. No action was taken.

II. Approval of meeting minutes of April 25, 2024, General Business Meeting & May 9, 2024, Special Meeting

ACTION: Motion to approve the Board’s April 25, 2024, general business meeting, and May 9, 2024, special meeting minutes (Kuraya/Barcarse). The motion was carried through unanimous consent from all members present.
III. Report of the superintendent:
The Board took agenda items III.A., III.B., and III.C. together.

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, to provide the report of the superintendent.

Capital Improvement Projects
Hayashi reported that in fiscal year 2025 (FY25), $142,034,487 or 72% of the Department budget requests received funding, $20,990,000 (non-recurring) summer learning hubs, $18,266,346 bus contracts, $18,000,000 food services, and $15,000,000 (non-recurring) electricity. However, $56,116,778 or 28% of the budget requests were not funded including, $5,000,000 middle school athletics, $2,749,624 vulnerable populations and English learner programs, $1,974,578 mathematics innovation, and $1,789,680 School-Based Behavioral Health. He also noted that the legislature added $9,568,260 for FY25 only (non-recurring), for enhanced school security, $2,500,000 Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher differentials, $1,300,000 Healthy and Ready to Learn program, $500,000 computer science courses for teachers, and $268,260 for the seal of biliteracy.

2024 Legislative Proposals and Priorities
Hayashi reported on the 2024 legislative package which focuses on reducing administrative burden for schools, keeping students safe, and addressing financial shortfalls. He shared that the Department expressed support for the following legislation:
Awards and recognitions for students, employees, and/or schools
Hayashi congratulated the following Department employees and students: Joseph Passantino Keʻelikōlani Middle, Principal of the Year Hawaiʻi Association of Secondary School Administrator; Dale Arakaki Pauoa Elementary, Hawaiʻi’s National Distinguished Principal Hawai‘i Elementary & Middle School Administrators Association; Jennifer Pimentel Lāna‘i High & Elementary, Hawaiʻi’s National Outstanding Assistant Principal Hawai‘i Elementary & Middle School Administrators Association; Tommy Cox Kapaʻa High, Masayuki Tokioka Excellence in School Leadership Award Island Insurance Foundation; and Maile-Lei Ji, Kealakehe High, and Ahryanna P. McGurick, Kalāheo High awarded the U.S. Presidential Scholars 2024 award; recipients of the 20th annual citizen-scholar awards. He also expressed a heartfelt congratulations the Class of 2024 and expressed that it was an honor to attend some of the ceremonies.

Hayashi expressed appreciation for the students, administrators, teachers and staff who continue to move forward to be globally committed leaders for our state.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for testimony on agenda item III.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, expressed appreciation to Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Fiscal Services for leading the Department through a successful legislative session.

Cheri Nakamura, member of the public, congratulated the Department for a successful legislative session; however expressed concerns relating to the unspent capital improvement projects (CIP) and deferred maintenance funds.

Board Member Kuraya referred to the one-time funding provided by the Governor and asked if the plan to ensure that the requirements are met. Hallett replied that the Department has communicated with the Department of Budget & Finance (B&F) and the Governor on the policy decisions relating to recurring costs.
IV. “Ed Talk Story" with the Hawaii State Student Council and Board of Education Student Representative Ahryanna McGuirk

Board Student Representative Ahryanna McGuirk and Ethan Yagi shared about the Hawaii State Student Council (HSSC). The HSSC was founded in 1972 with 7 members and has expanded in 2012 to 43 members. In 2023, HSSC celebrated 35 years of hosting the largest leadership conference for public school students and there are various committees relating to student achievement, school environment, co-curricular concerns, and communication.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item IV. No testimony was provided.

V. Update on Maui wildfire impacts

Hayashi expressed appreciation to all staff in the affected areas who were impacted by the Maui wildfires that took place on August 8, 2023. He shared that in collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) it was determined to open for full in-person learning at King Kamehameha III Elementary School, Lahaina Intermediate School, and Lahainaluna High School.

Ian Haskins, Principal of King Kamehameha III, shared about the school routines and how working collectively has created a wonderful environment. He expressed appreciation for the work of the staff and provided insights on the temporary site, Pulelehua.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item IV.

Mike Landes, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Michelle Rose Brummel, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Ashley Olson, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Luz Gaoat, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Erik Jennings, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Erin Vegas, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Robert Livermore, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Justin Hughey, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Mari Finn, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Katherine Hedden, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Robert Livermore, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Victoria Zupancic, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Sandra Rivas, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Mari Finn, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Dorisa Pelletier-Yamasaki, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Tracy Brojakowski, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Arica Lynn, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Luxmi Quall, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Jackie Ellis, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Diosa Doane, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Carol Holland, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Luz Gaoat, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Donell Thomas, member of the public, testified regarding impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Lisa Thompson, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Jared Chapin, member of the public, testified regarding the impacts of the Lahaina wildfires.

Board Member Dukelow expressed appreciation for those who testified and emphasized that testifiers shared about certain things surfacing for individuals at different times. She requested that the Department make adjustments on leave sharing, additional multi-pronged mental health services, and pay differentials for those being displaced.

Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse expressed appreciation for the testifiers and noted that the resiliency and aloha shown today is an example to be followed. He stated that the needs have been shared and asked the Department to do better.

Board Member McClellan echoed comments from other Board members and acknowledged the aloha spirit shared from testifiers. She emphasized that the Board has heard loud and clear about what is being asked from those affected by the wildfires.

VI. Student Achievement Committee oral report on May 9, 2024, meeting

Board Member and Student Achievement Committee Chairperson Bill Arakaki reported that the Student Achievement Committee met on May 9, 2024. The Committee received task force reports as a follow-up to the November 2, 2023, Student Achievement Committee discussion regarding Act 174, Session Laws of Hawaii 2023 (House Bill 503, Relating to Computer Science Education), and Senate Concurrent Resolution 56, 2023 (Requesting the Board of Education to Review Various Programs and Subject Matter Areas for Implementation in Public Schools). The Committee then approved a policy draft in accordance with Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism, as explained and provided for in the Department’s memorandum dated May 9, 2024. This policy draft is being presented for approval at today’s general business meeting. Finally, the Committee received a presentation on the Department’s work related to Strategic Plan Desired Outcome 1.3.1, Action Item 3: Expand students’ opportunities for structured work-based learning experiences, including internships for high school students, through partnerships with employers, community partners, military and higher education institutions.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item IV. No testimony was provided.

VII. Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as members of the State Public Charter School Commission; findings and recommendations on nominations

Board Member Dukelow outlined the investigative committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b) (1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to the nomination of individuals to serve as members of the State Public Charter School Commission.

VIII. Appointment of Hawaii State Commissioner for the Military Interstate Compact

Oyadomari-Chun stated that the Department is proposing John Erickson as the military interstate compact Hawaii State Commissioner.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VIII.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, expressed appreciation to Kathleen Berg for her years of service. She asked the following questions

Board Chairperson Takumi invited Berg to provide comments. Berg expressed appreciation and fully endorses the appointment of Erickson to serve the military students in Hawaii public schools.

Board Member Kuraya expressed support for the recommendation to have Erickson serve as the Hawaii state commissions for the military interstate compact.

David Tom, military representative expressed support for the recommendation to have Erickson serve as the Hawaii state commissions for the military interstate compact.

Board Member Arakaki expressed support for the recommendation to have Erickson serve as the Hawaii state commissions for the military interstate compact.

Board Member Moriarty expressed appreciation for Berg’s service and Erickson has done a lot for our schools including additional responsibilities.

Board Member Chung expressed appreciation for the recommendation to have Erickson serve as the Hawaii state commissions for the military interstate compact.

Hayashi expressed appreciation to Berg for her service and commitment to students.

ACTION: (Barcarse/Kuraya) to approve the appointment of Erickson. The motion passed through unanimous consent.

The meeting recessed at 3:29 p.m. and reconvened at 3:34 p.m.

IX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VIII.

Cindy Reeves, testified in support of the policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism, and requested that the title be revised to include “Student.”

Maria Manuel, testified on the issue of prior review and noted that administrative prior review should be rare and asked that more information be provided on why this should be rare if used at all. She stated that the policies should say that even if you can do something it is advised that you do not.

Kiara, testified in support of the policy and noted that there should be clear definitions included in the policy or clear in training.

Shane Kaneshiro, student journalist, testified in support of the policy and stated that it is a step forward from the previous policy.

Nguyen Lin, testified in support of adoption of the policy.

Vanessa Ott, member of the public, testified that the Board should send the proposed policy back with the expectation that the recommendations are handled properly. She asked who wrote the proposed policy and why Reeves recommendations were ignored.

Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified that administrative prior review should be rare or not necessary at all.

Jason Marlo, member of the public, testified that the hotline provides free advice for student journalist and expressed support of the adoption of this policy and requested to revise the policy to include student.

Board Member Arakaki expressed appreciation for the testimonies on the proposed policy. He also requested that information or guidance be developed to clarify what the students are asking for on prior review.

Board Member Moriarty expressed appreciation to everyone involved in the process.

ACTION: Approve the revisions as proposed by the Department in the memorandum dated May 9, 2024. (Arakaki/No second required).

ACTION: Approve to amend the main motion to include student. (Moriarty/Arakaki). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

X. Executive session: Consultation with the Board's attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board's powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities related to Case No. 1:18-cv-00477-LEK-RT, pursuant to paragraph 92-5(a)(4), Hawaii Revised Statutes
Note: Board Chairperson Takumi took this agenda item out of order before agenda item II, entitled Approval of the meeting minutes of April 25, 2024, General Business Meeting & May 9, 2024, Special Meeting.

III. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Takumi adjourned the meeting at 5:35 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Cindy RevesIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Mike LandesV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Justin HugheyV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Jarrett ChapinV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Cheri NakamuraHEʻE Coalition, DirectorIII.A. Report of the superintendent update on supplemental operating and capital improvement project budget requests
Victoria ZupancicV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Osa Tui, Jr.Hawaii State Teachers Association, PresidentV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Michelle Abad BrummelV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Andrew Kulani AkahiV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Abby MarkulisV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Elizabeth ScottV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Mindi CherryV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Cindy RevesIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Kimberly StewartV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Sandra RivasV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Kathleen RoyerV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Danielle GaveglioV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Gina JonesV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Dorisa Pelletier-YamasakiV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Katie Tursi LeeV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Vanessa OttIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Hailey HannonV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Kati HeddenV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Susan Pcola-DavisIII.A. Report of the superintendent; V. Update on Maui wildfire impacts; VII. Appointment of Hawaii State Commissoner for the Military Interstate Compact: John Erickson; IX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Shane KaneshiroIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Shanda SasaiV. Update on Maui wildfire impacts
Nhi NguyenIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Malia ManuelIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism
Kiara PajarilloIX. Adoption of policy in accordance with Board Policy 400-2, entitled Policies and Policy-setting, regarding Act 24, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, relating to student journalism