Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, June 27, 2024
*This meeting was a remote meeting under Section 92-3.7, Hawaii Revised Statutes. The meeting recording is available here.

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Elynne Chung
Kahele Dukelow
Wesley Lo
Makana McClellan

Ken Kuraya
Lauren Moriarty

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian, Hawaii State Public Library System
Ken Kakesako, Planning/Evaluation Director, Planning/Evaluation Director, Policy, Innovation, Planning and Evaluation (PIPE) Branch, Department of Education
Ahryanna McGuirk, Board Student Representative
Ethan Yang, Hawaii State Student Council
Ryan Roylo, Deputy Attorney General, Education Division
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Roy Takumi called the Board of Education (Board) General Business Meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Board Chairperson Takumi, Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse, and Board Members Chung, Dukelow, and McClellan were present. Board Members Arakaki, and Lo participated remotely.

II. Introductions and announcements

The following agenda item was taken out of order before the adjournment.

Board Chairperson Takumi announced that the Board held a series of community meetings, and received great feedback. He expressed appreciation to the public, Department staff, and other stakeholders who attended, and to all those who supported the coordination of the meetings.

Board Chairperson Takumi congratulated Board Student Representative Ahryanna McGuirk on her great accomplishments thus far, and for her contributions to the work of the Hawaii State Board of Education, bringing to the table the voice of the students. McGuirk expressed her appreciation and congratulated Ethan Yang on becoming the new incoming student representative.

III. Approval of meeting minutes of May 23, 2024, General Business Meeting The approval of meeting minutes of May 23, 2024, General Business Meeting was deferred.

Board Member Makana McClellan entered the meeting at 1:35 p.m.

IV. Report of the superintendent:
The Board took agenda items III.A. and III.B. together.

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, to provide the report of the superintendent.

Summer learning opportunities for students and staff
Hayashi reported that the annual student leadership conference was held on June 6-8, 2024 which focused on exploration and discovery with nearly 350 middle and high school students in attendance. He invited Board Student Representatives Ahyranna McGuirk and Ethan Yang to provide their insight.

McGuirk shared that each school invited incoming officers to build connections with state leaders and reminded everyone that student council is fun and exciting. She expressed appreciation to Moanalua High School and the Ala Moana Hotel for hosting the event. Yang shared about his experience as a facilitator for the conference and noted that a lot of positive feedback was provided.

Hayashi also highlighted the following: (1) 95% of schools (245 campuses) running summer programs; (2) participation increased for the Kindergarten summer start programs by 25%; (3) afterschool subsidies extended to full-day summer coverage; (4) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSR) subsidizes A+ costs for all families enrolled; and (5) 73 seamless summer meal sites are available. The Department has increased student internships for summer 2024 and hosted a variety of professional development opportunities for staff such as an early learning conference, Hōʻakea teacher day, School Administrative Services Assistant (SASA) summit, and administrator training for aspiring vice principals.

Awards and recognitions for students, employees, and/or schools
Hayashi congratulated Lisa Nagamine, for earning the Association for Middle Level Education Distinguished Service award, and Bryan Silver, Kalani High School, who was a finalist for the 2024 Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence. He also acknowledged the graduating class of 2024 with approximately 11,000 celebrated during commencement ceremonies held from May 17 to 31 across all islands.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for testimony on agenda item IV. No testimony was provided.

V. Action on State Librarian's end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year

Board Chairperson Takumi stated that the Board will review the State Librarian’s end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The Board approved the state librarian evaluation process and state librarian priorities for the 2023-2024 fiscal year at its February 22, 2024, general business meeting. In accordance with the approved process, the Board will conduct a two-part evaluation related to the state librarian’s performance on a set of professional standards, and the state librarian’s progress toward meeting specified priorities, specific to the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The Board shall provide a rating for each professional standard, and an overall rating for the professional standards component; a rating for each state librarian priority, and an overall rating for the state librarian priorities component; and a cumulative rating that will serve as the primary rating of the state librarian’s performance. The Board will review and consider Stacey Aldrich’s self-assessment which was presented to the Board at its April 25, 2024, general business meeting.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item V.

David Miyashiro, HawaiikidsCAN, testified in support of Aldrich and shared about the opportunities for collaboration that HawaiikidsCAN has been able to accomplish under her leadership with the Hawaii Tutoring+ program.

ACTION: Approve to rate State Librarian Stacey Aldrich on her end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year as follows: Professional Standard 1, as effective; Professional Standard 2, as effective; Professional Standard 3, as effective; Professional Standard 4, as effective; Professional Standard 5, as effective; Professional Standard - Overall, as effective; State Librarian Priority 1, as effective; State Librarian Priority 2, as effective; State Librarian Priority 3, as effective; State Librarian Priority - Overall, as effective; and Cumulative - Overall, as effective. (Barcarse/McClellan). The motion carried with unanimous consent of all members present.

Board Chairperson Takumi invited Aldrich to address the Board regarding her self-evaluation. Aldrich stated that the year focused on creating opportunities and emphasized the importance of leading the library's vision to be a hub for the community to get connected.

Board Member Lo asked how is the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) maintaining organizational culture. Aldrich replied that HSPLS is working to get staff together more often and outlined the opportunities for the leadership team to add more libraries into conversations in order to be more supportive and adaptive. Board Member Arakaki expressed support for Aldrich for her leadership and highly effective rating.

Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse asked about the Hawaii digital navigator’s project progress. Aldrich shared that as the Hawaii digital navigator’s project nears completion meetings will be held to understand challenges. She also shared about the six telehealth navigators for the project that will be launched so that patrons can gain access to doctors. Board Member Lo suggested evaluating how many patrons are reached with the telehealth kits as the navigator programs go forward. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse noted that although the dates happened later than anticipated progress is being made.

ACTION: Amend to rate State Librarian Stacey Aldrich on her end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year as follows: Professional Standard 1, as highly effective; Professional Standard 2, as effective; Professional Standard 3, as highly effective; Professional Standard 4, as highly effective; Professional Standard 5, as highly effective; Professional Standard - Overall, as highly effective; State Librarian Priority 1, as highly effective; State Librarian Priority 2, as effective; State Librarian Priority 3, as highly effective; State Librarian Priority - Overall, as highly effective; and Cumulative - Overall, as highly effective. (Barcarse/McClellan). The motion as amended carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

Board Member Arakaki expressed support for the motion and shared that while visiting the libraries the advancements made have helped to support keiki (children) to read.

VI. Action on State Librarian's employment contract

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VI. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve a four-year contract, effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2028, for State Librarian Aldrich, that will be the same as the contract approved by the Board on May 20, 2021, as amended by the Board on December 15, 2022, and as amended by the Board on August 24, 2023. (Barcarse/McClellan). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b) (1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda

Board Member Dukelow stated that the Investigative Committee, established at our April 25, 2024, general business meeting, was composed of Board members Bill Arakaki, Makana McClellan, and myself as chairperson. After careful review, the committee recommended at the May 23, 2024 general business meeting, that the following three individuals, be appointed by the Board to the Commission to each fill three-year terms beginning July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VII.

David Miyashiro, HawaiikidsCAN, testified in support of Alex Harris to continue as a commissioner who has a deep and holistic understanding of local and national trends.

ACTION: Approve the appointment of the following individuals to the Commission, each to serve three-year terms beginning on July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027: Donna Camvel; Alex Harris; and Cathy Ikeda. (McClellan/Barcarse). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

Alex Harris and Cathy Ikeda expressed appreciation for the opportunity to continue as commissioners. Donna Camvel also expressed appreciation and shared that she is looking forward to learning and making a difference for all children in public charter schools.

The meeting recessed at 2:36 p.m. and reconvened at 2:44 p.m.

VIII. Amendment to December 21, 2023, memorandum regarding Board action on Human Resources Committee recommendation concerning the superintendent evaluation criteria for the 2023-2024 school year, to amend evaluation timeline

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VIII. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Revise the superintendent evaluation timeline for the 2023-2024 school year as explained in Board Chairperson Roy M. Takumi’s memorandum, dated June 27, 2024. (Barcarse/Dukelow). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IX. Action on School Community Council request for exceptions to collective bargaining agreements, statutory waivers, and waivers of Board policy

Board Member Arakaki stated that the proposed recommendation is to support schools with their waiver requests which is reviewed by the exception review committee. Ken Kakesako, Planning/Evaluation Director, PIPE Branch, stated that the Department will be putting in some automation to allow tracking of waiver requests including adjustments to deadlines for the review committee, and additional training for each complex area.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item IX. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve the School Community Council requests for exceptions to the Hawaii State Teachers Association collective bargaining agreement; waivers of section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes; waivers from Board policy for School Year 2024-2025; and waivers from Department regulations, as explained in the associated memorandum, dated June 27, 2024 (Barcarse/Dukelow). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

X. Action on designation of board members to an investigative committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b) (1), Hawaii Revised Statutes), concerning performance metrics for the superintendent evaluation

Board Chairperson Takumi stated that an investigative committee will allow the Board the flexibility to more efficiently and timely conduct information gathering and fact-finding, discuss, and develop recommendations around performance metrics for the superintendent’s evaluation for the 2024-2025 school year. The investigative committee will present its findings and recommendations at a general business meeting of the Board at the appropriate point(s), in alignment with the timeline approved for the superintendent evaluation for the 2024-2025 school year. The Board will take action on these recommendations at the subsequent general business meeting(s).

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item X. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Establish an investigative committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes), tasked with conducting information gathering and fact-finding, discussing, and developing recommendations around performance metrics for the superintendent’s evaluation for the 2024-2025 school year; and designate Board Chairperson Roy M. Takumi, and Board Members Bill Arakaki, Ken Kuraya, and Wesley Lo, to serve on the investigative committee, with Board Member Wesley Lo serving as chairperson (Barcarse/Dukelow). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XI. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Takumi adjourned the meeting at 2:58 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Sylvia HusseyPueo Consulting LLCVII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda
Lorna GomesVII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda
Vanessa OttV. Action on State Librarian’s end of year evaluation for the 2023*2024 fiscal year
Lisa DelongVII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda
David Sun-MiyashiroHawaiikidsCANV. Action on State Librarian’s end of year evaluation for the 2023*2024 fiscal year & VII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda
Jocelyn Romero DemirbagVII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda
Denise EspaniaVII. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b)(1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation relating to nomination of individuals to serve as a members of the State Public Charter School Commission: Donna Camvel, Alex Harris, and Cathy Ikeda