Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Bruce Voss, Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Bill Arakaki
Shanty Asher
Lynn Fallin
Ken Kuraya
Makana McClellan
Lauren Moriarty
Kili Namauʻu


Maverick Yasuda, Student Representative
Colonel Michael Minaudo, Military Representative
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Bruce Voss called the Board of Education (“Board”) General Business Meeting to order at 1:58 p.m. Board Chairperson Voss, Board Vice Chairperson Kaimana Barcarse, and Board Members Bill Arakaki, Lynn Fallin, Ken Kuraya, Makana McClellan, Lauren Moriarty, and Kili Namauʻu were present.

II. Public Testimony on Board of Education (“Board”) Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Voss called for public testimony.

Karen Kama, Hawaiʻi Department of Education special services, testified on agenda item IV.A, entitled “Human Resource Committee Report on March 23, 2023 Meeting: (1) Committee Action on amendment of Department of Education (“Department”) Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, Complex Area Superintendent (“CAS”), and Assistant Superintendent (“AS”) and salary range change.” She stated that she is a speech language pathologist (“SLP”) and expressed opposition to the increases in salaries for Department leadership. Kama stated that schools are struggling to fill SLP positions, which are essential to fulfill Individualized Education Plans for struggling students and that these positions have not received raises in a long time.

Mr. D C, DOE Speech-Language Pathologist, testified on agenda item VI.A, entitled “Board Action on Human Resources Committee recommendation concerning Committee Action on amendment of Department of Education (“Department”) Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS and salary range change.” He testified that he is a SLP, opposed increases in salaries for Department leadership, noted that SLP, occupational therapists, physical therapists provide services directly to students, and shared statements from some of the 300 SLP on the island.

Susan Pcola-Davis, PTSA, testified on agenda item VI.A, entitled “Board Action on Human Resources Committee recommendation concerning Committee Action on amendment of Department of Education (“Department”) Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS and salary range change.” She opposed increases to Department leadership salaries and noted that at the November 17, 2022 Human Resources Committee meeting, committee members made many of the same comments they did today, so it is clear that the Board would be more comfortable with taking action if the Department provided what the Board asked for previously.

Julie Reyes Oda, member of the public, testified on agenda item VI.A, entitled “Board Action on Human Resources Committee recommendation concerning Committee Action on amendment of Department of Education (“Department”) Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, and AS and salary range change.” She testified that this is an example of poor leadership since more than half of the Department’s employees have not reached a contract settlement. Oda stated that if experience matters and is justification for a pay increase then teachers with more experience should be paid more and asked the Board to defer action on leadership compensation until all contracts are finalized.

Board members received written testimony before the meeting. (A listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting is included at the end of these minutes.)

The meeting recessed at 2:15 p.m. and reconvened at 2:20 p.m.

III. Approval of Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2023 Special Meeting; February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting; February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting (executive session); March 2, 2023 Special Meeting; March 2, 2023 Special Meeting (executive session)

Board Chairperson Voss asked Board members to review the Board’s February 16, 2023 Special Meeting, February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting, February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting executive session, March 2, 2023 Special Meeting, and March 2, 2023 Special Meeting executive session minutes.

Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse moved to approve the Board’s February 16, 2023 Special Meeting, February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting, February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting executive session, March 2, 2023 Special Meeting, and March 2, 2023 Special Meeting executive session minutes. Board Member Kuraya seconded.

Board Chairperson Voss asked if there were any objections to the motion. No Board member raised objections, and the motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present (Vice Chairperson Barcarse and Board Members Arakaki, Fallin, Kuraya, McClellan, Moriarty, and Namauʻu).

ACTION: Motion to approve the Board’s February 16, 2023 Special Meeting, February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting, February 16, 2023 General Business Meeting executive session, March 2, 2023 Special Meeting, and March 2, 2023 Special Meeting executive session minutes (Barcarse/Kuraya). The motion carried through unanimous consent from all members present.

IV. Reports of Board Committees, Board Members, and Superintendent

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Committee Chairperson Barcarse reported that at the Human Resources Committee meeting today, there was a robust discussion about leadership salaries, the compensation of all employees in the public education system, the important role complex area superintendent positions play in the system, and how the Department establishes salaries for individual complex area superintendents.

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Committee Chairperson Barcarse explained that the committee’s recommendations would be considered by the Board later in this meeting, and clarified that the actions the committee took today would not change the actual salaries of the individual CAS. He stated that the action increased the range that the superintendent can use to propose salaries for CAS and more details would be provided when the Board takes up the committee’s recommendations.

Board Member and Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Fallin reported that the Committee met on March 2, 2023, approved the minutes from September 1, 2022. She reported that the Committee unanimously approved the Committee on Weights (“COW”) recommendation, with the addition of a member to the committee, received an update on the Department’s capital improvement projects, and received an update on repair and maintenance. Board Member and Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Fallin stated that the Committee spent a lot of time discussing the definition of lapsing funds and noted that the Department anticipates expending all of the $266 million currently marked as lapsing by the deadline. She noted that the Department committed to providing timely updates to the Board and Curt Otaguro, Deputy Superintendent of Operations shared ongoing challenges relating to Kūlanihāko’i High School, and transparent tracking of school initiated projects. Board Member and Finance Committee Chairperson Fallin detailed that the committee asked the Department to provide the Board with information on the impacts of work performance.

Board Member and Commission Outcomes Committee Chairperson Fallin reported that the Committee approved the minutes from October 6, 2022, and focused on two goals, to establish a clear timeline for a path forward so that members could be comfortable with moving forward with information on declined opportunities. She expressed disappointment with the information that was provided by the Commission.

Board Chairperson Voss referred to the written report on the events attended by Board members.

V. Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Voss called for public testimony. No one testified at this time.

VI. Action Items

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Chairperson Barcarse stated that at the Human Resources Committee meeting today, the committee voted to recommend the Board approve a change to the salary range for Complex Area Superintendents in the Board’s Leadership Salary Structure. He stated that the original salary range was $152,250 to $163,750, and the new range would be $165,000 to $205,000. Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Chairperson Barcarse stated that the Board sets the salary ranges for Department leadership, which serve as boundaries for leadership salaries, but it is up to the superintendent to set actual salaries within these boundaries and present them for Board consideration.

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Chairperson Barcarse stated that the committee also recommends that the approval of the new salary range be subject to the Department providing the Board with a detailed plan that contains a methodology to provide current CAS with compensation salary adjustments. He stated that, originally, the superintendent asked that the Board set the salaries for all CAS at $175,000, but the Board declined to adopt this proposal and asked that the Department come back with a system that would allow the superintendent to establish differentiated salaries for individual CAS based on clear criteria. Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Chairperson Barcarse stated that the Department presented its proposal at the meeting today, but it did not meet committee expectations, so the committee is recommending that the Department come back with a detailed plan.

Board Vice Chairperson and Human Resources Committee Chairperson Barcarse moved, on behalf of the Human Resources Committee, to approve the amendment in section III.B of the Leadership Salary Structure redlined in Attachment A of Hayashi’s memorandum dated March 23, 2023 that increases the salary range for CAS, provided that the salary range increase is subject to a detailed plan that contains a methodology to provide current CAS with compensation salary adjustments, and defer any and all other proposed amendments to the Leadership Salary Structure contained in Attachment A.

Board Member McClellan stated that it is unacceptable that CAS have not been provided with an increase in salary for more than two years. She stated that the two items are not exclusive and expressed support for the role of SLP and emphasized that action needs to be taken so that Department employees feel heard and respected.

Board Member Moriarty stated that there is no more important job than preparing the next generation. She noted that she did not see how the pieces of the system Hayashi proposed fit together and that she could not see how Hayashi would address issues for other Department employees. Board Member Moriarty expressed support for the amended motion but noted that Hayashi’s recommendation lacks a clear picture of the entire system.

Board Chairperson Voss expressed support for increased compensation for CASs and asked Hayashi to provide comments on efforts to raise compensation for other Department employees.

Hayashi acknowledged that the Department values SLP and that the Department values all employees. He stated that his recommendation was for an increase in CAS salaries because the authority to establish CAS salaries sits with the Board. Hayashi stated that the Department would continue to work with other government agencies to review what can be done with the processes in place to address the concerns raised in testimony for other employees. He noted that the testimonies are not falling on deaf ears and the expressed appreciation for the efforts and love for our students from all employees.

Board Chairperson Voss echoed comments from Hayashi and noted that the Department is actively working to address compensation issues for all employees who shared concerns with the Board. He noted that discussions are ongoing and Hayashi and his team is working to address the concerns shared by employees.

Board Member Arakaki expressed support for the SLP and other employees like educational assistants for their daily support of students. He emphasized that action needs to be taken to support this group of employees and noted that it is important for the Board to get involved to support compensation adjustments for employees.

Board Member Shanty Asher entered the meeting at 2:39 p.m.

Board Member Arakaki asked for clarification that the motion is that the Board would approve the increased CAS salary range once it received and approved the methodology for establishing CAS salaries. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse confirmed that this was correct.

Board Member Arakaki asked if the timing is appropriate for the Department. Hayashi replied that he would work with OTM.

Board Member Arakaki stated that he would like to make sure that the Board approves the salary ranges. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse clarified that the committee is only recommending conditional approval of the CAS salary range in section III.B. of the Leadership Salary Structure.

Hayashi clarified that the Board is providing conditional approval of the CAS salary range until it approves the methodology for setting CAS salaries. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse confirmed this and stated that the Department did not provide an adequate methodology, so it would need to provide one to get full approval of the CAS salary range.

Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse stated that the committee instructed Hayashi to include three criteria in its methodology: (1) qualifications (2) experience (3) criteria that takes into account the differences between each complex area. Hayashi stated that informal discussions were held with CAS, but that it was difficult to quantify complex area differences. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse offered to have further conversations about possible methodology for setting CAS salaries.

Board Chairperson Voss stated Hayashi would need to provide the methodology and then would also need to provide the proposed compensation for each CAS.

Hayashi asked whether he could present the unique characteristics of each CAS in the executive session. Board Chairperson Voss stated that the Board does not want to know about unique characteristics relating to medical conditions or highly intimate information, because that is the kind of confidential information that would be discussed in executive session. Hayashi expressed concern with providing personal information in a public forum.

Board Member Asher asked how data in CAS evaluations could be extracted and used as a baseline to help with the methodology. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse stated that previous performance can be considered as part of experience, but future evaluations would address the future performance.

Hayashi stated that past performance evaluations would be confidential. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse stated that the expectation is that detailed personnel performance information would not need to be shared, that the criteria could be that the individual consistently performed well.

Board Member Moriarty stated that there needs to be a process to set initial salaries, but that there should also be criteria to move someone along the salary scale once they are in place, which should primarily depend on their performance. Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse stated that the current Leadership Salary Structure already includes a mechanism for increasing salaries based on performance by using evaluations.

Board Member Fallin stated that the Department is working on revised position descriptions, but the position description is a foundational element for determining performance. She requested that Hayashi use the most recent position description when developing the methodology

Board Chairperson Voss called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Vice Chairperson Barcarse and Board Members Arakaki, Asher, Fallin, Kuraya, McClellan, Moriarty, and Namauʻu).

ACTION: Motion to approve the amendment in section III.B of the Leadership Salary Structure redlined in Attachment A of Hayashi’s memorandum dated March 23, 2023 that increases the salary range for CAS, provided that the salary range increase is subject to a detailed plan that contains a methodology to provide current CAS with compensation salary adjustments, and defer any and all other proposed amendments to the Leadership Salary Structure contained in Attachment A (Human Resources Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VII. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Voss adjourned the meeting at 2:56 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Cheri Nakamura
HE’E Coalition
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jeanne IwashitaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Komarey Moss
Red Hill Elementary School, Principal
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Kim Sanders
Ewa Makai Middle School, Principal
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Christie SalvadorVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Laurie Luczak
Stevenson Middle School, Principal
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Kimberly MondenVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Kirsten NakamuraVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Wouldiam MimuraVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Stacey ArizumiVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Joseph Halfmann
Pearl City High School, Principal
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Stephanie PoarchVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Diana ForneyVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Alec MarenticVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jo-Ann Dias-CabrerosVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jamie ChingVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Malia WooVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Helena BrownVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Randy Perreira
Hawaii Government Employee Association, Executive Director
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jon MaedaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Lei TataVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Evangeleen KahueVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Kathleen FrontinoVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Debbie LeonhardVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Chassy-Dee SambajonVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jacie HokoanaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Michael AmoreVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
L. KearnsVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Michelle PilaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Susan ThurberVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Susan Pcola-DavisVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
KananiVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Cathy CostaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Irene YamamotoVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Amanda GarrettVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Erin RodriguesVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Holly HokeVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
R. FongVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Ryna AlvaradoVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Ryan HiraokaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Rani ThomasVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jan EnosVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Lori BriskiVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Jamie KishVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Andrea Franco-FloresVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Tara Wouldiams
Momilani Elementary, Vice Principal
VI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change
Lisa GualdaramaVI.A. Board Action on Committee Action on amendment of Department Leadership Salary Structure: salary establishment process for Deputy, CAS, AS, and salary range change