Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Bill Arakaki
Elynne Chung
Kahele Dukelow
Mary Hattori
Wesley Lo

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson
Ken Kuraya
Makana McClellan

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Ian Haskins, Kamehameha III Elementary School, Principal
Richard Carosso, Lahainaluna High School, Principal
Stacy Bookland, Lahaina Intermediate School, Principal
Ethan Yang, Board Student Representative
Colonel Angenene Robertson, Military Liaison
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Member Kahele Dukelow called the Board of Education (Board) special meeting to order at 1:31 p.m.

Board Member Dukelow noted the absence of Board Chairperson Takumi and Board Vice Chairperson Barcarse and announced that the Board will be seeking nominations to elect a chairman pro tem for the duration of this meeting.

ACTION: Elect Board Member Dukelow to serve as chairperson pro tem. (Arakaki/Chung). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

II. Board waiver of minimum instructional days and hours (pursuant to section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes) for Lahainaluna Complex schools

Board Member Dukelow called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent to provide the Department’s recommendation on the waiver of minimum instructional days and hours (pursuant to section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes) for Lahainaluna complex schools.

Hayashi recommended that the Board grant a waiver of the school days and student hours requirements of Hawaii Revised Statutes §302A-251 for Lahainaluna complex schools. The waiver will allow for King Kamehameha Ill Elementary School, Princess Nahienaena Elementary School, Lahaina Intermediate School and Lahainaluna High School to be closed on August 8, 2024. Hayashi acknowledged that students affected by the Maui wildfires lost many instructional days and recommended closing schools to honor the lives lost due to devastating wildfires to allow families the opportunity to participate in community events. He shared that principals from the Lahainaluna complex area are online and available for questions.

Board Member Dukelow called for testimony on agenda item II. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Lo asked if the Department was aware of any other state or county agency closing and expressed support for the motion. He also asked if the Department has any plans for parents who still need to work while students will not be in school due to the timing of the decision being late. Hayashi replied that he is not aware of any other state or county agency closing and the Department is working with principals into what other resources are available.

Board Member Lo encouraged the Department to review the academic performance for Lahaina schools to mitigate learning loss. Hayashi emphasized the importance of providing academic support and asked principals to share their plans or thoughts regarding academic or social emotional support.

Ian Haskins, Kamehameha III Elementary School, Principal, shared about the summer learning for students to help with the loss of instructional time. He recognized that students need support but also noted that it is an important day of remembrance for the community.

Richard Carosso, Lahainaluna High School, Principal, reiterated comments from Haskins. He noted that the administration needs to prepare for the potential to have a large number of staff not in school on this day to allow those affected to take care of personal family needs.

Stacy Bookland, Lahaina Intermediate School, Principal, also reiterated comments from Haskins and Carosso. She expressed concern on the loss of instructional days and shared about the learning labs at her school to help students.

Board Member Dukelow expressed support for the parents and staff to attend events and noted that the waiver will allow parents to have flexibility as needed.

ACTION: Approve the waiver of minimum instructional days and hours, pursuant to section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for Lahainaluna Complex schools for the 2024-2025 school year, to allow for the closure of schools on August 8, 2024. (Arakaki/Lo). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

III. Adjournment

Board Member Dukelow adjourned the meeting at 1:48 p.m.

List of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting

Agenda Item
Gina JonesII. Board waiver of minimum instructional days and hours (pursuant to section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes) for Lahainaluna Complex schools
Sara Murphy II. Board waiver of minimum instructional days and hours (pursuant to section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes) for Lahainaluna Complex schools
Rebecca WinkieComplex Area Superintendent, Hāna-Lahainaluna-Lāna’i-Moloka’i II. Board waiver of minimum instructional days and hours (pursuant to section 302A-251, Hawaii Revised Statutes) for Lahainaluna Complex schools