Kenneth Uemura, Vice Chairperson
Shanty Asher
Colonel Angenene L. Robertson, Military Representative
Branden Kawazoe, Chairperson, Hawaii Teachers Standards Board
Phyllis Unebasami, Deputy Superintendent, Department of Education
Brian Hallett, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Fiscal Services, Department of Education
Cara Tanimura, Interim Assistant Superintendent, Office of Strategy, Innovation, and Performance, Department of Education
Dale Arakaki, Principal, Pauoa Elementary School, Department of Education
Sean Bacon, Interim Assistant Superintendent, Office of Talent Management, Department of Education
Stacie Kunihisa, Kanoelani Elementary Principal, Department of Education
Linell Dilwith, Complex Area Superintendent, Kaimuki-McKinley-Roosevelt Complex Area, Department of Education
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary
Board Chairperson Payne announced that Board Member Bill Arakaki was participating in the meeting remotely. Board Chairperson Payne and Board Members Kaimana Barcarse, Lynn Fallin, Lauren Moriarty, Kili Namau‘u, and Bruce Voss participated from the public location.
II. Public Testimony on Board of Education (“Board”) Agenda Items
Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony.
Jessica Caiazzo, member of the public, testified on agenda item III.A., Finance and Infrastructure Committee report. She expressed frustration with Board Chairperson Payne’s response when she reached out to her regarding communication issues.
Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified on agenda item III.A., Finance and Infrastructure Committee report. She stated that it would be helpful if the Department of Education (“Department”) broke down central salary balances, noted that the money should go to schools, and commented on the prioritization of health and safety facilities projects.
Cheri Nakamura, HE‘E Coalition, testified on agenda item IV.B., Joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to the Department fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER funds authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARP”) approved by the Board on December 16, 2021. She expressed support for a systematic approach to school improvement, asked for more detail regarding the plan, the plan timeline, and asked what happens when the ESSER funds run out.
Jessica Caiazzo, member of the public, testified on agenda item IV.B., Joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to the Department fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER funds authorized under the ARP approved by the Board on December 16, 2021. She stated that the Department lacks communication, transparency, and accountability and she is asked the Department to release more information.
Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified on agenda item IV.B., Joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to the Department fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER funds authorized under the ARP approved by the Board on December 16, 2021. She stated that the Department is looking to create and fill a total of 32 positions, asked where the Department would find qualified people, stated there was no timeline and that this should be a part of the strategic plan.
Kaleo Nakoa, member of the public, testified on agenda item IV.B., Joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to the Department fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER funds authorized under the ARP approved by the Board on December 16, 2021. He stated that he hopes the Department can continue free lunches with these funds, stated that raised crosswalks around schools will help, and that the Department needs to provide schools with more resources to handle active shooters.
Susan Pcola-Davis, member of the public, testified on agenda item IV.C., recommendation concerning the use of federal funds in the second round of the Education Stabilization Fund’s ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER ARP for Department budget shortfalls in accordance with Board ESSER II and ESSER ARP fund guidance, Section 3.a, adopted on October 21, 2021. She stated that the Department should be asking every school to create a 5-year maintenance plan instead of a 20-year plan, emphasized that the Department should not have students shelter in place during an active shooter situation, and that the Department should provide schools with more active shooter training.
III. Reports of Board Committees
IV. Action Items
Board Member Barcarse moved to appoint Felicia Villalobos as the Executive Director of HTSB for a four-year term effective July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2026, as described in HTSB Chairperson Braden Kawazoe’s memorandum dated May 12, 2022. Board Member Namau‘u seconded.
Kawazoe stated that after a yearlong search, HSTB’s permitted interaction group made the recommendation that HTSB hire Villalobos.
Villalobos stated that if she is approved, she looks forward to continuing to support HTSB, especially honoring the mission and vision to ensure each student has a qualified and licensed teacher. She noted that it will take creativity to address the teacher shortage.
Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Members Arakaki, Barcarse, Fallin, Moriarty, Namauʻu, and Voss).
ACTION: Motion to appoint Felicia Villalobos as the Executive Director of HTSB for a four-year term effective July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2026, as described in Kawazoe’s memorandum dated May 12, 2022 (Barcarse/Namau‘u). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.
B. Board Action on joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to Department’s fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the Educational Stabilization Fund’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (“ESSER II”) and in the third round of ESSER funds authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ESSER ARP”) approved by the Board on December 16, 2021
Board Chairperson Payne called on Board Member and Student Achievement Committee Chairperson Namau‘u to present the joint recommendation from the Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee concerning amendments to the Department’s fiscal plan to use ESSER II and ESSER ARP funds approved by the Board on December 16, 2021.
Board Member and Student Achievement Committee Chairperson Namau‘u moved, on behalf of the Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee, to approve the amendments to the Department's fiscal plan for the use of ESSER II and ESSER ARP funds, as described in Keith Hayashi’s, Interim Superintendent, memorandum dated April 21, 2022.
Board Member Fallin stated that the proposal has potential but will be challenging. She asked about the Department’s strategy of Action-Oriented Data Decision-Making, which is a part of the Department’s ESSER Education Plan, specifically how the Department would know what is successful and whether it should be continued.
Board Member Barcarse left the meeting at 3:31 p.m.
Board Member Moriarty expressed excitement about what the Department shared relating to the specific examples of what success looks like and that the goals will determine whether the Department has the resources can accomplish these goals using these strategies. She stated that she did not hear that responsive capacity building would be consistent across the tri-level system and across the state. Board Member Moriarty noted that teacher retention and recruitment are two areas that will make a difference in student learning.
Board Member Moriarty stated that using a statewide process can help to identify complex area or statewide issues. She asked how the Department can build data systems.
Unebasami stated that a combination of accountability and empowerment at the complex area level is important to determine what schools need to reach the goals.
Board Member Barcarse returned at 3:35 p.m.
Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Members Arakaki, Barcarse, Fallin, Moriarty, Namauʻu, and Voss).
ACTION: Motion to approve the amendments to the Department's fiscal plan for the use of ESSER II and ESSER ARP funds, as described in Hayashi’s memorandum dated April 21, 2022. (Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.
C. Board Action on Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendation concerning the use of federal funds in the second round of the Education Stabilization Fund’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (“ESSER II”) and in the third round of ESSER Funds authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ESSER ARP”) for Department of Education (“Department”) budget shortfalls in accordance with Board ESSER II and ESSER ARP Fund Guidance, Section 3.a, adopted on October 21, 2021
Board Chairperson Payne called on Board Member and Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Voss to present the committee’s recommendation concerning the use of ESSER II and ESSER ARP funds for Department budget shortfalls.
Board Member and Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Voss moved, on behalf of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, to approve the use of up to $76 million of ESSER II and ESSER ARP funds in the amounts for the forecasted shortfall for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 described in Hayashi’s memorandum dated June 2, 2022.
Board Chairperson Payne stated that during the committee meeting, there was discussion on misinformation that connected ESSER funds with mask wearing in schools. She noted that the Department confirmed that ESSER funding is not related to mask wearing in public schools.
Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye (Board Members Arakaki, Barcarse, Fallin, Moriarty, Namauʻu, and Voss).
ACTION: Motion to approve the use of up to $76 million of ESSER II and ESSER ARP funds in the amounts for the forecasted shortfall for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 described in Hayashi’s memorandum dated June 2, 2022 (Finance and Infrastructure Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.
V. Late Public Testimony on Board Agenda Items
Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony from any individuals who did not have an opportunity to testify on earlier agenda items. No one testified at this time.
Board Members received written testimony before the meeting. The following is a listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting.
Name | Organization | Agenda Item |
Susan Pcola-Davis | III.A. Finance and Infrastructure Committee Report on: (1) Committee Action on the use of federal funds in the second round of the Education Stabilization Fund’s ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER ARP for Department budget shortfalls in accordance with Board ESSER II and ESSER ARP Fund Guidance, Section 3.a, adopted on October 21, 2021; (2) Presentation on Presentation on how the Department uses FAM and the HI-FIT to implement Board Policy 301-10, Equitable Allocation of Facilities Resources; & IV.B. Board Action on joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to Department’s fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the Educational Stabilization Fund’s ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER ARP approved by the Board on December 16, 2021 | |
Cheri Nakamura | HE’E Coalition | IV.B. Board Action on joint Student Achievement Committee and Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendations concerning amendment to Department’s fiscal plan to use federal funds in the second round of the Educational Stabilization Fund’s ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER ARP approved by the Board on December 16, 2021 |
Derek Bishop | IV.C. Board Action on Finance and Infrastructure Committee recommendation concerning the use of federal funds in the second round of the Education Stabilization Fund’s ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER ARP for Department budget shortfalls in accordance with Board ESSER II and ESSER ARP Fund Guidance, Section 3.a, adopted on October 21, 2021 | |
Thomas Milcarek | III.A. Finance and Infrastructure Committee Report on: (1) Committee Action on the use of federal funds in the second round of the Education Stabilization Fund’s ESSER II and in the third round of ESSER ARP for Department budget shortfalls in accordance with Board ESSER II and ESSER ARP Fund Guidance, Section 3.a, adopted on October 21, 2021; (2) Presentation on Presentation on how the Department uses FAM and the HI-FIT to implement Board Policy 301-10, Equitable Allocation of Facilities Resources |
VI. Adjournment
Board Chairperson Payne adjourned the meeting at 3:59 p.m.