Queen Liliuokalani Building
1390 Miller Street, Room 404
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson
Bill Arakaki, Vice Chairperson
Elynne Chung
Kahele Dukelow
Ken Kuraya
Wesley Lo
Makana McClellan

Kaimana Barcarse
Mary Hattori

Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, Department of Education
Elizabeth Higashi, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Strategy, Innovation and Performance, Department of Education
Ethan Yang, Board Student Representative
Colonel Angenene Robertson, Military Liaison
Capsun Poe, Board Executive Director
Wimmie Wong Lui, Board Analyst
Lady Garrett, Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Roy Takumi called the Board of Education (Board) special meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.

II. Report of the superintendent

A. Updates on student transportation;
B. Operational updates relating to teacher paychecks;
C. Official enrollment count for the 2024-2025 school year; and
D. Awards and recognitions for students, employees, and/or schools

The Board took agenda items II.A., II.B., II.C. and II.D. together.

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Keith Hayashi, Superintendent, to provide the report.

Updates on student transportation
Hayashi reported that regarding student transportation the Department of Education (Department) continues to make progress on restoring previously suspended bus routes. He expressed appreciation to Governor Josh Green for extending the emergency proclamation to allow to assist with the restoration of 109 routes. The Department is actively working to restore the remaining 29 suspended routes.

Operational updates relating to teacher paychecks
Hayashi reported that all teachers impacted were paid in full on September 20, 2024. The Department offered placeholder payments to the 419 Department teachers and 100 charter school teachers and contracted a third-party external auditor to conduct a review of the teacher paycheck delays.

Official enrollment count for the 2024-2025 school year
Hayashi reported that a total of 165,340 students are enrolled in Hawaii public and charter schools. The five largest schools include Campbell High School, Waipahu High School, Mililani High School, Farrington High School, and Moanalua High School. Seven schools have less than 100 students for this school year which include Ni’ihau High & Elementary School, Hawaii School for the Deaf & Blind, Maunaloa Elementary School, Olomana School, Kilohana Elementary School, Waiahole Elementary School, and Ho’okena Elementary School. The decline in enrollment aligns with statewide demographic trends including in-state births.

Awards and recognitions for students, employees, and/or schools
Hayashi congratulated Bryan Silva of Kalani High School who is the 2025 teacher of the year and will represent Hawaii at the National Teacher of the Year Program. Hayashi also congratulated Koko Head Elementary, and Mililani ‘Ike Elementary School for being named as 2024 National Blue Ribbon schools which honors schools for progress being made to close achievement gaps. The Joint Venture Education Forum (JVEF) celebrated 25 years in a partnership with the Department to support high quality education with an emphasis for military dependent students who continually transition to new schools. He recognized Kalani High School and Kailua High Schools for being named as a Hawaii School of Democracy which requires a unanimous approval and is a testament to the dedication these schools put forth to promote democracy. The Access to Justice Commission sponsored an essay contest and awarded public high school students as follows: Board Student Representative Ethan Yang of Kaiser High School, Jazmine Adolfo of Kea’au High School, Jeremiah Magallones, of Nanakuli High School, Rowan Satta-Ellis of Konawaena High School, Daphne Takahashi of Maui High School.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

III. Student Achievement Committee oral report on September 19, 2024, meeting

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Student Achievement Committee Chairperson Bill Arakaki to provide the oral report on the meeting held on September 19, 2024.

Board Vice Chairperson Arakaki reported that the Student Achievement Committee met on September 19, 2024. The Committee heard from the Department of Education on strategic plan key performance indicators through its Strive HI 2024 report, the statewide snapshot of annual school performance system results. The Committee also heard from the Department on its proposal to revise Board Policy 500-8 (Accreditation of Schools).

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

IV. Human Resources Committee oral report on October 22, 2024, meeting

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Human Resources Committee Chairperson Wesley Lo to provide the oral report on the meeting held on October 22, 2024.

Board Member Lo reported that the Human Resources Committee met on October 22, 2024. The Committee discussed and recommended, for Board action, the superintendent evaluation process for this current school year, the 2024-2025 school year. The Committee also heard from the Department regarding salary adjustments for deputy superintendents, assistant superintendents, and complex area superintendents, and voted to recommend the adjustments for Board action.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

V. Finance and Infrastructure Committee oral report on October 22, 2024, meeting

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Ken Kuraya to provide the oral report on the meeting held on October 22, 2024.

Board Member Kuraya reported that the Finance and Infrastructure Committee met on October 22, 2024. The Committee heard from the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) regarding its operating and capital improvement projects budget requests for fiscal biennium 2025-2027, and voted to recommend them for Board action. The Committee also heard from the Department regarding its operating and capital improvement projects budget requests for fiscal biennium 2025-2027, and voted to recommend approval for Board action.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

VI. Hawaii State Public Library System's operating budget and capital improvement projects request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Stacey Aldrich, State Librarian to present the Hawaii State Public Library System’s operating budget and capital improvement projects request for fiscal biennium (FB) 2025-2027.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve the Hawaii State Public Library System's operating budget and capital improvement projects request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027, as explained in State Librarian Stacey Aldrich’s memorandum dated October 22, 2024. (Finance and Infrastructure Committee/no second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VII. Department of Education's operating budget request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Ken Kuraya to provide the recommendation on the Department of Education’s operating budget request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027.

Board Chairperson Takumi noted that the Board will amend the recommendation to restore funding of the learning centers and given the context and timing this is not the appropriate time to change the status quo will be kept and it will continue to be funded as previously.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony on agenda item VII.

Peter Bossen, member of the public, testified in support of learning centers and shared that it was a place to incorporate creativity and the media learning center serves as common ground for many students.

Harry P, member of the public, testified in support of their written testimony submitted.

Noa Hunter, member of the public, testified in support of their written testimony submitted.

Elizabeth Baker, member of the public, testified in support of learning centers and she requested that the Board oppose the budget reduction to shift funding responsibilities from the state to the school level would shift schools –asked to examine the intention versus the impact of the lives of students.

Nathan P, member of the public, expressed appreciation that funding will continue status quo and it is his life goal to

The meeting recessed at 1:45 p.m. and reconvened at 2:31 p.m.

Board Member Arakaki left the meeting.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony.

Chadwick Kamei, member of the public, testified in support of learning centers.

Michael Nakasone, member of the public, testified regarding the learning center programs and expressed support for the performing arts. He asked that the Department not take away programs which give students opportunities.

Matt Lopresti, member of the public, testified in opposition to the reduction to learning center funding and shared that this will kill the arts program statewide which is unacceptable.

Carla Kirk, Hawaii Performing Arts Center, expressed appreciation for the decision to go back to the status quo for learning centers and emphasized that arts is not available for children.

Della Au Belatti, member of the public, testified regarding the budget reduction to special education (SPED) services, Hawaiian studies, categorical studies, and services for autism. She expressed concern about the reductions due to the actions of the Legislature and asked the Board to scrub the recommendations.

Board Member Dukelow stated that the learning centers create space for students who have different challenges in school and by pushing the decision to schools is not ideal. She emphasized that the Board needs to remember that for categorical funding especially for issues of equity these things need to be addressed at the school level. Board Member Dukelow expressed support to consider ways to protect funding for these programs.

Board Member Lo stated that categorical funds are subject to other reductions and it is important to work with complex areas. He encouraged the Department to ensure appropriate ways to drive these initiatives in schools.

Board Member Kuraya stated that there are pros and cons to both sides and there is a need to have support for schools. He stated that the Department looks at the Committee on Weights (COW) recommendations to review programs to determine the viability of the programs in categorical or weighted student formula (WSF). He suggested that the future COW review this so these programs do not become lost in the shuffle.

ACTION: Approve the Department of Education's operating budget request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027, as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated October 22, 2024, with the change to remove the reduction of funds and positions for Learning Centers (as detailed in Row 77 of Attachment A), from the budget request. (Kuraya/McClellan). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

VIII. Department of Education's capital improvement projects budget request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Finance and Infrastructure Committee Chairperson Ken Kuraya to provide the recommendation on the Department of Education’s capital improvement projects budget request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve the Department of Education's capital improvement projects budget request for fiscal biennium 2025-2027, as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated October 22, 2024. (Kuraya/No second required). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IX. End-of-year evaluation of the Superintendent for the 2023-2024 school year

Board Chairperson Takumi stated that the end-of-year evaluation of the superintendent for the 2023-2024 school year, which was deferred from our general business meeting on September 19, 2024. The Board approved the superintendent criteria for the 2023-2024 school year at its December 21, 2023, general business meeting, and made amendments to the timeline at its June 27, 2024, general business meeting. The Board will conduct a two-part evaluation related to the superintendent’s performance on a set of professional standards, and the superintendent’s progress toward meeting targeted goals, specific to the 2023-2024 school year. The Board will provide a rating for each professional standard, and an overall rating for the professional standards component; a rating for each targeted goal, and an overall rating for the targeted goals component; then a cumulative rating that will serve as the primary rating of the superintendent’s performance. In conducting its evaluation, the Board will review and consider Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s self-assessment that he presented to the Human Resources Committee at its August 15, 2024, meeting. Superintendent has also provided additional information for his self-assessment, which can be found in Exhibit C.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve the rating of Superintendent Keith Hayashi on his end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 school year as follows: “Effective” for all professional standards; “Effective” for all targeted goals; and “Effective” for the cumulative overall. (Kuraya/Lo). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

The meeting recessed at 3:10 p.m. and reconvened at 3:18 p.m.

ACTION: Approve the amended rating of Superintendent Keith Hayashi on his end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 school year as follows: “Highly Effective” for professional standard 1 (Visionary Leadership and Organizational Culture); professional standard 3 (Strategic Alignment and Policy Implementation); professional standard 4 (Communication and Community Relations), and professional standard 5 (Equity Advocacy); “Effective” for professional standard 2 (Operations, Resource, and Personnel Management); “Highly Effective” for the overall and cumulative. (Lo/Kuraya). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

ACTION: Approve the amended rating of Superintendent Keith Hayashi on his end-of-year evaluation for the 2023-2024 school year as follows: “Highly Effective” for targeted goal 1 (Three main priority areas of the strategic plan); targeted goal 2 (Workforce readiness and innovation that prepares graduates to be globally competitive and locally committed), and targeted goal 4 (Maui emergency response); “Effective” for targeted goal 3 (Optimization of real estate in support of safe, well-maintained, compliant, clean, and attractive schools to provide a positive and inviting learning environment for students and staff); “Highly Effective” for overall and cumulative. (Lo/Chung). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

Board Member Lo expressed appreciation for the 360 feedback from the stakeholders.

Board Member Chung expressed support for Hayashi and emphasized that the way Hayashi responds to the issues is important. Board Member Dukelow expressed appreciation for Hayashi who does not throw anyone under the bus which takes strength and courage.

X. Action on findings and recommendations of Investigative Committee (a permitted interaction group pursuant to paragraph 92-2.5(b) (1), Hawaii Revised Statutes) investigation concerning performance metrics for the superintendent evaluation

Board Chairperson Takumi invited Board Member Lo to outline the goals of the investigative committee on the proposed superintendent evaluation progress. He stated that the goal is not to have perfect metrics but to support student achievement

Board Chairperson Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

Board Member Kuraya expressed support for the recommendation and stated that this was to make the process organized.

Board Member Dukelow stated that with regards to item II student achievement and the vision of a graduate there needs to be an emphasis that there are two pathways one in English and Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion). She noted that another area is the consolidation study and the Department should look at the schools with inadequate facilities for schools like ānuenue who face challenges with facilities.

Hayashi expressed appreciation for the comments and noted that the Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion) strategic plan is a statewide effort in collaboration with members of the Office of Hawaiian Education. Elizabeth Higashi, Office of Strategy, Innovation and Performance, Assistant Superintendent stated that the Department will report back on the ongoing efforts.

Board Member Lo expressed appreciation for the comments and shared that the structure of the evaluation was to have the Department come back to the Board for the metrics.

ACTION: Approve the metrics for the superintendent evaluation for the 2024-2025 school year as explained in Investigative Committee Chairperson Wesley Lo’s memorandum, dated September 19, 2024, with the changes recommended in Human Resources Committee Chairperson Wesley Lo’s memorandum dated October 31, 2024. (Lo/Kuraya). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XI. Superintendent evaluation process for the 2024-2025 school year

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Committee Chairperson Lo to provide the superintendent evaluation process for the 2024-2025 school year.

Board Member Lo outlined the targeted goals and explained that the Human Resources Committee, at its meeting on October 22, 2024, discussed and recommended for full Board action, other aspects of the superintendent evaluation process, including: an evaluation of the superintendent’s fulfillment of duties and responsibilities as per his contract; discussion of particular topics during the evaluation; a rating scale; and timeline.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Human Resources Committee, I move that the Board approve the process for the superintendent evaluation for the 2024-2025 school year as explained in Human Resources Committee Chairperson Wesley Lo’s memorandum dated October 31, 2024, which would be in addition to any metrics adopted by the Board for the superintendent evaluation based on the recommendations in Investigative Committee Chairperson Wesley Lo’s memorandum dated September 19, 2024. (Human Resources Committee/No second needed). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XII. Salary adjustments for deputy superintendents, assistant superintendents, and complex area superintendents

Board Chairperson Takumi called on Committee Chairperson Lo to provide the salary adjustments for deputy superintendents, assistant superintendents, and complex area superintendents.

Board Member Lo stated that at the Human Resources Committee meeting on October 22, 2024, Superintendent Keith Hayashi and his team explained the need for salary adjustments for Department leadership employees for the 2024-2025 school year. The Committee voted to make the recommendation in the affirmative to the full Board.

Board Chairperson Takumi called for testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Approve adjustments to the salaries of the subordinate superintendents, as explained in Superintendent Keith Hayashi’s memorandum dated October 22, 2024. (Human Resources Committee/No seconded needed). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XIII. Designation of Board members to an ad hoc committee [a permitted interaction group pursuant to section 92-2.5(b) (2), Hawaii Revised Statutes] concerning 2025 legislative session

Board Member Takumi called for public testimony. No testimony was provided.

ACTION: Authorize the creation of the 2025 legislative ad hoc committee as a permitted interaction group formed pursuant to section 92-2.5(b)(2), Hawaii Revised Statutes, with the charge and authority defined in Board Chairperson Takumi’s memorandum dated October 31, 2024: (1) Appoint Board Chairperson Takumi and Board Members Arakaki, Kuraya, and McClellan as members of the ad hoc committee, with Board Chairperson Takumi serving as chairperson of the committee; and (2) Adopt the legislative policy positions explained in Board Chairperson Takumi’s memorandum dated October 31, 2024. (Kuraya/Dukelow). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

XIV. Announcements

Board Chairperson Takumi expressed appreciation to Colonel Angenene Robertson with us as our military representative. Colonel, we congratulate you on your many accomplishments during your tenure, and now your retirement. Thank you for your contributions to the work of the Hawaii State Board of Education as military liaison, working in partnership with us to help our students succeed.

Colonel Robertson shared that she started in March 2021 and expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. She shared that it has been amazing working with the Board and Hayashi.

XV. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Takumi adjourned the meeting at 3:47 p.m.

For written testimony see the following links:

2024-10-31 GBM testimony

2024-09-19 (agenda item IX testimony)