Thursday, October 1, 2020
*The Board did not meet at a physical location. As part of the response to the threat of COVID-19, Governor David Ige issued a Thirteenth Supplementary Proclamation dated September 22, 2020, suspending Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92, Public Agency Meetings and Records, to the extent necessary to enable boards as defined in Section 92-2, to conduct meetings without any board members or members of the public physically present in the same location, among other things.

Catherine Payne, Chairperson
Kenneth Uemura, Vice Chairperson
Shanty Asher
Kaimana Barcarse
Margaret Cox
Lynn Fallin
Kili Namauʻu
Dwight Takeno
Bruce Voss
Colonel Sharon Stehlik (military representative)
Hunter Harris (student representative)


Phyllis Unebasami, Deputy Superintendent
Heidi Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Student Support Services
Alison Kunishige, Executive Director
Kenyon Tam, Board Analyst
Regina Pascua, Executive Secretary

I. Call to Order

Board Chairperson Catherine Payne called the Board of Education General Business Meeting to order at 1:31 p.m.

II. Public Testimony on Board of Education (“Board”) Agenda Items

Board Chairperson Payne called for public testimony. The following people provided remote oral testimony.

Agenda Item
Julie Reyes OdaIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsComments
Osa TuiHawaii State Teachers Association III.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Corey RosenleeHawaii State Teachers AssociationIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Paul DaughertyHawaii State Teachers AssociationIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Keoki FraserHawaii State Department of EducationIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Cheri NakamuraHE‘E CoalitionIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Caroline BatuleIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Sarah GuayIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Amy PerrusoHawaii State House of RepresentativesIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Debbie AndersonIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Kainoa LopezJames Campbell High SchoolIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Esther KanehailuaIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Micah VerdaderoJames Campbell High SchoolIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComments
Stephen O'NealIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport

Julie Reyes Oda testified on the directives regarding telework availability for teachers and expressed concerns about denials of telework and the Department of Education’s (“DOE”) changes to telework guidelines. She noted that the DOE needs more guidance regarding telework.

Osa Tui, Hawaii State Teachers Association (“HSTA”), testified in support of the directives regarding telework availability for teachers. He noted that inconsistent administering of telework has eroded teacher morale.

Corey Rosenlee, HSTA, testified in support of the directives regarding telework availability for teachers and the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the Department of Health’s (“DOH”) Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (“DOH Guidance”). He expressed appreciation for requiring distance learning until the DOE incorporates the Board’s proposed criteria. Rosenlee stated that leaving discretion to complex area superintendents (“CASs”) is capricious and does not make sense in health crisis.

Paul Daugherty, HSTA, testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. He noted that the DOH’s metrics do not include other key U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) metrics.

Keoki Fraser, Aikahi Elementary School, testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. He stated that the school level is torn between providing face-to-face instruction while keeping people safe. Fraser expressed concern about the social-emotional impact on students that the school system cannot see. He also expressed concern about the DOH’s ability to support schools.

Cheri Nakamura, HE‘E Coalition, testified in support of the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. She noted that the proposed directives attempt to provide transparency and guidance to schools.

Caroline Batule testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. She stated that school administrators are burdened to make decisions that should be made at the district level and noted that the state level should have developed a plan.

Sarah Guay testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. She requested an option for parents who want to send their children back to school. Guay stated that it is unclear who makes decisions on clear safety standards. She noted that distance learning is not working for her children.

Amy Perruso, Hawaii State House of Representatives, testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. She expressed concern about the adoption of the DOH’s parameters because they are not aligned to the CDC’s guidance. Perruso asked the Board to work with the DOH to develop new metrics.

Debbie Anderson testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. She expressed concerns about sanitation in school bathrooms.

Kainoa Lopez, James Campbell High School, testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. He stated he has safety concerns about reopening schools.

Esther Kanehailua testified in opposition to the directives regarding telework availability for teachers. She stated that the implication of the directives is that the school system would be saying that schools are not safe enough for students. Kanehailua asked the Board to trust its principals to know what is best for their schools. She noted that telework is a managerial right.

Micah Verdadero, James Campbell High School, testified on the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. He stated he has safety concerns about reopening schools. Verdadero stated that online classes are not worth the money and the money the DOE is spending on online classes could be used to make schools safer. He stated that schools should open up for classes that rely on in-person instruction the most, such as physical education and woodshop.

Stephen O'Neal testified in support of the directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. He stated he supports clear metrics for reopening But expressed concern about the DOH trying to make metrics appear areas less risky.

Board members received written testimony. The following is a listing of the people who submitted written testimony before the meeting.

Agenda Item
Veronica A. WrightPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
AnonymousN/AIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Bo FrankPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Trisha GushikumaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Heather MosellePublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Michael AllgaierPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Tai BairdPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
J808 TownPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
David BrownPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Mike LandesPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Katherine ShinsatoPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Nelson MaedaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Troy JarrellPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Tracie MurakiPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Jenny MigitaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Chanda TsingPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Angie TannehillPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Catherine CainePublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Carrie YossaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Nohea GooPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Jodi VisserPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020)Oppose
Shelby SternPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Debra MiyakiPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Maureen MenchPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Haley van NoordPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Kelly SurPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Taylor MaryePublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Jodi VisserPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Lisa KeaneyPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Amy PerrusoHawaii State House RepresentativesIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Paul ZinaKauai Complex AreaIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Kimberly ParkPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Kanani Chang-HumphreysPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Ebony WilliamsPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Sheryl OgawaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsComment
Hannah CleggPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Cara RennaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Rebecca HallmanPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Tracie PerryPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Tina TaniguchiPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
RyanPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Andrea LopezPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Bob DavisLeilehua-Mililani-Waialua Complex AreaIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Shakti BricklandPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Jill JacobsPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
AnonymousN/AIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Kileigh SanchezPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Barbara AbayaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Genevieve JavierPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Kiele MariaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Eric IwasakiPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Kristen KimuraPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Beate ArendalePublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Michelle Barber, Rachelle Matsumura, Rory Souza, Kori Takaki, Scott TamuraHonokaʻa Complex PrincipalsIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Stephen and Effie SpieglerPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Holland HendersonPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Taryn ImaiPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Lenn UyedaMaemae Elementary SchoolIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Kaylani PascuaStudentIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Farrah KrovozaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Corey RosenleeHSTAIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Rochelle MahoeFarrington-Kaiser-Kalani Complex AreaIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions Oppose
Kristina HinsonPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Helena CostaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Tristian VillanuevaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Laura AhnNiu Valley Middle SchoolIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Stephanie AnfinsonPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Linell DilwithKaimuki-McKinley-Roosevelt Complex AreaIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Justin BergonioPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Connor StorozykPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Funtanilla Sabas FamilyPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Raimar Bylaardt IIPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Scott MooreWaialua Elementary SchoolIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Dylan KunzPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Jennifer JoPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Ashley de ColignyPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
M. ObayashiPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Jenny MichaelsPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Jennifer WaltonPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Camas CookPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Leanna AgcaoiliPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Sara ChoiPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Sean SmullPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Inga ParkHSTAIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Lynn OtaguroPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Janel HaukPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Lizzy LalibertePublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Maggie HongPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Voncile ChingPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Janette SnellingCAS SnellingIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Katie JaggerPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Susan RoccoSpecial Education Advisory CouncilIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Robin HillPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
JanePublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Jane MccallisterPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Eleanor GonsalvesRoyal Elementary SchoolIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Naomi McCallPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Jessie GarciaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Kris Kosa-CorreiaWaikoloa Elementary and Middle SchoolIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Cheri NakamuraHui for Excellence in EducationIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Tammy HoltPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Emily KleinPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
C. BurghardtPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Richard NakatsuPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Jeenna CanchePublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Angela and Kon XoinisPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Susan Pcola-DavisPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Michael OyamaPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Deborah AndersonPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Mireille EllsworthPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Lauaʻe YPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Adrianne HalePublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Rebecca MarshPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Petra SchatzPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Rochelle MahoeCAS Honolulu DistrictIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Jacob CassensPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Caroline ChampouxPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Celeste EndoPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Chris ShumowPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Salena LeePublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
AnonymousN/AIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
David HuittPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Elizabeth BaclayonPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions Comment
Sarah GuayPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Mikaela LueskowPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Robin YogiCAS DavisIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Marina KeizerPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
AnonymousN/AIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Paula AdamsHawaii Afterschool AllianceIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningComment
Carrie Shoda-SutherlandPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsSupport
Burke BurnettPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Jayden NatividadPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Kylee SullivanPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Melissa VeenstraPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Paula DaianPublicN/AN/A
Dawn DunfordPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Laurie LuczakHokulani Elementary SchoolIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictionsOppose
Ann CrawfordPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningSupport
Liberty FurchgottPublicIII.B. Board Action on directives regarding telework availability for teachers: Board intent, telework approval criteria, and telework termination restrictions
III.C. Board Action on directives regarding Department of Education’s use of Department of Health’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 16, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learning
Amy HarpstritePhysicianIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Julie BarciaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose
Bonnie CampanellaPublicIII.C. Board Action on directives regarding DOE’s use of DOH’s Guidance for Schools COVID-19 (revised as of September 18, 2020), including applicability of Reopening Thresholds and Learning Model Parameters, criteria for transitioning between instructional delivery modes, decisions and notice of transitions, and suspension of transitions to hybrid and in-person learningOppose

III. Action Items
Board Member Lynn Fallin moved to authorize Board Member Margaret Cox to represent the Board in mid-term bargaining with the Hawaii Government Employees Association and to identify and negotiate any changes, exemptions, or modifications to the current Unit 6 collective bargaining agreement as deemed necessary to meet the policies, directives, and objectives of the Board’s July 18, 2020 Reopening Resolution. Board Member Kaimana Barcarse seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss) voting aye.

ACTION: Motion to authorize Board Member Margaret Cox to represent the Board in mid-term bargaining with the Hawaii Government Employees Association and to identify and negotiate any changes, exemptions, or modifications to the current Unit 6 collective bargaining agreement as deemed necessary to meet the policies, directives, and objectives of the Board’s July 18, 2020 Reopening Resolution (Fallin/Barcarse). The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

Board Chairperson Payne proposed that the Board adopt directives regarding telework because the DOE does not appear to be implementing telework in alignment with the Board’s Reopening Resolution.

Board Member Dwight Takeno moved to adopt the following directives regarding telework for teachers and direct the Superintendent to incorporate them into instructions provided to schools regarding telework for the 2020-2021 school year: Board Member Barcarse seconded the motion.

Board Member Cox expressed her apprehension regarding the concept of the Board issuing directives regarding a specific DOE program because it seems more like directing operations and less like the policy for which the Board is responsible.

Board Member Barcarse stated that he has spoken to CASs and principals, and while there are great stories from all sides about how it can and does work well, it does not appear that telework is being applied consistently. He expressed concern about how telework will affect schools’ ability to move from full distance to hybrid and in-person instruction and proposed addressing this concern by amending the directive to include a provision that would allow the DOE to terminate telework agreements when needed to move into a different learning mode.

Board Member Bruce Voss expressed appreciation for the intent of the directives, but stated that this is not something that the Board should adopt. Principals must have the discretion to determine whether teachers can telework because principals are aware of the needs of the school and students. Board Member Voss proposed amending Directive #2 to replace “will approve” with “should consider the following factors in evaluating requests by teachers to telework” to give principals the discretion they need.

Board Member Cox stated that teachers need to be able to deliver effective instruction in distance learning. Almost all teachers have had at least one quarter of providing instruction in distance learning mode. Because of this, principals should already know whether a teacher can provide effective instruction during distance learning or whether the teacher needs additional supports that can be provided if the teacher is on the school campus. Cox proposed adding a fourth criteria under Directive #2, providing “[t]he teacher and administrator mutually agree that the teacher has demonstrated the ability to provide effective instruction during distance learning and can do so in a sufficiently self-directed manner.”

Board Member Cox also stated that she wanted to clarify that the directives apply to only the distance learning portion of the hybrid learning mode because if the school is in the in-person portion of hybrid learning mode, teachers will need to be in the classroom. She proposed adding another directive, providing “telework during hybrid learning mode only applies to the distance learning portion of hybrid learning.”

Board Member Barcarse proposed an amendment to Directive #2, adding on to the Board Member Voss’s proposed amendment by stating, “and will communicate in writing the reason for the approval or denial of telework.” Board Member Barcarse also proposed language for a new directive that would address the concern he raised earlier regarding ensuring the DOE can easily move from distance learning to hybrid or in-person learning by stating, “administrators can also terminate telework agreements in order to move forward on documented plans for transitioning from distance to hybrid learning and from hybrid to in-person learning.”

Board Member Takeno addressed Board Member Voss and Cox’s concerns regarding Board action on operational matters. Board Member Takeno agreed that these directives are not at the ideal policy-making level on which the Board should be operating, but the Board was waiting for the DOE to address concerns expressed in testimony about the telework program, which it failed to do. The Board received multiple pieces of testimony regarding the inconsistencies, confusion, and lack of transparency in the way the DOE was implementing the telework program.

Board Members discussed whether allowing the DOE to terminate telework agreements when moving between distance learning modes was an expansion of the clarification that the directives only applied to the distance learning portion of hybrid learning mode or it if was a standalone directive. Board Member Voss stated that the proposed amendments by Board Member Barcarse and Board Member Cox cover two different situations and should each be a different directive. Board Member Barcarse’s amendment allows termination of agreements when moving between learning modes while Board Member Cox’s amendment addresses how the directives apply during hybrid learning mode.

Board Member Kenneth Uemura expressed his discomfort with the Board adopting directives because it is not the Board’s responsibility to do so. If the DOE is not acting in alignment with the Reopening Resolution, the Board should ask the DOE why it is not following the resolution and what it needs to do to address it. Board Member Uemura asked Deputy Superintendent Phyllis Unebasami to weigh in and talk about her concerns and recommendations.

Unebasami stated that she supports the amendments being proposed because allowing telework is a challenging decision that requires situational awareness of the needs of both students and employees. The DOE starts with establishing the conditions under which it is serving its students, and then it looks at how it is supporting employees to deliver those conditions. What the recommendation in the memorandum does not consider is how telework is going to provide quality instruction for students. She asked whether the recommendation takes into consideration students that receive special education services who do not do well with distance learning.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that she is always concerned about students, but her greatest concern was the inequity in the telework conversation between teachers and administrators. These directives will help to put guardrails in place so that teachers can feel that they are being treated fairly, no matter what complex area they are in.

Board Member Takeno asked that the DOE consider viewing these directives as applicable to all DOE employees, not just teachers. He expressed his belief that there are employees in other classifications that can telework and should be afforded the same opportunities.

Board Member Voss pointed out that there was a typographical error in Directive #3 where there was a reference to “the DOE,” but the reference should be to “administrators.”

Board Member Cox expressed her increased apprehension about the Board directing the DOE in this manner. She stated that she does not want principals and CASs to feel like the Board is telling them how to do their jobs and that the Superintendent is supposed to be providing this direction.

Board Member Kili Namau’u stated that the Board needs to take action because of all the chaos over the last couple of weeks. She applauded Board Chairperson Payne’s efforts to take action because too many schools have not been addressing this issue equitably. She expressed her belief that it is appropriate for the Board to take this action and all of the discussions she has heard strengthens this belief. Board Member Namau’u stated that the Board’s directives would not take away management duties from the DOE, but would strengthen and clarify them. She stated that having administrators issue the reasons for the decisions in writing is necessary because people have not been communicated to properly. These directives will make it possible for people to move forward.

Board Member Shanty Asher stated that for the past couple of meetings the Board has heard testimony from teachers about how telework was being denied and assurances from CASs that they allow for necessary flexibility. She expressed her belief that the Board’s directives do not take responsibility or authority away from the DOE. Instead, the Board’s directives provide the DOE with a systematic way of approaching telework. She commended Board Chairperson Payne for proposing a solution because the issue kept on coming to the Board.

Board Member Voss addressed Board Member Cox’s point about her apprehension by clarifying that if the Board adopted the amendments discussed, the Board would be directing factors for administrators to consider, but at the end of the day, administrators have the authority to make the decision to approve or disapprove telework for teachers.

Board Member Barcarse moved to amend the main motion to state (new language is underlined, and removed language is bracketed and stricken), “Moved to adopt the following directives regarding telework for teachers and direct the Superintendent to incorporate them into instructions provided to schools regarding telework for the 2020-2021 school year:
1. In accordance with lines 240-243 and 268-273 of the Reopening Resolution, the DOE should ensure there is a comprehensive and thoughtful system of support for teachers, particularly during distance or hybrid learning modes.

Board Member Asher seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the secondary motion. The motion carried with Board Vice Chairperson Uemura and Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss voting aye and Board Member Cox voting nay.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the amended main motion. The motion carried with Board Vice Chairperson Uemura and Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss voting aye and Board Member Cox voting nay.

ACTION: Motion to adopt the following directives regarding telework for teachers and direct the Superintendent to incorporate them into instructions provided to schools regarding telework for the 2020-2021 School Year: The motion carried with Board Vice Chairperson Uemura and Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss voting aye and Board Member Cox voting nay.

The meeting recessed at 3:15 p.m. and reconvened at 3:30 p.m.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that she is proposing the Board adopted directives regarding the DOE’s use of the DOH Guidance. She stated that the DOH released its guidance on September 16, 2020 and that at the time she wrote her memorandum, the DOE had not yet incorporated the DOH’s guidance into its own guidance documents.

Board Chairperson Payne noted that the Board received a great deal of written testimony and that the testimony focused on the non-alignment between the DOH and CDC regarding the reopening of schools guidance, behavior, mask-wearing, cleaning supplies, sanitation, and toilets. Senator Brian Schatz also submitted a letter asking the Board to consider ventilation in classrooms. She stated that, in addition to metrics like the number of cases on each island, the Board needs to have a clear understanding of school readiness. For example, the situation with personal protective equipment (“PPE”), whether it is available to teachers, and especially whether differentiated PPE is available to teachers and educational assistants working with students with special needs where close contact and personal care is required.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura moved to adopt the following positions as the Board’s directives to the DOE on the use of the DOH Guidance and direct the Superintendent to incorporate them into the Reopening Plan, Principal Handbook, and Health and Safety Handbook (as applicable) for the 2020-2021 school year:

Board Member Takeno seconded.

Board Member Fallin stated that Board Chairperson Payne’s memorandum was helpful to understand areas of inconsistency and concern and that it is something that she would expect DOE to continue to do. She stated that the Board should consider adding language to clarify that the DOE should incorporate any subsequent iterations or changes to the DOH Guidance into the DOE’s guidance documents.

Board Member Cox expressed her concern with Metric #12, which provides that no school may change its instructional delivery mode until the Superintendent incorporates the Board’s directives into the DOE’s guidance documents. On Kauai, the CAS told schools to work on their plans for second quarter, and all elementary schools posted on their website when they would start moving into hybrid learning mode. Schools have already sent messages to families asking them if they want to come to school or if students will stay in distance learning mode. Board Member Cox stated that other schools have likely done the same. Directive #12 tells schools that they cannot communicate anything to families, which will only cause more confusion.

Board Member Voss stated that he shared Board Member Cox’s concerns because the proposal oversteps the Board’s role and usurps the superintendent’s management role. He asked Unebasami whether the proposed Board directives would result in a delay in schools reopening.

Unebasami said that the Board directives, as currently written, would create challenges for schools and the models they have planned. She detailed how Directive #3a, which requires consistent enforcement of six feet between individuals on school campus, would create issues for schools with medically fragile students that need medical and personal care or students with special needs that require an adult to be in close contact or who require tactile instruction.

Board Member Voss stated that be believed that Directive #13, which requires the superintendent to request a rationale from the DOH on how it determined its Learning Model Parameters, would also delay school reopenings.

Unebasami stated that she sees two major issues. First, the thresholds on the DOH Guidance and second, that DOE’s work may be perceived as being haphazard or unclear. There is a committee focusing on the thresholds in the DOH Guidance, which is led by the DOH and includes the DOE, pediatricians, and private and charter schools. The committee shares how decision-making is happening in schools and the results of different decisions when real data is applied to the metrics. Unebasami expressed her personal opinion that the CDC methodology captures the situation a little better than the DOH Guidance, but CDC was silent on thresholds for types of learning, which is how the DOH Guidance is helping. Unebasami stated that the DOE is continuing to have conversations with the DOH and private and charter schools to get a sense of what is going to be standard across all schools and what is unique to the DOE.

Board Chairperson Payne asked Unebasami whether there is any written documentation to assure the Board that the concerns identified regarding mitigation procedures, specifically PPE and cleaning supplies, are addressed before a school opens.

Board Member Takeno asked about the status of the DOE’s request to have dedicated contact tracers. Unebasami stated that the DOE has made multiple requests both verbally and in writing and as recently as this morning. She said that she was told that there were dedicated contact tracers for the DOE, but she had not met anyone yet. Board Member Takeno expressed his appreciation that the DOE made the request because it is a key component that needs to be in place before schools are reopened. School administrators are not contact tracers, but he is being told that that is what they are being asked to do. Schools need to have the resources and supplies necessary to mitigate spread or potential cases. Board Member Takeno encouraged Unebasami to work with the Governor to see if DOE-dedicated contract tracers can be secured or if COVID-19 funds can be used to hire tracers. Unebasami agreed and stated that the DOE does not contact trace. In the spirit of cooperation, principals have assembled information at the school level and provided it to the DOH. She expressed her hope that the quick attention of school administrators will support the work of contract tracers and help with mitigation efforts.

Board Member Fallin stated that Directives #4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 all impact decisions already made by administrators. She asked whether any are problematic or is not currently in practice, and she asked who is responsible for what at each level of the tri-level system. Unebasami stated that the directives highlighted by Board Member Fallin are, for the most part, consistent with current practice. She went on to detail how specific directives are consistent with current practice.

Directive #5 requires principals to demonstrate that they can implement all mitigation strategies before transitioning from distance learning to hybrid or in-person learning. Unebasami stated that the best place to make this decision is at the school level, but she agreed that school administrators need operational guidance on how to make this decision. Unebasami detailed conversations the DOE had regarding the phrase “must demonstrate” and what it meant to the DOE, which included training all staff and students on mitigation, monthly reminders, a system for monitoring and reporting compliance, verification through documentation, and mitigation and corrective action measures. She stated that the DOE is waiting for the Board to make decisions before it finalizes these conversations.

Directive #6 requires principals to notify their respective CAS, but does not require approval when they move their schools from in-person learning to hybrid or distance learning. Unebasami expressed her concern with this directive because the decision to close a school during an emergency is made by the principal, but the principal must check with the Superintendent when making this decision. She requested that this directive be changed so that the principal would notify and collaborate with the principal’s respective CAS when closing a school.

Directive #7 requires schools transitioning from one instructional delivery mode to another to provide families and school staff with at least one-week notice before implementing the transition. Unebasami stated that families need as much advance notice as possible, so she asked that the directive be amended to reflect a requirement of a minimum two-week notice. Board Member Fallin asked whether a two-week notice was standard. Unebasami referenced the DOE’s Return to Learn: School Reopening Plan Principal Handbook (“Principal Handbook”), which required a three-week notice, but at the time the document was drafted, DOE did not know how fast things could change. A two-week notice seems to address the worst case scenarios.

Board Member Fallin inquired as whether the directives that are consistent with DOE practice are noted in any DOE documents and whether it would be redundant for the Board to adopt directives if the schools are already doing these things. Unebasami stated that they have a draft document and processes, but they are not published openly yet because she wants to make sure there is shared agreement among leadership before taking this to community stakeholders. She stated that she also wanted to make sure that unions have a chance to review these documents before they are released, especially when schools need to change models and working conditions.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that it is not clear how schools will demonstrate they are ready to open, which is in part related to the uniqueness of schools. She asked whether the DOE differentiated between the complexes in the complex area since some complexes are different from the others in their complex area.

Unebasami stated that the DOE has determined there is a set of PPE and supplies that need to be available at schools for particular functions. The question the DOE is currently grappling with is how to ensure schools have adequate supplies when the DOE is trying to establish a baseline of what it means to have 60 days of supplies in every school. The DOE has been collecting data on this and working with the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency on establishing a burn rate, which is how quickly PPE and supplies are used. Unebasami stated that the DOE needs a lot of data, experiences, and formulas to make sure it is making the correct adjustments, but it is difficult to know whether the DOE’s numbers are accurate when most schools are not currently in in-person learning mode.

Heidi Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Student Support Services stated that additional PPE is necessary for staff that work with students with unique needs, like personal care. This additional equipment is not currently described in the Principal Handbook, but it should be included to make it clear. She detailed that she looked at the data regarding medically fragile students and found that most are in fully self-contained classrooms with adults and other students, so it is not possible to socially distance. She detailed one example of a classroom with medically fragile students, which had 11 students, three teachers, two skilled nurses, and five occupational therapists in a classroom. Of the 11 students, six had opted for distance learning. When looking at these numbers, the DOE needs to look at the size of the room. If the students are not safely distanced, then the DOE will need to address the situation, but it cannot do this with blanket statements.

Board Chairperson Payne asked whether what Armstrong just described is something schools have to document before reopening and asked what is expected for schools to have in place before transitioning out of distance learning. Armstrong stated that the leadership team drafted a set of core assumptions and what she described is included in these core assumptions.

Board Member Takeno requested that the Board consider the motion on the table. He noted that Board Members raised concerns with Directives #12 and 13, but that it appeared the remaining directives were ready for consideration. Board Chairperson Payne stated that there were other amendments requested, including an amendment to Directive #6 to require CAS approval, an amendment to Directive #7 to change the notice requirement from one week to two weeks, and amendment to Directive #3 to address the needs of medically fragile students and students with special needs, an amendment clarifying that any iterations or changes to the DOH Guidance would be incorporated into DOE guidance documents, and an amendment to Directive #8 to allow schools to move between distance learning and hybrid or in-person more frequently if there is possible exposure that is subsequently found to be unsubstantiated. She also stated that issues relating to Directives #12 and #13 are difficult to address.

Board Member Voss asked Unebasami whether it would be better for principals to present their plans to move to distance learning to a CAS instead of using the phrase “must demonstrate” in Directive #5. Board Chairperson Payne asked whether using the phrase “must demonstrate” leaves enough flexibility for the DOE to find the best way to demonstrate, versus a specific action of presenting a plan. Unebasami stated that keeping the phrase “must demonstrate” is fine if the DOE is able to share with the Board the ways in which schools are demonstrating, which includes Board Members visiting to see school operations, not just in reports. She said that they could create the specifications for this and share it. The question was just to validate that the Board finds the way that they are thinking about the phrase “must demonstrate” acceptable.

Board Member Takeno asked whether removing the word “potentially” from Directive #8 would address Unebasami’s concern when a school moves to distance learning based on potential exposure that is later found to be unsubstantiated. Unebasami stated that she believed it would address the concern.

Board Chairperson Payne asked whether DOE expects schools that turned in their plans to reopen have documentation showing they meet the DOH Guidance for reopening schools. Unebasami expressed her belief that CASs are working with schools right now and stated that listening to the Board’s discussions informs her that the Board expects written documentation and that she can see the value of this. Going forward, Unebasami stated that DOE would need to discuss where it keeps this written documentation in the tri-level system and how it is used. She wanted to make clear how the decisions are being made and document how these decisions are being made.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that the most controversial provision is Directive #12, which would prohibit any school from changing learning mode until the DOH Guidance is incorporated into DOE guidance. She clarified that this provision would not stop what schools are doing now with medically fragile students or its learning hubs. Board Member Cox stated that it is not helpful to push schools backwards, which is what this directive would do, and would add more confusion to an already confusing situation.

Board Member Cox asked how quickly the DOE could incorporate the DOH Guidance and reissue its guidance documents. Unebasami listed several things that needed to occur in order to incorporate the DOH Guidance, including making sure everything is clear at a leadership level so there is unified messaging, talking to community stakeholders and three different unions so they are aware of any changes, and making sure people understand what the new language means. She concluded that incorporating the DOH Guidance is not just a matter of wordsmithing documents.

Board Member Voss again expressed his concern about whether the Board should be issuing directives, but if the Board decides to proceed, he stated that Directives #12 and #13 need to be removed.

Board Member Takeno said that he is pleased to hear that Unebasami referenced the contractual and legal obligations the DOE has to the unions because that has been a major point of contention. He stated he expects the DOE will hold itself to the standards Unebasami described and will be consulting with the unions to ensure they are aware of any changes.

Board Chairperson Payne stated that it sounds like the Board trusts the DOE will move forward with reopening plans and will assume that the DOH Guidance will be incorporated at some point in the process. Board Member Fallin stated that she appreciates the need for schools to move forward and that some have begun to implement.

Board Members discussed how to proceed with amendments to the motion. Board Vice Chairperson Uemura requested to withdraw his motion. Board Chairperson Payne asked if there was any objection to withdraw the motion. There were no objections, and the motion was withdrawn. Board Members then went through the directives to capture any proposed revisions, which are described below.

Board Members reviewed a revision to the preamble of the proposed motion to delete the stricken language and add the underlined language, as follows, “[m]oved to adopt the following positions as the Board’s directives to the DOE on the use of the DOH Guidance and its subsequent iterations and direct to the Superintendent to incorporate them into the Reopening Plan, Principal Handbook, and Health and Safety Handbook (as applicable) for the 2020-2021 school year. There was no further discussion regarding the amendment.

Board Chairperson Payne detailed the previously proposed amendment to Directive 3.a. to delete the stricken language and add the underlined language, as follows, “[s]uccessfully implement and consistently enforce at least six feet of physical distance between all individuals on campus at all times; to the greatest extent possible, excepting special situations and accommodations for students that require close contact care” There was no further discussion regarding the amendment.

Board Members discussed revising Directive 3.c. to delete the stricken language and add the underlined language, as follows, “[i]mplement to the greatest extent possible proper ventilation strategies as outlined in the DOH Guidance (page 10) for any indoor area on a campus that will be occupied by more than one person[.]” Board Member Takeno stated that if Directive 3.c. is a safety standard, then it should not be amended. Board Member Voss argued for incorporating the “to the greatest extent possible” language because all schools and administrators will make their best efforts and that this directive should not be used to stop schools from opening. Board Member Fallin stated that she was fine with “to the greatest extent possible” language because there was specific language in the Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Hawaii Board of Education and Hawaii State Teachers Association (SY 2020-2021 COVID-19 Response), signed by DOE and HSTA on July 13, 2020 (“HSTA MOU”) regarding Directive 3.a. and wearing face coverings. She pointed out that the language in the directive is consistent with the HSTA MOU and acknowledges that there are situations where it is not possible to follow guidelines because of physical limitations or student needs. Unebasami detailed the DOH Guidance on ventilation and stated that it is possible that every school can implement mitigation efforts without challenges, but pointed out that for the past couple of years, the DOE has focused on reducing heat in classrooms with air conditioning. Ventilation requires opening windows and doors. If schools keep the air conditioning on, then it creates an energy management issue, but if they turn it off, temperatures will rise in classrooms. Unebasami stated that schools must face the dilemma of balancing safety with learning conditions. Board Member Takeno dropped his objection to the “greatest extent possible” language.

Board Chairperson Payne detailed previous conversations about the directives, primarily discussion about what the term “demonstrate” means and that the Board declined to define this term to allow schools the flexibility to determine how they would demonstrate readiness. Board Members discussed how Directive #4 and Directive #6 are connected and detailed previous discussions about requiring principals to obtain approval from their respective CAS instead of just notifying the CAS. Board Chairperson Payne suggested amending Directive #4, as follows, “[p]rincipals must obtain approval from their respective CAS before transitioning their respective schools from distance learning to hybrid or in-person learning or, from hybrid learning to in-person or distance learning, or from in-person learning to hybrid or distance learning” and deleting Directive #6. She stated that this amendment simplifies the process so moving between instructional delivery modes requires CAS approval.

Board Chairperson Payne described the change Unebasami suggested to Directive #7 to add the underlined language, as follows, “[s]chools transitioning from one instructional delivery mode to another must provide families and school staff with at least one two-week notice before implementing the transition unless the transition is in direct response to confirmed or potentially imminent COVID-19 spread in the school or surrounding community[.]” There were no objections from Board Members.

Board Chairperson Payne described the change suggested to Directive #8, deleting the stricken language, as follows, “[t]o reduce undue hardship on families and school staff, schools should not change instructional delivery modes more than once within a four-week period unless the change is in direct response to confirmed or potentially imminent COVID-19 spread in the school or surrounding community[.]” There were no objections from Board Members.

Board Chairperson Payne detailed the various proposals made previously in relation to Directive #12, ranging from modification to deletion. Board Member Voss detailed his concern with the directive, which centered on not allowing schools to change instructional delivery mode; he did not have any issues with the Superintendent incorporating the Board’s directives into DOE guidance documents. He suggested amending Directive #12 to delete the stricken language and add the underlined language, as follows, “[n]o school may change its instructional delivery mode to hybrid or in-person learning until tThe Superintendent shall incorporates the Board’s directives stated herein into the Reopening Plan, Principal Handbook, or Health and Safety Handbook[.]” He asked Unebasami for feedback on his suggested amendment. Unebasami stated that she just wants to ensure the directives do not prevent schools from planning or communicating and that the directives can be incorporated into the guidance documents, provided that they do not penalize schools for moving forward with their school community. Board Member Voss confirmed that the intent of his amendment is to allow schools to move forward with the plans they have made, but still ensure directives are incorporated into DOE guidance documents. Unebasami pointed out that the language in Directive #12, as amended by Board Member Voss’s proposal was similar to the directive preamble. Board Member Voss agreed and suggested deleting Directive #12 because it would be redundant.

Board Vice Chairperson Uemura stated that he did not have an issue with Directive #13, but that if it was deleted, the Superintendent should still be directed to request a rationale from the DOH. Board Member Voss did not have any concerns regarding Directive #13, provided that Directive #12 is deleted because Directive #13 does not include any barriers for schools. Board Chairperson Payne detailed the intent of Directive #13, which is to get assurance that the guidance is based on science, that the DOE can stand on this science when making decisions and be confident in those decisions.

Board Member Barcarse moved to adopt the following positions as the Board’s directives to the DOE on the use of the DOH Guidance and its subsequent iterations and direct the Superintendent to incorporate them into the Reopening Plan, Principal Handbook, and Health and Safety Handbook (as applicable) for the 2020-2021 school year: Board Member Takeno seconded.

Board Chairperson Payne called for a roll call vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously with all members present (Board Vice Chairperson Uemura, Board Members Asher, Barcarse, Cox, Fallin, Namauʻu, Takeno, and Voss) voting aye.

ACTION: Motion to adopt the following positions as the Board’s directives to the DOE on the use of the DOH Guidance and its subsequent iterations and direct the Superintendent to incorporate them into the Reopening Plan, Principal Handbook, and Health and Safety Handbook (as applicable) for the 2020-2021 school year: The motion carried unanimously with all members present voting aye.

IV. Adjournment

Board Chairperson Payne adjourned the meeting at 5:51 p.m.